How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Alex Behemoth.4952

Alex Behemoth.4952

So playing WvW I see that the main problem with the thief is the time it takes for the thief to become visible after stealth is over. Many people have caught on to this is and just abuse it to no end. So is there a way to mitigate this. I mean do we just have to wait for the developers to fix this or is there a setting to make them targetable at least?

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


Yes, you can tab target the thief, and watch carefully for the swirls. You can also bind a key to target nearest enemy. Hope that helps.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


Yes, you can tab target the thief, and watch carefully for the swirls. You can also bind a key to target nearest enemy. Hope that helps.

This is not a solution to the problem stated. For example, those swirls will only be visible if the character is not culled.

And you can sometimes tab target to a thief, but it’s not really helpful to be able to do so because by the time you can find them they’re already at a huge advantage or positioned to run if things go bad.

(edited by KirinDave.6451)

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Rakenclaw.3508


Spam autoattack, pbaoe, move diagonally around keeping your back difficult to face, keep turning do they can’t focus on your back. Etc.

I’ve watched a number of videos with many classes playing their classes well and roflstomping over thieves. I really think most people really suck at pvp and would rather blame game mechanics over their own incompetance.

No i don’t think i’m a great pvper either. I suck at it and realize that when i die it’s because i suck and not come up with lame excuses.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: LOCO.1785


those swirls will only be visible if the character is not culled


The swirls are always visible no matter what.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


those swirls will only be visible if the character is not culled


The swirls are always visible no matter what.

I can’t be sure if you’re right or wrong; I’ve never seen them when suffering an attack in a culling situation. I wonder if the Mac beta that I use has worse performance in this situation, or if I just missed them. There is no way for me to tell.

You know that “click on black mist to target” thing? That’s not reliable on the mac beta either.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: LOCO.1785


The black swirl is definitely there, I rely on it when fighting other thieves myself.

I don’t click on the swirl, I’ve always found either using tab or the button that targets the closest foe are best in this situation.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Tab targetting. I play a thief, but I still play against other thieves. Tab targetting is my best friend. After that, I would say try to apply some sort of condition to him such like poison or bleed. The numbers will appear before he does. The numbers render but he doesn’t. It still tells you his exact location though. This is almost foolproof unless they use hide in shadows(the healing skill), which cures both poison and bleed/burning. Also great for identifying mesmers. In fact, sometimes I think have any condition on you will give you a huge advantage over mesmers.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Of course in WvW as you’re tab targetting you’ll get Harpy>Harpy>Doe>Harpy>Thief>Harpy kitten I SPAMMED IT TOO FAST> Dead

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Slic.2406


1) Stop reacting slowly and being bad/slow in general.

2) Get good framerate/performance, so you at least eliminate the tool/hardware-end of being BAD.

3) Stop ****ing lagging.

4) Stop ****en lagging.

5) If you can’t stop lagging, then know that even if that thief rendered instantly, you’d still have a ridiculous skill-usage delay, and their attacks would hit you several seconds before they show up/register on your end, rendering the whole ‘culling’ issue moot.

Oh, and-


P. S. I know that I place a lot of importance on lag, but bear with me here. The ONLY time I had culling issues in small fights vs thieves was.. Take a guess. When I was LAGGING and had more than 150-200 ping. And I’ve been in a lot of fights. And I mean a WHOLE LOT.

(edited by Slic.2406)

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Bootysweat.2371


best way to stop a majority of the culling issues in this game is to pan your camera, hes probably just standing behind you lol

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


The ONLY time I had culling issues in small fights vs thieves was..

There’s the thing, you go around looking for small fights away from any real objectives (I skimmed a few of your vids after reading your post). Culling happens even if you’re not part of the zerg but within range of say a fight happening at a supply camp down the road with 35+ players and you’re running supply back to the keep when a thief jumps you and is summarily invisible the entire time he’s attacking because he has his timing down with restealthing immediately when revealed drops. Yes, this is at a consistant 60fp with 35-50 ping.

