In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: XII.9401


20,633 health, 1281 toughness. I got hit for 15367 damage in UNDER a second. If I was an Ele with lower health I’d be dead aka one shut in UNDER a second.


1.My armor is half vitality and half toughness. No tough/vit on weapons and trinkets. Glass cannony. Regardless. I thought you were not supposed to one shot a person in under a second in this game? Last I checked this isn’t a FPS.
Even with higher toughness/vitality I can’t survive two thieves doing this in under a second..let alone a class with lower base toughness/vitalit like the ele.

2.Damage by unknown in the picture. We still can’t see thieves once they come out of stealth.

3.There are ridiculous resetalthing cooldowns on thieves. Anyone fighting a pistol thief condition build can testify to that.
Can’t fight what you can’t see half the time..its almost like..hacking..

4.Thieves can travel faster than ANYTHING across the map and you can’t catch them.

5.You can finish a downed player or rez one while stealthed. Why isn’t any action taken in stealth breaking it? Its bad enough already that you can initiate an attack unseen.

I find it silly that we are talking about e-sport when these ridiculous issues are still not fixed.

How is it the thieves are still unbalanced this long into the game?

I already have two good pvpers quitting over the broken thief class mechanics saying -rightfully so- that needing this much time to fix such simple imbalances in a thief means they will take another year to get to the bunker builds or the mesmer. I have been telling them for months to give it time. They have more than two people working on it but they usually start by balancing the OP professions like eles and Engys.

So is the message that we should Roll one of the holy trinity: Mesmer, Guardian or thief or leave the game with our money? One things for year from now Eles and Engys will still get nerfed =D .


(edited by XII.9401)

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


20,633 health, 1281 toughness. I got hit for 15367 damage in UNDER a second. If I was an Ele with lower health I’d be dead aka one shut in UNDER a second.


1.My armor is half vitality and half toughness. No tough/vit on weapons and trinkets. Glass cannony. Regardless. I thought you were not supposed to one shot a person in under a second in this game? Last I checked this isn’t a FPS.
Even with higher toughness/vitality I can’t survive two thieves doing this in under a second..let alone a class with lower base toughness/vitalit like the ele.

2.Damage by unknown in the picture. We still can’t see thieves once they come out of stealth.

3.There are ridiculous resetalthing cooldowns on thieves. Anyone fighting a pistol thief condition build can testify to that.
Can’t fight what you can’t see half the time..its almost like..hacking..

4.Thieves can travel faster than ANYTHING across the map and you can’t catch them.

5.You can finish a downed player or rez one while stealthed. Why isn’t any action taken in stealth breaking it? Its bad enough already that you can initiate an attack unseen.

I find it silly that we are talking about e-sport when these ridiculous issues are still not fixed.

How is it the thieves are still unbalanced this long into the game?

I already have two good pvpers quitting over the broken thief class mechanics saying -rightfully so- that needing this much time to fix such simple imbalances in a thief means they will take another year to get to the bunker builds or the mesmer. I have been telling them for months to give it time. They have more than two people working on it but they usually start by balancing the OP professions like eles and Engys.

So is the message that we should Roll one of the holy trinity: Mesmer, Guardian or thief or leave the game with our money? One things for year from now Eles and Engys will still get nerfed =D .

First of all this is WvWvW, Esports is SPvP, so your topic is wrong.

Your stats are poor, my thief has 1780 toughness and 18000 health.

Your a Warrior, you have higher armor/higher health (8k more then thief does.)

So basicly, your in mostly berserkers gear, a glass cannon, complaining about another glass cannon destroying you, you have no toughness, little vitality. (20k-18k=2k extra health.)

You deserved to die that easy and deserved every point of that damage.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Brinson.7289


Engis are OP? :-?

\-\ Poquito (Engineer) /-/ Tarnished Coast
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


I too have guild members who refuse to WvW while thieves remain in their current state.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


Wow. and you failed to kill him even though you have a KD, Invulnerability and Haste? If you did kill him, you have no right to complain.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Aervius.2016


Wow. and you failed to kill him even though you have a KD, Invulnerability and Haste? If you did kill him, you have no right to complain.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the massive amount of irony in this post when it’s a HB+BC+Frenzy warrior who’s complaining.

