I fell in love with shadow trap

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: castillle.5248


Everyone knows that shadow trap has to be the most Op ability EVER! It effectively allows you to have 1 node completely undefended and itll just telEport you to it! Yes there is a max range on it… But it is friggin huge! In quite a bit of maps, you can be in mid and have the trap on either side and you get pulled right to it if its activated!

Simply amazing skill! Have any of you guys tried it yet? My disruptive tanky condition thie uses it and i can ruin peoples days with it o.o

Theyd be all like “freee node!” and id be like ZIPPIDY DOODAA EAT MY CALTROPS!

Its kinda awkward though when im in a fight and i get zipped to the trap… Lol

Test it out! :o

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Robert.9086


5 second stealth timer too without the trait, and it’s really great for getting the backstab opener on them because they don’t know you’re going to be there. It’s a really good trap, one of my favorite.

Inceptio [NOVA]

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

I never see anyone using the traps for thief, and I just don’t get it. Shadow Trap, and Tripwire are great.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: ZLE.8293


castille@,the only problem with Shadow Trap is that you have 3 UI slots.
If 1 is Shadow Trap,2 is Caltrops ,3 would be either Stun Breaker OR Shadow Refuge.Imo both Shadow Refuge or the Stun breaker(Roll for Ini,or Shadowstep) are far more important and useful that Shadow Trap.

Ss Ninja- Rank 50 Asura Condition Thief (The Bulgarians [BG])
My Ringtones on Zedge >>>C l i c k <<<

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163



castille@,the only problem with Shadow Trap is that you have 3 UI slots.
If 1 is Shadow Trap,2 is Caltrops ,3 would be either Stun Breaker OR Shadow Refuge.Imo both Shadow Refuge or the Stun breaker(Roll for Ini,or Shadowstep) are far more important and useful that Shadow Trap.

Shadow refuge or shadowstep won’t teleport you across a map behind someone’s back, who just began to ninja a base. But if you just run around killing random people, then shadow trap (and traps in general) is inferior to pretty much any other skill you can choose.
BTW. you can have built-in stun breaker from sword in main hand.

Signed, level 1 alt

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Hyde.6189


The only reason I don’t use it is that I tried it in beta and could never get it to actually work. Maybe I should give it another go.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: ZLE.8293


Dagins@,condition builds don’t run well with sword.

Ss Ninja- Rank 50 Asura Condition Thief (The Bulgarians [BG])
My Ringtones on Zedge >>>C l i c k <<<

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: castillle.5248


@ZLE – Shadow refuge is not a very good ability to have. Usually, they just flood that with aoe and youre dead even with shadow rejuvenation. Or worse. They knock you out. I stick to blinding powder or roll for initiative. If I get teleported and Im out of combat, Im definitely using tripwire though. And yes. Traps are friggin awesome.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


@ZLE – Shadow refuge is not a very good ability to have. Usually, they just flood that with aoe and youre dead even with shadow rejuvenation. Or worse. They knock you out. I stick to blinding powder or roll for initiative. If I get teleported and Im out of combat, Im definitely using tripwire though. And yes. Traps are friggin awesome.

If you’re only using Shadow Refuge to escape from a bunch of people chasing you, you’re missing the majority of one of the thief’s most malleable and powerful utility skills.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: ZLE.8293


Peace.Stick to Shadow Trap,i will stick to the only thief’s Dark Combo Field.

Ss Ninja- Rank 50 Asura Condition Thief (The Bulgarians [BG])
My Ringtones on Zedge >>>C l i c k <<<

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: castillle.5248


Tuli – My experience with it even as an initiation tool, everyone just peppers the shadow refuge with aoes or guardians just knock me right out. How do you use shadow refuge? aoe blindness/lifesteal? o.o

Edit : Im only talking about pvp. I use shadow refuge in pve but for some reason, people always knock me out/pepper me with aoes in pvp.

(edited by castillle.5248)

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


Throw it on downed allies, throw it on allies trying to stomp enemies, shoot out of it to heal yourself, throw it on a point to heal allies shooting enemies standing on the point, use it to do multiple stealthed autoattacks (like backstab or tactical strike), use before you round the corner into combat to give yourself 15 seconds of stealth movement without any indication that you’re around, use it and SS out around a corner while they AE the circle they think you’re in, throw it down and drop a bunch of caltrops in it for when someone comes to try and knock you out.

