How to make d/d viable?
This post is bugged and the asking for nerfs to DP brought on the latest thief nerfs.
Which hurt every other set more than D/P..
Best thing I have done while playing d/d power is to remove all stealth utilts, focus on stun breaks (I run with shadow syep bandits defence and signet of agilty) and disable aa, that way you can focus more on usig death blossom to evade big hits with out being delayed from the aa chain, also your only stealth is cnd wich is used for bs only tbh. There are some mu that are impossible to win like dh, wich counter us anyway and some driods are hard too (lb staff) but once you get use to not hiding in stealth all of the time it’s actually a nice fighter. Dash has more then enough mobilty to out manuver warriors revs are very tricky though, hammer revs are easier to deal with then duel melee rev.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Make a video of real duels, cabbage – I mean that and there’s no snark behind this.
I know/knew quite a lot of D/D thieves and all have given up on this game – most long ago – I actually believe them more than you (again, no snark).
And if you watch my video you’ll find that I’m not using auto attack at all (the option, not the skill)
I can upload a small example tonight before someone interuptd the duel. Thief isn’t the same as it was last year because of the trait changes. I use to run 2/0/6/0/6 d/d, shadow arts were “masters of stealth” yet it’s mainly us the gets screwed over by enemy reveals. At least mesmer has f5 f4 or even f3 or is f2? To interupt the enemy. I watched madvision on s/d and I watched how he used FS on nearly everything hard hitting attack and I also did that too but now I am mimicking the style over to d/d and on some class it works, other it dosnt (yet, thats a l2p but I will get there)
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Just make some new footage – I want to actually see you kill someone with D/D best more than one player.
I don’t get why you tell all others that they need to adapt and learn to play when these people mained D/D thief for years. (again, no snark – I probably should tell you this on TS so you get that I’m totally relaxed)
I can’t but agree a 100% with Jana.
I came back to this game about two weeks ago, after a near 3 years break, just to find that anything x/d is complete and utter kitten now, in no way viable, infact, most people just laugh at you for running it. It makes me tear up to watch d/p getting free and cheesy stealths using dodges, when that build was already silly 2 years ago.. now they made it even more cheesecake to run, while other sets have been nerfed into the ground.
I seriously regret buying HoT, no worse, I wasted 100 euros on the ultimate edition. I was misleaded by friends.
Even if you make it so dagger offhand cannot be blocked or is unaffected by conditions, EVEN then it would still be underpowered compared to all kitten out there, there’s literally builds that kill you with their passives, that’s just insane LoL.
Ran into a druid the other day, first encounter with them, my first thought “what.. the kitten this guy is a tank, walk awaaaaay.”
Of course, speaking from a WvW perspective.
~Laela Blackbird
I should add though, that I don’t mean to bash on D/P~ I just hate how this is the only viable weaponset our class has when I really enjoy the dagger offhand, closing in on an enemy and gaining stealth in a skillful way. SHOULD BE REWARDED, not punished.
That’s just, my view.
I should add though, that I don’t mean to bash on D/P~ I just hate how this is the only viable weaponset our class has when I really enjoy the dagger offhand, closing in on an enemy and gaining stealth in a skillful way. SHOULD BE REWARDED, not punished.
That’s just, my view.
And it’s my turn to agree with you – D/P as it is is fine and maybe even slightly underperforming in comparison to other classes – but in comparison to every other thief set it’s ridiculously OP and that’s the problem.
But – it’s been more than 1 year. We’ve had 2 balance patches since and both just added to the powercreep (not in case of thief) – it seems as if all hope is lost.
And it will be another 4 months for the next power creep balance patch – wooohooo!
Sure are a lot of salty people with a hate kitten for d/d condi in here.
I’ll let y’all into a little secret.
Builds don't have skill. Players have skill