Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: mickers.2715


the main problem i notice in Spvp when playing as a P/D thief is when you do a 2v1 and kill one of the players the res is much quicker than the finisher and you dont have enough damage to punish the person ressing, so if i start finishing someone the same time they start getting healed its a never ending cycle till one of us get bored and give up.

At least on my ranger i had piercing attacks to hit the downed player and the one ressing so i could kill them both together.

Im debating taking quickness just so i can get finishers off, the worst ive had it is playing against 2 warriors i must have killed one of them 4 times ( they weren’t great players) but they played well as a team just standing next to each other and watching when one of them died it allowed them to have unlimited lifes.

Just thought i would say it because all the people complaining about being killed xv1 against condition thief.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Alex.6940


It isn’t as easy on a p/d thief but if you can them both down to low health then finish one of them. While the other is ressing take him down as well. Placing caltrops on top of the downed player will help slow how quickly they can ress and deal damage to the person ressing.

Some of the steal abilities can also be useful. Necro’s in particular is worth saving for when you down a player then just fear the other to get the stomp. Guardian’s can interrupt so you can prolong the time to have to deal damage.

It’s not impossible but certainly isn’t easy against a pair of players who know what they’re doing.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Malicious.6742


I pointed that out some weeks ago but some ppl didn’t even get the idea I believe.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Same.4687


I haven’t had any real issues. The most annoying stomps are Rangers. They can actually break your stealth stomp too with that confuse thingy. I just save caltrops for when I’m vs a ranger in Xv1 and toss caltrops the moment the ranger goes down. Anyone who comes close will take atleast 10 stacks of bleeding before getting the ranger back up or he/she won’t bother ressing.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfield.9812


Against two warriors use the stolen item on top of them. With caltrops, they both will drop. 1 down, one dead.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Alex.6940


You can use the shadow step utility skill to help stomp rangers and guardians. Start the stomp animation then shadow step away, out of the range of their interrupt abilities, then shadow step back just before the animation ends.

If you’re trying to stomp a thief then start the animation and just before it ends steal so you shadow step to the thief after they use their second downed state ability.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Malicious.6742


You’re not getting the point. Ally res+self heal is just faster than stomping.
Thieves have very limited acces to interrupts so even that’s just rarely an option.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Loading.4503


That’s why I prefer not to stomp right away in those situations spvp, I usually save my steal cause when the other guy is rezzing I start putting heat on him instead and bait them away and I go for a CnD steal back on the down player for a stealthed stomp.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Against two warriors use the stolen item on top of them. With caltrops, they both will drop. 1 down, one dead.

If you’re using a condition build, Whirling Axe is an enormous waste of time. It takes way too long for way too little of a reward in the time frame.

You’re better off just attacking the reviver and getting him low enough to either go down by the time he gets the downed player up or to stop reviving altogether. This ignores the problem, though: reviving downed players is way too fast.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Psikerlord.2569


shouldnt you not win a 2v1 anyway? If the game is balanced pulling off a 2v1 should require a lot of luck/good execution

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


personally i seize the opportunity, too if i see the res will be too fast before i can finish, stack alot of caltrops on the 2 of them, and mayb go for some cluster bomb spam, putting enough dmg on the resser and bleeds that will seriously pressure him, and normally at that time u got 2 people on low hp if he gets a res. u can always use something like basilisk venom,headshot,scorpion wire to res interupt if you feel that way inclined

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Psikerlord.2569


headshot wont help much with rez does it – just stop it for a 1/2 sec? then they get back to it, you are down 4 init

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Seragi.5910


ok seriously if you trying to win a 2v1, against 2 warriors you doubt… there is something wrong with your head… not trying to be mean but warriors are like anti thieves. Huge swinging weapons with big range to hit stealth, more armor, more hp, not to mention a second life at down state. If any thief in the entire game could pull off killing 2 war in a 2v1 its a BS thief and thats only because he “gibbed” one so hard the guy died IRL behind his monitor

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Rissou.7213


ok seriously if you trying to win a 2v1, against 2 warriors you doubt… there is something wrong with your head… not trying to be mean but warriors are like anti thieves. Huge swinging weapons with big range to hit stealth, more armor, more hp, not to mention a second life at down state. If any thief in the entire game could pull off killing 2 war in a 2v1 its a BS thief and thats only because he “gibbed” one so hard the guy died IRL behind his monitor

Haha, no man. Most warriors are average so a good thief will kill them both.


Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Same.4687


It is basically impossible to beat 2 warriors if they aren’t completely terrible. Given that atleast half of the warriors out there are glass 100b warriors and warriors have more than 1 stun at their disposal, unless you run with 2/3 stunbreakers, you’re going to have a bad time.

Sure in a perfect world you will dodge their bull’s charge and dodge the shield stun thingy. But even then the 100b warrior will switch to his rifle and volley the living crap out of you or you will run out of dodges and have to eat that next stun and use your breaker.. After which you basically are screwed.

2 Warriors simply have too much kitten to make you push up daisies.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Rissou.7213


It is basically impossible to beat 2 warriors if they aren’t completely terrible. Given that atleast half of the warriors out there are glass 100b warriors and warriors have more than 1 stun at their disposal, unless you run with 2/3 stunbreakers, you’re going to have a bad time.

Sure in a perfect world you will dodge their bull’s charge and dodge the shield stun thingy. But even then the 100b warrior will switch to his rifle and volley the living crap out of you or you will run out of dodges and have to eat that next stun and use your breaker.. After which you basically are screwed.

2 Warriors simply have too much kitten to make you push up daisies.

Yes if 2 warriors arent bad, they will kill 1 thief. Thats true for all classes, if a skilled player meets 2 skilled players, the solo player will lose.


Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Alex.6940


Against condition thieves, warriors are basically a free kill. Unless they go with a shout build that removes conditions with shouts, their condition removal just isn’t enough.

Against 2 100b warriors that make good use of their stuns you would have difficulty, but good use of dodging, stealth and shadow step and you could still kill them both. If you go with a condition build, you can actually make the thief quite durable as well so you could take a few hits as well as dodge more often and heal in stealth.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: reikken.4961


use X/pistol for your second weapon set. interrupt the guy trying to res, and blind them both.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


The real issue here is that conditions are cleansed on down, for some reason. Perhaps it was playtested and decided that conditions persisting to down would be OP for other classes, but for a thief, it’s a huge detriment. If you invested time and initiative into stacking 8-12 bleeds on your target, its disappointing watching all those stacks (4-6k is a low estimate for your average sPvP spec) vanish when your target is downed. It makes preventing a quick res almost impossible.

I don’t quite understand why conditions are cleansed on down. It gives a big advantage to Direct Damage. Furthermore, you spent those resources to stack those conditions, why is your opponent getting a free cleanse all?

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


shouldnt you not win a 2v1 anyway? If the game is balanced pulling off a 2v1 should require a lot of luck/good execution

Combat skill plays a large roll in this. Especially in WvW, there are just a ton of people with no clue how to play their class out there, making for easy 2v1/3v1 fights. I’ve even killed a whole 5 man before as a S/D tank.


Impossible to lose xv1 against P/D thief

in Thief

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


shouldnt you not win a 2v1 anyway? If the game is balanced pulling off a 2v1 should require a lot of luck/good execution

This is the crap that kills me. In a high skill cap game 2v1 will be commonplace. Just like 2v5, 5v20, ect…

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos