Impossible to Catch Theives

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Shmerrick.9168


I’m running at this guy at a constant 43% speed bonus using my Swoop to gain ground across the WvW zone and I can not catch him. Fix this broken class.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: EpicFace.8096


Wait, which class is broken lol.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Shmerrick.9168


If you use superior runes of the centaur and your rampage as one skill you can have almost perma +33% speed. Rangers also have a +10% to speed signet, but I’m not sure if those stack. My point was that he had no speed buff besides his signet on and he was teleporting faster than my speed buffs would allow me to run.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Auron.2657


This is a lame excuse for a nerf. That would be like me saying Rangers are more durable than thiefs, NERF RANGERS.

Best Thief EU.
New Video Coming Soon.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Nobody can catch a Thief if he’s got the right spec. Better get used to it.

Our singet gives us a +25% runspeed increase.

With a only 5 points in Acrobatics we gain Swiftness with every Dodge.

Our Short-Bow allows us to teleport 900 range almost instantly (usable every 4 seconds or so).

I’m sure there are a few other things as well that could be taken into account.

Overall though I’d estimate that Thieves, if they put their mind to it, can travel at almost 150% speed all things considered.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Cal.1985


Hm the mobility (lets ignore the ele) class in game has alot of movement skills OMFG NERF NERF!

Cal Dae | Tainted | Piken Square

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Lightning Elementalist has even more mobility, its alot harder to control and nobody seems to use it though.

Warriors can use Sword+Warhorn/Signet of Rage/Trait for more melee movement speed and catch up to a thief with jumps and buffs.

@but why should I change my class just to catch thieves!
Awnser: because we trait to get away from you.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


You know what, your right. That 43% constant speed buff has to go. NERFZ RANGERZS!!!

In all seriousness, you won’t catch a Thief if he puts his mind to it. For example:
Signet of Shadows-25% speed buff.
Expeditious Dodger-5 pt Acrobatic minor. 2 sec of swiftness on dodge.
Shadowstep-1200 range instant teleport.
Infiltrator’s Arror-5th Shortbow skill,900 range teleport (well, more like 750 cause the arrow has to travel there before we teleport).
Oh, and then (depending on his weapon set) he could have used Infiltrator’s Stirke to leave behind Shadow Return, which is a 1200 range teleport to where he first used Infiltrator’s Strike.
And then Steal, which is a 900 range teleport (must have a target) but if traited can apply 10 seconds of swiftness and 15 seconds of Vigor.

This isn’t even considering things like Sigil of Energy or anything like that.
Good luck catching up with a Thief.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Please stop these nonsense posts. This is a l2p prob from your side. We are not durable, that is why we can escape.. Guardians can lock you down and survive more that is why they are less mobile, even with meditation skills.
Also I don’t think movement speed bonuses stacks tbh:)

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Ohh you could try get immobilising, knock back/down, stun or daze abilities:)
What I love is that profession hetz, cause in theory you can play all the professions, so if one is op then change… But then comes time lvling an up toon(stupid imho why lvling an up toon), learning the profession and be good at its mechanisms, realizing it is not op.. And then back to forums, cause it is easier to nerf goodplayers (though they will adapt) than learn to overcome that so-called OP profession:0

Srry for my harsh words, mocking intentions etc.. Just a bit tired of nerf threads^^ would rather see construtive threads about how to beat X profession with Y profession on Y profession forum:) some ppl alrdy do that, and great job to them:)

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Snuff.4172



Nice way to just come in and QQ because there was 1 guy you couldn’t catch. He was using a bow and a skill that uses initiative.

So then they should nerf YOU because if you spec just right you might be faster then everyone else in a certain situation.

I personally get away by using stealth. If you have an issue and want to know “how” someone did that with the class come ask, get some feedback then say something that is at least mildly intelligent.

Snuffeh – 80 Thief

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


You know the old saying… It takes a thief to catch a thief

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Vexus.5423


@bwillb +1

Really he wasn’t running away he was just re-positioning. I don’t know any Thief who runs from a Ranger.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Dufox.3150


yes nerf the broken class because a thief’s goal is to burst damage his target and run away only to be caught by anyone who decides to chase him…

a thief is all about picking and choosing which fight u want to take and how u want to do it. it is the one class that can see a group of people and run into them with a plan that doesn’t include suicide.

take away a thief’s speed and you take away his very reason for existing.
it like making a warrior that can only wear light armor…

dont need a sig, im famous *#!@& :D

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: EpicFace.8096


Nobody can catch a Thief if he’s got the right spec. Better get used to it.

Our singet gives us a +25% runspeed increase.

With a only 5 points in Acrobatics we gain Swiftness with every Dodge.

Our Short-Bow allows us to teleport 900 range almost instantly (usable every 4 seconds or so).

I’m sure there are a few other things as well that could be taken into account.

Overall though I’d estimate that Thieves, if they put their mind to it, can travel at almost 150% speed all things considered.

You, sir, made me remember why I made my thief in the first place.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


If you don’t mind travelling backwards and have a clear route with no bits that are too tricky, yes you can spec your thief for never being caught. Combination of shortbow jump-back, the heal rollback, the utility roll back, endurance signet and endurance trait mean you can pretty much keep evading backwards without stopping.