‘Endure Pain’ 90s Cooldown
Breaks Stun
You take no damage from incoming attacks.
5s Duration

^ If you sat through a Basilisk Venom waiting for the Backstab you deserved it, especially with that as one of your utilities.

Kolt – Human Thief

(edited by Aervius.2016)

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Topher.1684


My thief can survive another Thiefs BS assault, because I’ve learned to dodge and not build my character to die from every fart that comes my way. Warriors should have even less of an issue. I’m sorry, but this is entirely a L2P issue. If you don’t want to take a lot of damage, don’t play glass cannon. By the way, those are very pitiful numbers coming from a Thief, and the only way that damage ocured in less then 1 sec is if he proced/poped quickness.

On to your other points:
Points 2/3 are probably due to rendering, which ANet has said they are looking into/trying to fix.
Other classes can rez/down players while in stealth, this isn’t thief only (plus, stealth =/= invulnerable). Speaking of invulnerable, other classes can rez/down players while invulnerable. Other classes can also rez/down players with stability (buggy atm, I know), arguably better then stealth. If you see a players health going up faster then it should, but don’t see anyone, AoE/attack the area around that player, very simple. If you see a player coming at you while you are downed and then vanish, well you were down, so you probably already lost the fight anyway.
Many other classes can move accross vast distances just as fast (warriors/eles). Moving this fast for a thief means hes sacrificing utility and all/most of his initiative, meaning he will be less of a challange when he engages. If you are going to say “Well, he just needs to wait a few seconds and he’ll have it all back”, in those “few” seconds, any other class should have caught up.

As others have said eSport has nothing to do with WvW. I really wish people would stop bringing examples of stuff that occurs in that zone as “Proof” that class x needs a nerf. eSports will be sPVP/tPVP. Look at the higher tiers of play, and you will notice no GS thieves exist. Might their be a reason for this?

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Evilek.5690


To XII.9401

9 hits in to you under one sec ??? He must be a Chuck Norris
BTW next time post all combat log,beacose i se “Bulls Charge”—>Frenzy—>100b= Thief down.
And to Zgroza Czarnych.6190 no coment

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Arsenic.8259


A glass cannon, getting blown up by another glass cannon. Seems about right, nothing to QQ about.
L2 not go glass cannon?

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Good? e-sports just bring out certain whining idiots that want to nerf anything they don’t play. Look at WoW and its arena e-sports… A certain class got nerfed so much that they have to drastically buff it now, several years later, just so it stands a chance in cooperative play.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Aervius.2016


Good? e-sports just bring out certain whining idiots that want to nerf anything they don’t play. Look at WoW and its arena e-sports… A certain class got nerfed so much that they have to drastically buff it now, several years later, just so it stands a chance in cooperative play.

I believe they are called “sore losers”.

Kolt – Human Thief

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: mickers.2715


Switch to using greatsword, or try ayra’s axe/mace , mace/shield build. It will work much better than your current weps. Also greatsword has enough mobility to keep up with a thief short term.

I played warrior every day of the beta, i spent most my time laughing when i instant kill a thief with greatsword skill three. The second you saw a poof of smoke you knew they were dead.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


don’t bother, just let them suffer. sadly, this is one of the most fun things at this point in game

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I love how thief complainers only list WvW experiences as proof of OPness.
In WvW pvp nerfs are not applied, like in PvE.

Furthermore, you can Frenzy→Bull→100b and oneshot a person, OP, and that’s clearly the build you’re running; you come here saying thief is OP for 15k dmg in 3 skills when you deal 20k with 3 skills on top of your high armor and health?
Sorry but that sounds quite hypocritical.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Aervius.2016


I love how thief complainers only list WvW experiences as proof of OPness.
In WvW pvp nerfs are not applied, like in PvE.

Furthermore, you can Frenzy->Bull->100b and oneshot a person, OP, and that’s clearly the build you’re running; you come here saying thief is OP for 15k dmg in 3 skills when you deal 20k with 3 skills on top of your high armor and health?
Sorry but that sounds quite hypocritical.

