I love Stealth, all haters can kiss my..

I love Stealth, all haters can kiss my..

in Thief

Posted by: Ghrim.6139


Ring of Greatness…

I look forward to what Anet has in store for the thieves. In every mmo I have ever played in the last 15+ years, I’ve played a stealther, a rogue-type class. I LOVE IT!!!! And in every one of those games, the rest of the community was always calling for nerfs.

Whatever happens, so be it…

I love Stealth, all haters can kiss my..

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


where is the ring ?

I love Stealth, all haters can kiss my..

in Thief

Posted by: Ghrim.6139


lol… uhhh…

I love Stealth, all haters can kiss my..

in Thief

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


I think thieves should be altered into poison vendors.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

I love Stealth, all haters can kiss my..

in Thief

Posted by: Imagi.4561


I would be willing to try an alchemist Thief, just to honor my beloved Agent from Oblivion.

By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!