How to counter a thief.

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Mikey.1456


I shouldnt be saying this because i love the thief class but here you go.

Yes i play a thief and i enjoy the thief but people who havent played one dont know how to counter one. Its very simple to be able to kill a thief. All classes are capable of it, every one knows that thief are a stealth mobile class. If you can find a way the counter that you win. Hmm i wonder how?? Cripple, freeze, stun, immobilize, knockdown, knock-back. If you manage to even land one of these condition you most likely won because it forces us thiefs to use our invisibily skill. Which we use for opener. Every class has multiple skills which allows them to be able to put these type of conditions on a thief.
Conclusion depending on what class your playing get some skill that can apply ether cripple, stuns, knockdown, and more then open with some cc and there you have a dead thief while you walk over there dead corpse laughing. ?

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Mikey.1456


Deff not over powered.

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I don’t agree with what the OP said, but I do agree that other skilled players can fight skilled thieves fairly in 1v1.

I’ve had several fights last 15+m, one in fact lasted like 20-30m because my food and oil dropped.

One was a D/D ele and the other was a wand?/D, both separate fights.

I never downed them and they never downed me. I’ve had fights like this with guardians and warriors too.

I play pretty well when I am not sucking and so do some other people.

That’s why this game is so much fun is because all classes can do well if played by a good player.

An extra 100-200 damage per swing or extra condition really means nothing in the fight… It’s all about skill or at least hitting the right buttons at the right time.

If you are zerging less skill is involved. That’s why thief gets so much hate. Thief can pick on skilless noobs who are part of a zerg because of stealth. They blame it on culling but half the time it’s because they are noobs and aren’t panning at all.

The counter to a “good” thief is being a good player yourself. That is all.

Just another noob thief…

(edited by swinsk.6410)

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Mikey.1456


People who arnt thieve really hate stealth. Stealth is a thief only good thing about them. To be a good player you must have tactic and tactic comes from experience and self learning. Good players can deal with a good theif an their stealth. They use condition just like the ones a mentioned. I witness good player against my thief . I consider myself and excepitional thief 1v1 me. Take it from a real thief on how to counter a thief.

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Thief do his combo , spend his initiative, you are above 30% hp , thief stealth and go away
counter that
no.1 WvW kills

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Loading.4503


the best way to be a thief is well, to be a thief, not the class itself, but you have to be just a sneaky and quick and you gotta adapt and improvise. Guess what, a good thief will be doing all that regardless of his build and your build. But that should apply to everyclass, but imo just applies more to a thief

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: skupuz.6940


Thief do his combo , spend his initiative, you are above 30% hp , thief stealth and go away
counter that

I steal+CnD+backstab then target blink and run into tower.

Counter that…

How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: skupuz.6940



How to counter a thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Moderator.3204


There is already another thread about the thief and if he might be overpowered:

Please use this thread instead, thank you.