Your signature needs to be imprinted into the minds of everyone on this forum before they are allowed to make balance suggestions.

Kolt – Human Thief

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


20,633 health, 1281 toughness. I got hit for 15367 damage in UNDER a second.

Guardians apparently have skills (1 button) that deal 26k+ on crits.


In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


ROFL, look at the combat log!
Not only is he a glass-cannon Hundred Blades Warrior, but I’m pretty sure he killed the Thief after taking the full brunt of that burst XD

…And he’s the one here complaining about the Thief. I don’t think this is even a serious post.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Aervius.2016


ROFL, look at the combat log!
Not only is he a glass-cannon Hundred Blades Warrior, but I’m pretty sure he killed the Thief after taking the full brunt of that burst XD

…And he’s the one here complaining about the Thief. I don’t think this is even a serious post.

These types are the reasons I can’t seriously listen to anyone who a.) doesn’t play a Thief and b.) complains about them.

Kolt – Human Thief

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Jinks.2057


You didn’t die.

You successfully got your Bulls Charge and I’m willing to bet hit Haste/HB then collected your win.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

WvW =/= E-Sport

Your topic = fail bro

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: ShaunZ.1098


I agree with the OP that the near permanent invisibility makes them frustrating, if not entirely stupid in some cases, to fight. But my main is an Engi not a War or whatever people keep going on about as OP.

Gremmil – Fort Aspenwood Engineer
It’s [NERF] or nothing!

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


another misleading post, seriously any QQ’s should start with wvw,pvp,pve or tpvp. talking about esport and wvw in same sentence is like talking about prostitution and the pope.

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


I’ve split my PvP and WvW time between my ranger and Thief. Warriors seem to come in two flavours regardless of what I am on… very predictable (99%) or scarily good (1%). I think the thick armour and big damage option on warriors pulls them into a certain playstyle that is easy to deal with.


In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Saintly.8062


One problem I have with the op is that it rolls several builds into one complaint. Spike dps, condition, and perma-stealth aren’t all characteristics of one build; if they were I might agree that the class is op.

I’d also second what others have pointed out; if you build glass cannon, you ought not to whine about shattering.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: ASP.8093


Let’s talk about “e-sports”…

Did you ever play GW1? If your monks took two seconds to respond to a spike by the enemy team, you’d be dead every time. Quick reflexes, situational awareness, and anticipation are all a central part of most competitive video games.

I don’t really care for Backstab spikes. I don’t think it’s, like, necessary for thieves. But you’re complaining about 100-to-0-in-two-seconds-flat builds when you’re playing a warrior designed to do just that and only that. Your build does telegraph its attack much more, but you also:

  1. Do more damage total.
  2. Have much more hp even with your “glass cannon” getup.
  3. Get 5 seconds of invulnerability.
Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Zgroza Czarnych.6190

Zgroza Czarnych.6190

Let’s talk about “e-sports”…

Did you ever play GW1? If your monks took two seconds to respond to a spike by the enemy team, you’d be dead every time. Quick reflexes, situational awareness, and anticipation are all a central part of most competitive video games.

I don’t really care for Backstab spikes. I don’t think it’s, like, necessary for thieves. But you’re complaining about 100-to-0-in-two-seconds-flat builds when you’re playing a warrior designed to do just that and only that. Your build does telegraph its attack much more, but you also:

  1. Do more damage total.
  2. Have much more hp even with your “glass cannon” getup.
  3. Get 5 seconds of invulnerability.

Do more damage total. – nice stealth breake all dmg
5 sec invulnerability – nice and 120 sec recharge

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Saintly.8062


Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Zgroza Czarnych.6190

Zgroza Czarnych.6190

Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.

what dmg get thief in stealth ?

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Topher.1684


Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.

what dmg get thief in stealth ?

Not 100% what you mean, but if a thief stealths and doesn’t move, and you keep swinging, the thief will take all that damage. All stealth does is prevent you from seeing/targeting the thief for a few seconds. We’ve said it before, and will continue saying it, stealth =/= invulnerable. You do know you can use most abilities without having a target right??

