I am dissapointed

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


S/D just got screwed. Dancing Dagger had its damage reduced by 50%, CnD damage reduced by 30%, and Tactical Strike reduced to 1.5 second daze. They didn’t even fix Flanking Strike.
I’m very dissapointed ANet, very dissapointed.

(edited by Zunhar.4079)

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


patch notes anywhere?

no.1 WvW kills

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Jonin.7230


Here are the theif notes. We’ve been hosed…

Piercing Shot: Fixed an error in this skill’s damage tooltip.
Dancing Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 50%.
Blinding Powder: This skill’s recharge has been reduced from 60 seconds to 40 seconds.
Smoke Screen: This skill’s height has been increased to help it absorb projectiles.
Shadowstep: This skill is temporarily disabled underwater to keep players from circumventing walls when using it.
Tactical Strike: This skill’s damage has been increased by 10% in all formats. This skill’s daze duration has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP.
Leeching Venoms: This trait now scales based on the thief’s power.
Cluster Shot: This skill’s damage is reduced by 15% in PvP.
Cloak and Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.
Body Shot: This skill now allows players to activate other skills sooner after the ability ends.
Sneak Attack: This skill will now only apply the Revealed buff on the first attack that hits an opponent.
Stab: Damage for this skill has been normalized so that it doesn’t deal less damage from behind the target.
Bountiful Theft: This trait no longer applies aegis at odd times.
Scorpion Wire: This skill’s range has been increased to 1200.
Shadow Trap: This skill no longer shadowsteps the thief when the trap is triggered. This skill now has two additional abilities: The first ability becomes available when Shadow Trap is cast and will destroy the current trap. The second ability, Shadow Pursuit, becomes available when an enemy triggers the trap. The thief may choose to activate this ability and shadowstep to the enemy that triggered the trap. If this ability is not activated after 10 seconds, the ability will fade and Shadow Trap will be available.
Piercing Shot: This skill is now a small projectile combo finisher.
Ink Shot: This skill is now a projectile combo finisher.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


I’m not sure what to do at this point. I did not see the S/D nerf coming at all.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Kyus.3812


I thought it was a well rounded patch notes with the exception of dancing daggers and the lack of flanking strike fix.

blinding powder cd reduciton is nice.

I’m pretty happy with this.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


Don’t get me wrong, I loved all the other things they added. Just depressed that my favorite build just got crushed…

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: stof.9341


50% on Dancing Dagger XD Insane nerf :/

Is it me or did they take the time to “retune” the empty hand sword 3 skill? :/

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


seriously. i dont care about most things. But why my cookie PvE/Dungeon dancing dagger is nerfed BY A FREAKING 50%?

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: HTXL.2598


D/D no longer viable.

and wtf is cluster shot? Who made these nerfs?

Are they playing the same game as us?

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: lordillidan.2367


So the promise of buffing other aspects are not true – just said so that we would stop moaning… Dancing dagger actually reminded me of the ultimate of the lich from dota – you know the game with the great skill based pvp – there if you huddled together in with his ult you would die, but you would be called a noob – here you go on the forum and have it nerfed because you can’t get 2 feet away from the other player…

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Honestly I wish some people on the balancing team would try some smaller adjustments… 50% reduction on dancing daggers is bloody massive. 33% on CnD is bloody massive. What’s wrong with incremental nerfs if you must do them?

Aurora Glade [EU]

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: kwolf.4306


Thieves got pw0ned wow!

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


What I don’t see is a backstabb dmg nerf. The most used OP build barely got touched other than C&D yet nerfed hell out of S/D build when very few Thieves run it. C&D was a VERY large part of dmg for S/D build and at 3K ish for the build was not OP. What made C&D op was using it in combo with mug>C&D>baclstab all in a few secs.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Blinding Power buff <3
The Shadow Trap buff was a start,but the rest of the traps still lackluster as venoms.

Btw,these “compensations” won’t pay off the massive nerfs.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Honestly I wish some people on the balancing team would try some smaller adjustments… 50% reduction on dancing daggers is bloody massive. 33% on CnD is bloody massive. What’s wrong with incremental nerfs if you must do them?

Probably because those skills weren’t intended to be dmg dealing skills?

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: stof.9341


What I don’t see is a backstabb dmg nerf. The most used OP build barely got touched other than C&D yet nerfed hell out of S/D build when very few Thieves run it. C&D was a VERY large part of dmg for S/D build and at 3K ish for the build was not OP. What made C&D op was using it in combo with mug>C&D>baclstab all in a few secs.

Hey they already removed any ability of Dagger 4 to do any damage, you don’t want the D/D set to be entirely devoid of any skill that does meaningful damage XD

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: ASP.8093


If you’re gonna nerf C&D this hard to punish D/D Backstab thieves, you should probably buff Tactical Strike by more than 10%.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast · http://tcwvw.com

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Seth.4927


I can’t believe it, they touched Body Shot and it stills sucks!