The devs have admitted culling is a real issue with thieves. Many of us have first hand experience with it on both ends (I have a 35 thief that I’ve taken down 2-3 80’s with before purely through abusing the way culling affects restealth timing). It’s not some issue that can just be waved off with “Oh you’re just bad and lagging, go upgrade noob”.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Bootysweat.2371


im pretty sure the devs have admitted there is a problem with culling but I don’t think they have said it specifically affects thieves. I play on a laptop and I have had some culling issues in zerg fights over keeps where a majority of the enimies where invis but it happens not very frequently after playing with a bunch of people I have noticed a majority of the culling issues evolving around thieves are that people just don’t realize that thieves are posistional and usually pop up behind them and they never turn around Oo even some of my friends do it. OMG that thief was just using the culling bug….. umm no he was shooting you in the back by the time you turned around he went back in stealth and started shooting you in the back again..

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


Spam autoattack, pbaoe, move diagonally around keeping your back difficult to face, keep turning do they can’t focus on your back. Etc.

I’ve watched a number of videos with many classes playing their classes well and roflstomping over thieves. I really think most people really suck at pvp and would rather blame game mechanics over their own incompetance.

No i don’t think i’m a great pvper either. I suck at it and realize that when i die it’s because i suck and not come up with lame excuses.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


yes how DUMB of the rest of us to not be able to target the invis thief omg why didn’t anyone else think of that !! TAB targeting does nothing if the thief is not rendered u moron u still wont see him until he is re-rendered wow how stupid r u…

Yes forget about the mechanics its all in our heads….

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Aervius.2016


yes how DUMB of the rest of us to not be able to target the invis thief omg why didn’t anyone else think of that !! TAB targeting does nothing if the thief is not rendered u moron u still wont see him until he is re-rendered wow how stupid r u…

Yes forget about the mechanics its all in our heads….

The big red target cursor on the ground doesn’t scream “here I am!” to you?

Kolt – Human Thief

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


its doesnt matter when u cant see ur target from the first atk and then after the first atk u still cant see him tab targeting someone u dont know in which direction he is wont save u from a 9k bs. any thief video makes it so plain how broken the class mechanics are…

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

its doesnt matter when u cant see ur target from the first atk and then after the first atk u still cant see him tab targeting someone u dont know in which direction he is wont save u from a 9k bs. any thief video makes it so plain how broken the class mechanics are…

Holy cow. Please put some effort into your posts.

This is basically unreadable.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


whats so hard to understand? steal puts u into stealth. ur opponent cant see u to target u atk and on UR screen come out of stealth on my screen u dont to me ur still invis. thief hits c/d stealth again rinse repeat till opponent dead. stealth to down. opponent wondering who just killed me…. i never saw him.. thats wut pvping a thief is like

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Elmuerto.9840


Considering 27 enemies sometimes just disappear off my screen and I have premium dedicated broadband and a decent pc I think this is currently a problem with no answer.

I’m a thief and I don’t play that style, but its there, the culling. All I ask is if you’re a thief who insists on capitalising on this major BUG don’t run around WvW emote/laughing…you probably haven’t taken me out but possibly have taken out 5 noobs, nothing to be proud of when they can’t see you.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


You can’t really mitigate it. Spamming closest target only helps on some occasions but in many tests even that is buggy and won’t lock onto the invisible thief that is out of stealth.

People are exploiting this issue and have figured out ways to stay completely invisible throughout the whole fight. I won’t name the certain commanders/guilds on other servers I’ve seen doing this. It’s exploiting right now and it’s up to Arenanet to fix it. I’m not holding my breath.

1) Stop reacting slowly and being bad/slow in general.

2) Get good framerate/performance, so you at least eliminate the tool/hardware-end of being BAD.

3) Stop ****ing lagging.

4) Stop ****en lagging.

5) If you can’t stop lagging, then know that even if that thief rendered instantly, you’d still have a ridiculous skill-usage delay, and their attacks would hit you several seconds before they show up/register on your end, rendering the whole ‘culling’ issue moot.