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Zgroza Czarnych.6190

Zgroza Czarnych.6190

Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.

what dmg get thief in stealth ?

Not 100% what you mean, but if a thief stealths and doesn’t move, and you keep swinging, the thief will take all that damage. All stealth does is prevent you from seeing/targeting the thief for a few seconds. We’ve said it before, and will continue saying it, stealth =/= invulnerable. You do know you can use most abilities without having a target right??

my ranger cant see thief then I dont do dmg only my RF go in space and 0 dmg
I make barrage on myselfe and thief in stealth do dmg on me and he dont get any dmg

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: ASP.8093


You don’t see the damage numbers pop up, but you still deal damage.

You can’t target ranged attacks at them in stealth (and untargeted ranged attacks in this game only go, like, 2 feet before they fall down, for some reason), but melee swings and area attacks hit just fine. Also their condition damage keeps ticking normally.

If you see a thief who’s low on health hit Shadow Refuge, for example, a Whirlwind Attack through it can often kill him. (You’ll still have to wait ~10 seconds for him to appear on the ground. Or run around until you see “finish him” and then start swinging at the air.)

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.

what dmg get thief in stealth ?

Not 100% what you mean, but if a thief stealths and doesn’t move, and you keep swinging, the thief will take all that damage. All stealth does is prevent you from seeing/targeting the thief for a few seconds. We’ve said it before, and will continue saying it, stealth =/= invulnerable. You do know you can use most abilities without having a target right??

my ranger cant see thief then I dont do dmg only my RF go in space and 0 dmg
I make barrage on myselfe and thief in stealth do dmg on me and he dont get any dmg

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: mickers.2715


Stealth does not prevent all damage. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any damage. It prevents direct targeting. There is a very big difference between the two.

what dmg get thief in stealth ?

Not 100% what you mean, but if a thief stealths and doesn’t move, and you keep swinging, the thief will take all that damage. All stealth does is prevent you from seeing/targeting the thief for a few seconds. We’ve said it before, and will continue saying it, stealth =/= invulnerable. You do know you can use most abilities without having a target right??

my ranger cant see thief then I dont do dmg only my RF go in space and 0 dmg
I make barrage on myselfe and thief in stealth do dmg on me and he dont get any dmg

you can do dmg with RF to invisible thief

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: XII.9401


20,633 health, 1281 toughness. I got hit for 15367 damage in UNDER a second. If I was an Ele with lower health I’d be dead aka one shut in UNDER a second.


1.My armor is half vitality and half toughness. No tough/vit on weapons and trinkets. Glass cannony. Regardless. I thought you were not supposed to one shot a person in under a second in this game? Last I checked this isn’t a FPS.
Even with higher toughness/vitality I can’t survive two thieves doing this in under a second..let alone a class with lower base toughness/vitalit like the ele.

2.Damage by unknown in the picture. We still can’t see thieves once they come out of stealth.

3.There are ridiculous resetalthing cooldowns on thieves. Anyone fighting a pistol thief condition build can testify to that.
Can’t fight what you can’t see half the time..its almost like..hacking..

4.Thieves can travel faster than ANYTHING across the map and you can’t catch them.

5.You can finish a downed player or rez one while stealthed. Why isn’t any action taken in stealth breaking it? Its bad enough already that you can initiate an attack unseen.

I find it silly that we are talking about e-sport when these ridiculous issues are still not fixed.

How is it the thieves are still unbalanced this long into the game?

I already have two good pvpers quitting over the broken thief class mechanics saying -rightfully so- that needing this much time to fix such simple imbalances in a thief means they will take another year to get to the bunker builds or the mesmer. I have been telling them for months to give it time. They have more than two people working on it but they usually start by balancing the OP professions like eles and Engys.

So is the message that we should Roll one of the holy trinity: Mesmer, Guardian or thief or leave the game with our money? One things for year from now Eles and Engys will still get nerfed =D .

First of all this is WvWvW, Esports is SPvP, so your topic is wrong.

Your stats are poor, my thief has 1780 toughness and 18000 health.

Your a Warrior, you have higher armor/higher health (8k more then thief does.)

