Im always lagging as thief
I think that’s due to the amount of teleports thief gameplay involves, I experience what you describe (although the delay is shorter than yours) on my NA account (I am EU player).
Im experiencing exactly the same thing as you. But my lags are shorter, maybe 0.5 sec skill delay and very inconsistent shaddowstepping. Steal ports me back to where i used steal so does infiltrators signet. I get a quick rubberbanding right after teleporting with IA. This ususally happens after playing a little while. I thought it was cuz of more players on map etc. But when i change chars and go to the same map i have no lag at all.
Learn to play with lagg. I also have a delay on every class and you just have to adapt or buy a new PC / net.
Also while you’re lagging try to stay away from a lot of enemies and never engage without a stunbreak, it will lower your chances of getting killed while lagging.
I know a lot of people who play with sub par frame rates and connection but they are all used to it now.
If you were me, live in a place far far away from Merica, you have to learn playing with delay, otherwise you could spend more time on making money to move.