Not sure why this is a problem though. A thief doing that isn’t exactly a danger to anyone.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: lighterdark.5307


lol you think thiefs can run? maybe in a long long chase but really eles have the best burst of speed to just haul out of there… im a thief and i have not yet been able to catch an ele that ran, on foot or in water. this is with the heart seeker spam for the leap

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Knyx.5926


You know what, your right. That 43% constant speed buff has to go. NERFZ RANGERZS!!!

In all seriousness, you won’t catch a Thief if he puts his mind to it. For example:
Signet of Shadows-25% speed buff.
Expeditious Dodger-5 pt Acrobatic minor. 2 sec of swiftness on dodge.
Shadowstep-1200 range instant teleport.
Infiltrator’s Arror-5th Shortbow skill,900 range teleport (well, more like 750 cause the arrow has to travel there before we teleport).
Oh, and then (depending on his weapon set) he could have used Infiltrator’s Stirke to leave behind Shadow Return, which is a 1200 range teleport to where he first used Infiltrator’s Strike.
And then Steal, which is a 900 range teleport (must have a target) but if traited can apply 10 seconds of swiftness and 15 seconds of Vigor.

This isn’t even considering things like Sigil of Energy or anything like that.
Good luck catching up with a Thief.

umm lol
Signet of shadows doesnt stack with swiftness, swiftness just overwrites for the duration.
Infiltrators arrow/Heartseeker COST initiative, we do NOT have infinite of this.

Elementalist is the ONLY class where their movement speed traits (and they have a bunch) all stack along with the signet, but still do not stack with swiftness.
Elementalist if specced a small amount the right away will out run a thief by a large margin.

Warriors with Greatsword and X/Warhorn can stay neck and neck with ANY thief, they can have a LONG duration swiftness, AND all of their jumping/charging/spinning movement weapon abilities are on LOW cooldown. Low enough cooldown to actually have much less downtime then ANY thief movement ability.

I see a lot of whining, especially considering thief is NOT the most mobile class and that is exactly what A-net advertised that thief was going to be

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


Warriors with Greatsword and X/Warhorn can stay neck and neck with ANY thief, they can have a LONG duration swiftness, AND all of their jumping/charging/spinning movement weapon abilities are on LOW cooldown. Low enough cooldown to actually have much less downtime then ANY thief movement ability.

I see a lot of whining, especially considering thief is NOT the most mobile class and that is exactly what A-net advertised that thief was going to be

Yeah. Warriors always catch me when I try to run from them. Which is pretty stupid considering they’re a heavy class and we’re a medium.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


Why are you chasing one guy across the WvW?

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Kurow.6973


There’s also a hack going around that lets people do this.

It appears like the person is lagging and teleporting across the map. I’ve had 3 people run away from me this way just as they were about to die in the past 2 days.

Last incident was yesterday, and it was a warrior with no swiftness buff, nor any speed boost. He outran my swiftness+25%+HS/shadowstep spams. He went from one end of the zone to the next in about 7~8 seconds, disappearing and reappearing couple of meters ahead every second.

I ended up reporting these players under “botting” because there’s really no other suitable option. I also run around with fraps on whenever I WvW now since yesterday’s incident.

EDIT: It looks similar to bots teleporting.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


There’s also a hack going around that lets people do this.

It appears like the person is lagging and teleporting across the map. I’ve had 3 people run away from me this way just as they were about to die in the past 2 days.

Last incident was yesterday, and it was a warrior with no swiftness buff, nor any speed boost. He outran my swiftness+25%+HS/shadowstep spams. He went from one end of the zone to the next in about 7~8 seconds, disappearing and reappearing couple of meters ahead every second.

I ended up reporting these players under “botting” because there’s really no other suitable option. I also run around with fraps on whenever I WvW now since yesterday’s incident.

EDIT: It looks similar to bots teleporting.

Saw a guy use the evade shotbow skill 4 times and move from the beach node to the water in like two seconds the other day. I’m sure that was legitimate.

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Gizmo.8921


As a Thief player I can truly say that we rarely ‘run away’ , but like one guy posted earlier, we reposition ourselves, you wouldn’t believe how stupid zergs and some players can be , you stealth and just shortbow yourself backwards rather than forward and more often than not the ones chasing you keep running forward whilst I am going the way they were coming from and lets not even talk about field medics – those thieves…. yeah – good luck trying to figure out where they are going

Only times I truly run away when I have everything on cd, then its time tail your kitten and shortbow as fast away as u can till your stealth becomes available, then you turn around and go at it again

Sea of Sorrows

Impossible to Catch Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Kurow.6973


There’s also a hack going around that lets people do this.

It appears like the person is lagging and teleporting across the map. I’ve had 3 people run away from me this way just as they were about to die in the past 2 days.

Last incident was yesterday, and it was a warrior with no swiftness buff, nor any speed boost. He outran my swiftness+25%+HS/shadowstep spams. He went from one end of the zone to the next in about 7~8 seconds, disappearing and reappearing couple of meters ahead every second.

I ended up reporting these players under “botting” because there’s really no other suitable option. I also run around with fraps on whenever I WvW now since yesterday’s incident.

EDIT: It looks similar to bots teleporting.

Saw a guy use the evade shotbow skill 4 times and move from the beach node to the water in like two seconds the other day. I’m sure that was legitimate.

If you’re being serious about this post, then it’s obvious to me that your sense of time is flawed. There’s a massive delay between you using the teleport skill from shortbow and shadowstepping.

Also, this post had nothing to do with what I said. The players in question in my post was never a thief.