It is a targetable pulsing healing combo field, there’s so much that can be done with it, both with the effects it actually has and the reactions it creates in your opponents.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: castillle.5248


Ill try the juking thing with shadow step! But even with 2000 toughness, all people seem to do is peppering it with aoes and killing me even from full hp and like.500 hp ticking on it (shadow refuge ticks + shadow rejuv) .
As for 15 seconds of stealth movement…I tried that once but even after the aoe pulse thing faded, I got the revealed debuff the moment i leave where the circle was. Is there a way of not makign that happen or should I wait inside longer?

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Minx.7521


@ZLE – Shadow refuge is not a very good ability to have. Usually, they just flood that with aoe and youre dead even with shadow rejuvenation. Or worse. They knock you out. I stick to blinding powder or roll for initiative. If I get teleported and Im out of combat, Im definitely using tripwire though. And yes. Traps are friggin awesome.

Yea, i used shadow refuge for a while. Then I went to wvw and got pwned cuz I depended on it too much. Instead of using tripwire (had that for a couple of weeks also), I use caltrops, MAIN reason being the kitten wire dies after 1 person hits it -.-’ Caltrops, however, can cripple MOA than one. Traps are SO aweome … but for thieves there’s so many awesome utilities it’s really hard to choose

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Lan.1968


I’m surprised you would focus your build to perform more than one task by using shadow trap. I’d focus on my own safety first and defeating my opponents first before defending nodes. Otherwise, I’d go pure defensive utility skills if I focus solely on defense.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Shadow.1568


Last time i tested this it still followed the rules of shadowstep. So if i was on a ledge or something or around a corner the trap would not work. Unless this has been changed?

If this has been changed i would like actual evidence to support please.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


I’m surprised you would focus your build to perform more than one task by using shadow trap. I’d focus on my own safety first and defeating my opponents first before defending nodes. Otherwise, I’d go pure defensive utility skills if I focus solely on defense.

Shadow trap is high risk – high reward ability. You can save a day with it, or waste a skill slot. Risk dramatically decreases, when you begin to tactically plan your moves. Tactical thinking is hard, and often requires use of teammates. For me, it’s one of the most powerful abilities in thief’s inventory. Sure, sometimes I waste it’s potential, but in most games it gives me huge advantages.

Signed, level 1 alt

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Hyde.6189


@ZLE – Shadow refuge is not a very good ability to have. Usually, they just flood that with aoe and youre dead even with shadow rejuvenation. Or worse. They knock you out. I stick to blinding powder or roll for initiative. If I get teleported and Im out of combat, Im definitely using tripwire though. And yes. Traps are friggin awesome.

If you’re only using Shadow Refuge to escape from a bunch of people chasing you, you’re missing the majority of one of the thief’s most malleable and powerful utility skills.

This. Anyone who doesn’t think Shadow Refuge is the most awesome skill ever is Doing It Wrong. It is not to be used for escaping, but it is amazing for saving or ressing allies and stomping enemies. Start thinking more about your team than about yourself and you’ll realise how good the skill is.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Sleylock.9413


I like using it for doubling back (to a capture point for example). I set the trap while leading an enemy away from the point. Once tirggered I run invisibly in the oposite direction back towards the point.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Teerwik.1650


Shadow trap sounds like it works very well for spvp.

(edited by Teerwik.1650)

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: rickshaw.5279


I slot Caltrops, Shadow Trap & Reguge. I use primarily an anti bunker build. Shadow trap is invaluable for the exact reason the OP notes. I know, I know… a non back stabber thief that prioritizes winning the match and not kill count.

That’s just crazy talk.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Zeveross.4320


Seriously great skill. I tried it out after seeing this thread and I’m hooked for sPvP. It’s also good in WvW for small skirmishes, you just poof and they have no idea where you went. It’s hilarious to watch people bombard the area you last were with AoEs while you sit back, laugh, and plot their demise recover.

I fell in love with shadow trap

in Thief

Posted by: Niim.9260


I like to use this trap when the zerg is chasing me down. If I have a bit of a lead I will drop it and keep running. Soon as I am teleported back, I run the opposite way.

One problem I have with it is that white critters trigger it. I was very confused one day when I ported back and could only find a bunny by my trap.

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