Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: franxi.6513


I’m main thief, and in my opinion nowadays is IMPOSIBLE to play (DUELING) on wvw and pvp. Cause of that i want to ask to developers some questions about thieves:
-Why the character that by definition has to got the Higher singletarget damage dont have it?
-Why one of the class that need more skill to play is so nerf now?
-Why everyclass can make critical damage with his Fskill (f1 warrior, shatter mesmer, necros, etc…) and thieves no?
-Why everyclass has 1 way to counter thieves with “revealed” and thieves dont have counterskills to other class?
-Why you dont answer to thieves comunity to say that you care about thieves, and how do you think to make this class playable again in high level (making posible to duel)?
-Why there is no balance between thieves and another characters? Why you buff characters with top builds in the past (like meditation builds) now with ONESHOT traps?
-Why all the classes has blocks and invulnerabilities and thieves no?

Please im very sad about thieves since 2014, please help thieves community developers.

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: kikamdrd.1947


In my opinion thieves now are dead. please make something to correct it. Its not the build or setup, is the character and the balance between other characters

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: red rusiam.5820

red rusiam.5820

I would like to comment that the intent of balancing the classes you doing ? They are too disparate and let the classes very sold, please do surveys players themselves before putting it into practice . Best regards

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sein.5160


The problem for this class are the Thread Of Players QQ of other classes…

…Is exhilarating see that The cry of bad players of other classes have destroyed the Class Thief… O:

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


Thief is fine.

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Thief is fine.

I have seen this coming.

Just give me back CiS at master tier and revert SE nerf. Aren’t you playing DD..?

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Rudy.6184


I think that thief is okay too, but now it makes you not to play stealth. I like the staff build with dash, but I think it’ll become boring to me in the future (2, 5 and dodge spam). For now it is fun, having so good positioning tool and aoe dmg. Revenant seems to have high skillfloor (20 skills and doubleclicking, applying boon is intentional, not just another effect. I think I’ll focus on him.

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Thief is fine.

Daredevil is decent and fun. Core Thief is dead though. Too many nerfbat beatings.
The Elite specs pretty much required for all builds now.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

(edited by Doggie.3184)

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I think that thief is okay too, but now it makes you not to play stealth. I like the staff build with dash, but I think it’ll become boring to me in the future (2, 5 and dodge spam). For now it is fun, having so good positioning tool and aoe dmg. Revenant seems to have high skillfloor (20 skills and doubleclicking, applying boon is intentional, not just another effect. I think I’ll focus on him.

So DD not thief…

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831



In case you wonder about the weird replies:
We tried to make constructive suggestions right after June 23 – they were left ignored, so we officially burried our thieves after the first balance patch in September.
We have since received a buff though, at least D/D.

Anyway: We gave up long ago, that’s what not regular visitors don’t know when they come here. The general attitude in this forum is: “Yeah, whatever”.

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sein.5160


Yah, The class Thief is dead on gw2 o:
I wait black desert online for try 2 classes assassin: Kunoichi and Plum. \^^/

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


15 characters

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Xoranium.6481


I’ve mained a thief since beta, until recently I made a mesmer and a ranger. I was utterly shocked how much more powerful and survivable they are.

Its a no brainer, just re-roll the Thief is dead and burried.

[WvW]Xoranium – Thief – Treb Master of Gandara

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Thief is fine. kitten thief

Fixed for accuracy

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: AlCojester.4316


My experience so far when fighting in WvW and sPvP:

1. non-DD vs standard vanilla specialisations = nothing too hard (but screw rangers)
2. non-DD vs other elite specs = re-roll
3. DD vs standard vanilla specialisations = nothing too hard (but screw rangers)
4. DD vs other elite specs = re-roll

Wait a minute…

nothing has changed.

(edited by AlCojester.4316)

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


DareDevil builds often give up too much damage for their dodge effect. You can play a thief but it works best as a +1 and is horrible at duels. In WvW, you just have to know your role and accept that it is an under-performing class without substantial backup. Great and picking off newbs and wounded players though.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I’ve mained a thief since beta, until recently I made a mesmer and a ranger. I was utterly shocked how much more powerful and survivable they are.