So basicly, your in mostly berserkers gear, a glass cannon, complaining about another glass cannon destroying you, you have no toughness, little vitality. (20k-18k=2k extra health.)

You deserved to die that easy and deserved every point of that damage.

1.I thought the amulets represented the stats you can obtain by a full exotic set of armor, jewlery and weapons? That means that this situatation is reflected in spvp. Thus, this is reflected in e-sport. Unless your suggesting the open space and fresh air makes this situation different than spvp..I’m not talking about tower siege.

2. Having your armor consisting of a balance of toughness and vitality does not constitute a glass cannon. A glass cannon would be someone who does not put on 6 pieces of armor having vitality/toughness.

So are we supposed to go full toughness/vitality in spvp or wvw to survive a thief?Why should all the classes tailor around the thief class? That is called imbalance.

3. Kinda not interested in your stats. I got hit by a glass cannon and my health dropped to 25% in under one second. Mind you, I never saw it coming since its stealth and now I am starting a fight blowing my heal less than a second into the is that fair? Why are thieves allowed to do so much damage and stealth away?
You should not do this much damage in under a second. And if you come your class is the only one allowed to get away with it while other glass cannons sit their and pay the price after they burst the opponent?

PS: That was sarcasm at Eles and Engys being OP.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: XII.9401


You don’t see the damage numbers pop up, but you still deal damage.

You can’t target ranged attacks at them in stealth (and untargeted ranged attacks in this game only go, like, 2 feet before they fall down, for some reason), but melee swings and area attacks hit just fine. Also their condition damage keeps ticking normally.

If you see a thief who’s low on health hit Shadow Refuge, for example, a Whirlwind Attack through it can often kill him. (You’ll still have to wait ~10 seconds for him to appear on the ground. Or run around until you see “finish him” and then start swinging at the air.)

And if you don’t get in there in time then he gets away? It only takes what..3 seconds to land it on yourself?

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: XII.9401


Let’s talk about “e-sports”…

Did you ever play GW1? If your monks took two seconds to respond to a spike by the enemy team, you’d be dead every time. Quick reflexes, situational awareness, and anticipation are all a central part of most competitive video games.

I don’t really care for Backstab spikes. I don’t think it’s, like, necessary for thieves. But you’re complaining about 100-to-0-in-two-seconds-flat builds when you’re playing a warrior designed to do just that and only that. Your build does telegraph its attack much more, but you also:

  1. Do more damage total.
  2. Have much more hp even with your “glass cannon” getup.
  3. Get 5 seconds of invulnerability.

My armor is all toughness/vitality exotics and my runes are full toughness as well: Melandru. Should I and every other class go full toughness vitality to combat a single broken class? I think not.

A. You can see glass cannons coming and thus respond accordingly. I can’t see a thief coming and I don’t think its fair playing whack the invisible mole to try to counter one that is stealthing your way.

B.All glass cannons when they engage they stay and pay the price for their engagement which is a fair deal. Thieves on the other hand can simply get away, heal and return to do the same thing when the opponents cool downs are down.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: LOCO.1785


XII, you realise your class is just as capable in laying down the same amount of smack in as little time right? In fact, that is exactly how you’re built…

Yet your here kittening about the thief? Good one.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: mickers.2715


20,633 health, 1281 toughness. I got hit for 15367 damage in UNDER a second. If I was an Ele with lower health I’d be dead aka one shut in UNDER a second.


1.My armor is half vitality and half toughness. No tough/vit on weapons and trinkets. Glass cannony. Regardless. I thought you were not supposed to one shot a person in under a second in this game? Last I checked this isn’t a FPS.
Even with higher toughness/vitality I can’t survive two thieves doing this in under a second..let alone a class with lower base toughness/vitalit like the ele.

2.Damage by unknown in the picture. We still can’t see thieves once they come out of stealth.

3.There are ridiculous resetalthing cooldowns on thieves. Anyone fighting a pistol thief condition build can testify to that.
Can’t fight what you can’t see half the time..its almost like..hacking..

4.Thieves can travel faster than ANYTHING across the map and you can’t catch them.