Oh, and-


P. S. I know that I place a lot of importance on lag, but bear with me here. The ONLY time I had culling issues in small fights vs thieves was.. Take a guess. When I was LAGGING and had more than 150-200 ping. And I’ve been in a lot of fights. And I mean a WHOLE LOT.

You don’t seem to have enough experience with this issue.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Art.9820


I just dont get when culling happens…. Is it when you are fighting a zerg? or it happens when you are on a 1v1 encounter?, to be honest every time I start a 1v1 fight I never see my opponent having trouble on targeting me after I lose invi

All classes

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Pirate.4631


I just dont get when culling happens…. Is it when you are fighting a zerg? or it happens when you are on a 1v1 encounter?, to be honest every time I start a 1v1 fight I never see my opponent having trouble on targeting me after I lose invi

It’s when there are a lot of players or monsters nearby the servers can’t send you all the information about everything being there at once so people can stay invisible until the server decides to load them for you. stealthing seems to reset these so you have to be loaded once again by the server, which can lead to upwards of being invisible 5 seconds or so after you leave stealth.

It’s not a player hardware issue, it is a game engine/server issue.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


1) Stop reacting slowly and being bad/slow in general.

2) Get good framerate/performance, so you at least eliminate the tool/hardware-end of being BAD.

3) Stop ****ing lagging.

4) Stop ****en lagging.

5) If you can’t stop lagging, then know that even if that thief rendered instantly, you’d still have a ridiculous skill-usage delay, and their attacks would hit you several seconds before they show up/register on your end, rendering the whole ‘culling’ issue moot.

Oh, and-


P. S. I know that I place a lot of importance on lag, but bear with me here. The ONLY time I had culling issues in small fights vs thieves was.. Take a guess. When I was LAGGING and had more than 150-200 ping. And I’ve been in a lot of fights. And I mean a WHOLE LOT.

How do you “stop lagging.” What do I tell comcast? Why am I allowed to lag against other classes?

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Spam autoattack, pbaoe, move diagonally around keeping your back difficult to face, keep turning do they can’t focus on your back. Etc.

I’ve watched a number of videos with many classes playing their classes well and roflstomping over thieves. I really think most people really suck at pvp and would rather blame game mechanics over their own incompetance.

No i don’t think i’m a great pvper either. I suck at it and realize that when i die it’s because i suck and not come up with lame excuses.

It’s not a lame excuse, it’s another bug in a long line of bugs that have been in this game since launch.

I’ve been killed by invisible thieves on a number of occasions – this is not a level playing field and it needs to be fixed.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Roughneck.2509


It will never be a level playing field for you if you don’t drop the “save me A-net by nerfing the thief some more” attitude. Plenty of people can kill thiefs competitively because they figured out how to instead of asking the devs for another nerf.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Pirate.4631


It will never be a level playing field for you if you don’t drop the “save me A-net by nerfing the thief some more” attitude. Plenty of people can kill thiefs competitively because they figured out how to instead of asking the devs for another nerf.

Who is asking for thief nerfs here? People want the culling issue fixed. Culling can be abused by anyone that has stealth, it’s just that Thieves have the easiest time abusing it. Culling is not a Thief strength, it is a bug that needs to be fixed.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Roughneck.2509


I definately misread the post above mine. Culling does need to be fixed, I got this thread and another one mixed up in my head.

How to mitigate culling problems with thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Tab targetting works for small scale encounters, but its kind of slow on larger ones. You could also pan around with you mouse to try and find him in a group.

whats so hard to understand? steal puts u into stealth. ur opponent cant see u to target u atk and on UR screen come out of stealth on my screen u dont to me ur still invis. thief hits c/d stealth again rinse repeat till opponent dead. stealth to down. opponent wondering who just killed me…. i never saw him.. thats wut pvping a thief is like

Its about not being able to see the thief even after stealth ended that people are complaining about.