Its a no brainer, just re-roll the Thief is dead and burried.

It’s obvious even in lower level content, especially PS instances. I can log on with almost any toon I created 3 years ago, left with crap builds, and haven’t played since, and still noticeably outperform my thief that I’ve mained for 3 years and have carefully built.

I don’t know what balancing paradigms they use, but they obviously aren’t working well.

(edited by Einlanzer.1627)

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


thief is absolutely trash comparing other classes right now…

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sein.5160


The problem for this class are the Thread Of Players QQ of other classes…

…Is exhilarating see that The cry of bad players of other classes have destroyed the Class Thief… O:

To give one example,

Thiefs are well balanced

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: franxi.6513


Yesterday, about 20 hous ago i wrote a post to ask the opinion of the developers about thief status right now, and there is no answer of any developer, anyone know why? Please fix the nerf of the thief, is really patetic now compared to other classes

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


In my opinion thieves now are dead. please make something to correct it. Its not the build or setup, is the character and the balance between other characters

This is why pre HOT I was telling thieves if they wanted to play thief in the xpac not to buy HOT till the first major balance patch. Either it will bring buffs to a class that severely needs it, or it will do nothing to us and we will be out of the meta completely.

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sein.5160


Yah, The class Thief is dead on gw2 o:
I wait black desert online for try 2 classes assassin: Kunoichi and Plum. \^^/

PvP – Kunoichi:
PvP – Plum[F]/Blader[M]:

Mmmmmmh I love Kunoichi :o__

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Shadowstep.6049


Yah, The class Thief is dead on gw2 o:
I wait black desert online for try 2 classes assassin: Kunoichi and Plum. \^^/

PvP – Kunoichi:
PvP – Plum[F]/Blader[M]:

Mmmmmmh I love Kunoichi :o__

gw2 combat is miles better imo, animations are not so stiff, there is more combos in gw2 as well i think

BD reminds more on wow, i feel like gw2 is more dynamic and fluid

also, that UI….i looked at that game, so much text, so much stuff…. gw2 on other hand is simple and clean and doesn’t bombard player with crap load of information

GW2 is really great game, i love it… i just wish devs would stop ruining thief class

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sein.5160


i just wish devs would stop ruining thief class

I pray for this but Anet isn’t interested to balance the class thief O:

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Razi.6031


I’ve been main thief since the beginning, with 3k+ hrs. I have a theory as to why we got nerfed so much all these years. I believe a sad reality is, we did this to ourselves in part. Allow we to explain. What makes a good thief? Our mastering of active defences, effectively allowing us to go full zerk, with complete yolo traits, AND still survive most battles if not end them quickly. Thieves have a fetish for maximizing that backstab or that condition burst, worrying little about survival, at least that’s how it was in the beginning.

So what happened? Other classes started QQing like infants because we could 1 or 2 hit them.. and dodge and blind effectively not even being hit because we mastered timing blinds and dodges… so our dps started taking nerf after nerf after nerf…

I’m not saying this is the main reason of course, or that it is even right or justified..
Basically it has always been a L2P issue for the other classes..

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Shadowstep.6049


What is funny to watch is when devs themself play thief on stream: usually it is either them punching helpless golems or spending 90% of the stream in downstate kek. Thief is strong yo, let’s nerf more~

(edited by Shadowstep.6049)

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Singularity.1486


-Why there is no balance between thieves and another characters? Why you buff characters with top builds in the past (like meditation builds) now with ONESHOT traps?
-Why all the classes has blocks and invulnerabilities and thieves no?

Please im very sad about thieves since 2014, please help thieves community developers.

Thief have single trigger traps. That do jack all…
And thief have Stealth and also Last Refuge

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sein.5160


Mmmh ok… Bye all thiefs \^^/
I quit o: Thief is dead and the other classes are boring for me QQ
Ty All Thief for info and fun in this forum o:
Players QQ of other classes ****, bla bla bla, squiken, lollipop and Good fap fap x)

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: El Psy Congroo.7965

El Psy Congroo.7965

At least daredevil is playable,
I would rather prefer DH being nerfed than Thief being buffed.