Edit: At least revealed status while using Sneak Attack is fixed and I need to try Smoke Screen again! The rest is just..ugh.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by Seth.4927)

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

That was… uncalled for…. anyone up for a petition…

Founder of [CBA]/Former vE
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: HTXL.2598


That was… uncalled for…. anyone up for a petition…

I +1 you, wish I could do it 100 times

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: morbidillusion.2759


Overall S/D seems to have gotten nerfed more than D/D but the nerf to Tac. strike’s daze was 100% needed.

I’ve been running around with blind on stealth trait and 6/6 rune of the mesmer doing vanilla WoW style stun-locking with S/D.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Supreme.4051


Seems like backstab hs thieves live another day -.-’

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


Big deal.Time to log my Thief and lough it in your face.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Zetta.6032


I really dont get it, with so many nerf where’s the buff???? It’s not like we are immune to dmg during dancing dagger why the huge 50% nerf (we wear medium amour not heavy amour)……. lets move to ranger or warrior…… basically no nerf but only buffs on these 2 classes.

SOS – WvW Addict!!!!!

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: ViRuE.3612


ROFL. I bet there are a LOT of very disappointed players shaking their heads that backstab wasn’t touched (although I wouldn’t be too surprised to see a stealth nerf here and there for Thief, not exactly unheard of by Anet).

Don’t understand the massive nerfs to CnD and Dancing Dagger. Usually that level of nerf would be accompanied by some kickback (less initiative for example). But they just hammered those two skills to the ground.

Cluster bomb 15% reduction is again a big hit, I could live with it if they actually gave it 1200 range but no, just hammer the only ranged skill we have that hits for anything worthwhile in to the ground as well. I wouldn’t mind but it is so slow to actually damage, is clunky with the two modes, range always seems to be two low (never too long) on uneven terrain and the tooltip is misleading.

Of the 5 shortbow skills we have the auto attack is just about “ok”, one is used solely for utility and doesn’t damage, one is utility based to increase range (not enough increasing is done by it though and not enough damage either) and one is a very weak poison. I guess maybe I should try p/p for range.

The rest of the changes – even the positive ones – seem pretty “meh” to me.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Dancing dagger reduced 50%? That was one ah the most important parts ah my strategy for many a build. Well, there goes any of me dagger builds.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: tac.2167


I really don’t understand the nerf to S/D. Way less damage and less daze, so what is the point of that build now?

I haven’t checked it in game yet, but if sigil of paralyzation /runes of the mesmer still add a significant amount to daze, then it should be ok still.

And of course, BS build is still superpowered. I was excited about this patch because I assumed as a Sword/Dagger thief, I would get a buff (maybe better flanking strike) instead I’ve gotten less viable. At least that’s what it seems like. Can’t wait to get home to see if I have to change builds again.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Honestly I wish some people on the balancing team would try some smaller adjustments… 50% reduction on dancing daggers is bloody massive. 33% on CnD is bloody massive. What’s wrong with incremental nerfs if you must do them?

Probably because those skills weren’t intended to be dmg dealing skills?

50% damage nerf… doesn’t matter how you cut it that is ridiculously large to cut in one chunk.

If it was inverted would you be happy to see a 100% damage buff on skills on any other class?

Aurora Glade [EU]

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Northern Wolf.1297

Northern Wolf.1297

Well I’m not seeing too much of a damage hit in Wv3 for D/D. They don’t seem to classify it as “PvP” so the burst is still largely intact there. Dancing dagger hit is pretty bad. I guess they felt dagger offhand was much stronger than pistol offhand and had to act? That’s the only thing I can think of. Which brings me to…

Dagger pistol may be a stronger choice now with the buff to blinding powder and the nerf to dancing dagger. Going to have to think about what this means for the Wv3 thief.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

\ 50% reduction on dancing daggers is bloody massive. 33% on CnD is bloody massive. \

Probably because those skills weren’t intended to be dmg dealing skills?

Ya know, I get tired ah hearin’ the excuse for every lame duck Thief skill, or Nerf, that “those skills weren’ meant ta do damage”; at some point we need some skills what were meant to do damage. Ya can’t make everything but auto-attack ah utility skill an’ expect Thieves ta remain competitive in anything.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Engels.8537


I really dont get it, with so many nerf where’s the buff???? It’s not like we are immune to dmg during dancing dagger why the huge 50% nerf (we wear medium amour not heavy amour)……. lets move to ranger or warrior…… basically no nerf but only buffs on these 2 classes.

Indeed, let’s play the OP classes everybody otherwise we can’t insta kill other idiots playing the weaker ones, that’s not my idea of fun you know…

I’m with you bro…

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: lOKI.8152


No they certainly havent nerfed my favorite weapon set since BWE3 when i first played this game? I mean S/d has never hurt anyone…ok it hurt lots of people… but still ? Need to check this out. THAT was really unexpected.

Lvl 80s: Thief, Necro, Engi, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”

I am dissapointed

in Thief

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


I am seriously considering just shelving my Thief and playing a Mesmer from now on.
Don’t want to play the still OP Backstab build or a condition Thief, so… Yeah. Kinda at a loss right now.