I suck please help

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: Amarcord.9503


So I just hit 80 and googled some meta builds, got full exotic gear with runes/sigils. Went into WvW and flat out got owned by everyone. I know there will be a learning curve and I’m not expecting to be the best or good right away, but it seemed I was just super squishy and couldn’t get my burst in before I get drained, have to heal/stealth, reappear to have the exact same thing happen. I’ve pvp’d successfully in other mmo’s (I’d call myself a B+ player at best), but GW is different from any other mmo’s I’ve played. Any tips for a newb looking to shorten the learning curve?

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: Drennon.7190


If you go to youtube and search Yishis; he used to make a lot of videos with commentary. He explained why he did what he did and you can learn neat tricks while watching him.


I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


If you go to youtube and search Yishis; he used to make a lot of videos with commentary. He explained why he did what he did and you can learn neat tricks while watching him.

Nah dude d/d is for more advanced players and yishis’s thief videos are kinda outdated in terms of combat.

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: TheMurkMuffin.8213


Best advice I can give you is to search youtube and keep playing. You start to see whats useful and what isn’t based off your encounters.

Kaliabell – 80 Norn Reaper
-Retired Thief

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: VladR.9827


Posting your build and gameplay style preferences will also help us to try to help you

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: Vornollo.5182


Ehm, what “meta” build did you go with?

Thieves are always squishy, we sustain through stealth, blinds, potentially through shadowsteps and ofcourse, evades.
Some builds (mostly P/D and S/D) can take a few hits without too much worry, but it’s ill advised to not avoid damage alltogether by means stated above.

So there’s my tip: Avoid damage by any means possible.
Thieves got plenty of tools for it, but yeah… There’s a steep learning curve and you’ll need to outplay any opponent rather significantly because thieves have been nerfed to being almost useless, save their mobility.

Maybe find a friend to duo with, you’re probably much better of like that until you’ve become more expierenced.

[PUSH] Constant Pressure

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Since you tried wvw, ask enemy thief to duel with you and advise you. Watching youtube vids is helpful as well but someone experienced who’d duel you can point out why you lose, it’s not always obvious to a new player.

Not everyone in wvw is nice but you’ll find someone willing to help.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Run with a zerg a couple of days so you can get used to the environment, the maps become more familiar and you get a feel for when it is time to get out of the heat. Use P/D and Shortbow, either with a Dire / condition build or, more useful for the zerg, a Soldier’s / power build.

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Don’t wvw… Play spvp to learn how to play the class.

Just another noob thief…