In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: FourTwenty.4268


One problem I have with the op is that it rolls several builds into one complaint. Spike dps, condition, and perma-stealth aren’t all characteristics of one build

I see this exact thing in lots of pvp threads in various MMOs. The ‘casuals’ just can’t distinguish between the different builds and they lump them all together into one massive uber build

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: arenta.2953


wow…a warrior complaining about a class being OP.
i wonder if they have looked at their own class, 15k dmg killshot. or 24k dmg hundred blade strike.

this is nothing more than a person whining cause they arent as good with thier class as they think.

besides, all Anet cares about is ignoring ranger, ele, and other classes and buffing warrior.

besides when was last time thief got a buff instead of a nerf.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Let’s talk about “e-sports”…

Did you ever play GW1? If your monks took two seconds to respond to a spike by the enemy team, you’d be dead every time. Quick reflexes, situational awareness, and anticipation are all a central part of most competitive video games.

I don’t really care for Backstab spikes. I don’t think it’s, like, necessary for thieves. But you’re complaining about 100-to-0-in-two-seconds-flat builds when you’re playing a warrior designed to do just that and only that. Your build does telegraph its attack much more, but you also:

  1. Do more damage total.
  2. Have much more hp even with your “glass cannon” getup.
  3. Get 5 seconds of invulnerability.

My armor is all toughness/vitality exotics and my runes are full toughness as well: Melandru. Should I and every other class go full toughness vitality to combat a single broken class? I think not.

A. You can see glass cannons coming and thus respond accordingly. I can’t see a thief coming and I don’t think its fair playing whack the invisible mole to try to counter one that is stealthing your way.

B.All glass cannons when they engage they stay and pay the price for their engagement which is a fair deal. Thieves on the other hand can simply get away, heal and return to do the same thing when the opponents cool downs are down.

This is a lie. There is no way you have 20k hp and full vitality. Get out of here if you can’t even be bothered with telling a good lie.

Btw nice job cutting your combat log off right t the bulls charge. I’m sure that was followed by a 100 blades but no reason to see that damage is there.

O and d/d eles do massive damage and don’t have to stay and pay a price. The classes that do either have range(ranger/engi) good armor and support (guard/warrior) or two lives (necro)

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Carnagh.1687


I’m a PvP lightweight, I largely play PvE and put off WvW until recently… I will be running my thief P/T/V until I’m not a n00b, and indefinitely if need-be as I’m frankly not sure my reaction times are up to a glass-cannon build. It’s the only way I can survive an onslaught from a wide variety of class/build combos until I get better at PvP.

On the upside I’m getting a very good kill to death ratio as a n00b because I surprise a lot of players when I don’t buckle. Traiting into all the init I can get ahold of, and plenty of blind… When you look to mitigate your weak areas rather than blame your issues on others, you play better.

As I gain experience I’ll gradually leave off the bunker elements and go for more dps…. but only when I’m able to support that as a player.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Personally, I think the Thief makes the game more interesting and boosts its e-Sport potential. That goes double for the Mesmer.

Straight up fights are boring. You need people kiting, people wreaking a little havoc, people doing crazy high-skill kitten that make audiences go “WOW”.

Thief and Mesmer are the ones that accomplish this.

Besides… sPvP is where ANet is focusing its “e-Sport” attention to. WvW is for casual PvP, which is where your complaints are rooted."

Thieves aren’t a big deal in sPvP. They’re good at running away, but that’s nothing special in capture-and-hold games.
From what I’ve heard, People have handled Thieves in sPvP just fine – It’s all in WvW, the newbies who die or get overzealous about kills are the ones that complain.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)