I finally figured out how to play DD

I finally figured out how to play DD

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

And now once all the bugs/QoL get fixed I will use this set. It took me 3 days >.< That is really embarrassing on my part but , still proud I figured out how to make my own playstyle from this thing.

Shortbow is required and so is trickery because of preparedness (otherwise I would honestly pick any other line, but just because of preparedness I need this line…which sucks). Staff cuz DD, DD cuz DD, Crit Strikes because you will generate fury when you start the kill combo (which thus far no one has survived =D)

Heal->Steal->Auto (that’s QoL I can’t chain the animations together, steal breaks auto)->Daggers->Palm Style Taijutsu-> Vault->Pulm->take em down. Rinse and repeat within 20-25 seconds for maximum results. The Haste+trickery trait is just because I found it helpful to enter fights with a speed kill when I could. You can trait what you want ofc.

What builds did you people get around to making that worked for you?

Edit: We have the worst quickness trait wtf. Check Ranger, Warrior, and Mesmer for reference. Apparently they can be more assassin-esque than us…

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

(edited by Serious Thought.5394)

I finally figured out how to play DD

in Thief

Posted by: Midi.8359


I think you made a mistake in your build. You’re running trickster without any tricks. Unless you’re running it for the flanking strikes proc that is…

I finally figured out how to play DD

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Precisely. Also, I just realized how crappy our quickness trait is. Ranger gets 3 seconds of quickness every 15 seconds just because they have a pet and Mesmer has near perma quickness via chronomancer and/or interrupts.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

I finally figured out how to play DD

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



I’ll use later either this build, as High Evasive/Mobile Condi/Critical Hybrid with Impaling Lotus paired together with tons of evades and Endurance Regen using in WvW Food Buffs, which increase my Endurance Regen by 40% on top of the 50% increased Vigor that comes with Steal and gives 100% might on dodge paired together with tonics that increase my Condi Damage.

Or something else, I’m really torn apart after my beta testing xD.
Am also intrigued by boundign dodger, like the move alot ^^

If I go for Bounding, then I rather go for a high critical build with lots of interrupts…I dont know, both sounds nice on paper, but I will see, first, what kind of hopefully positive changes the E Spec receives for the last BWE as the E Spec in itself is a nice concept, but it has still many flaws and things that need to get fixed asnd if they don’t get fixed, then I think I stay on my Vanilla Thief Build

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)