5.You can finish a downed player or rez one while stealthed. Why isn’t any action taken in stealth breaking it? Its bad enough already that you can initiate an attack unseen.

I find it silly that we are talking about e-sport when these ridiculous issues are still not fixed.

How is it the thieves are still unbalanced this long into the game?

I already have two good pvpers quitting over the broken thief class mechanics saying -rightfully so- that needing this much time to fix such simple imbalances in a thief means they will take another year to get to the bunker builds or the mesmer. I have been telling them for months to give it time. They have more than two people working on it but they usually start by balancing the OP professions like eles and Engys.

So is the message that we should Roll one of the holy trinity: Mesmer, Guardian or thief or leave the game with our money? One things for year from now Eles and Engys will still get nerfed =D .

First of all this is WvWvW, Esports is SPvP, so your topic is wrong.

Your stats are poor, my thief has 1780 toughness and 18000 health.

Your a Warrior, you have higher armor/higher health (8k more then thief does.)

So basicly, your in mostly berserkers gear, a glass cannon, complaining about another glass cannon destroying you, you have no toughness, little vitality. (20k-18k=2k extra health.)

You deserved to die that easy and deserved every point of that damage.

1.I thought the amulets represented the stats you can obtain by a full exotic set of armor, jewlery and weapons? That means that this situatation is reflected in spvp. Thus, this is reflected in e-sport. Unless your suggesting the open space and fresh air makes this situation different than spvp..I’m not talking about tower siege.

2. Having your armor consisting of a balance of toughness and vitality does not constitute a glass cannon. A glass cannon would be someone who does not put on 6 pieces of armor having vitality/toughness.

So are we supposed to go full toughness/vitality in spvp or wvw to survive a thief?Why should all the classes tailor around the thief class? That is called imbalance.

3. Kinda not interested in your stats. I got hit by a glass cannon and my health dropped to 25% in under one second. Mind you, I never saw it coming since its stealth and now I am starting a fight blowing my heal less than a second into the is that fair? Why are thieves allowed to do so much damage and stealth away?
You should not do this much damage in under a second. And if you come your class is the only one allowed to get away with it while other glass cannons sit their and pay the price after they burst the opponent?

PS: That was sarcasm at Eles and Engys being OP.

You can get food buffs in WvW that arent available in Spvp, also the gear in pve allows you to mix and match much better, also you have more stats in pve because of extra jewelry and accesories, e.g back slot. + the new fractal ascended gear makes this gap larger.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: magicthighs.5372


XII is a glass cannon warrior. Enough said.

Regina Dentata (Guardian)
Melenkurion Abathas (Thief)
Desolation (EU)

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: ASP.8093


A. You can see glass cannons coming and thus respond accordingly. I can’t see a thief coming and I don’t think its fair playing whack the invisible mole to try to counter one that is stealthing your way.

You can see the thief coming. Our longest-lasting stealth is about 12 seconds, and it comes with a big animated house telling you “Hey, stealth happened here!” Everything else tops out at 4 seconds. All the cooldown-based skills have timers of 30 seconds or more. The only weapon skill that grants stealth requires hitting your target in melee.

The Mug/C&D/Backstab spike doesn’t start with the thief in stealth. Unless your opponent blew Shadow Refuge just to stalk you for a few seconds and is timing his attack super-duper carefully to hit you just at the right time. Which is wasteful and something I have never seen that done in WvW (or SPvP, for that matter, but I don’t do that much SPvP). The reason stealth is in there (C&D) is because it sets up Backstab. The main surprise-factor of that spike comes from Steal’s 900-range shadowstep, not stealth; it’s a lot like Assassin spikes in GW1.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Topher.1684


My armor is all toughness/vitality exotics and my runes are full toughness as well: Melandru. Should I and every other class go full toughness vitality to combat a single broken class? I think not.

How is that screenshot representing a toughness/vitality all exotic w/melandru runes Warrior? Base HP for an 80 Warrior is 18 552 HP. You are GS spec, you died to another GC spec in really crappy gear. How are you still trying to defend yourself?

A BS thief runs at you and closes to 900 range before he starts his attack. If you can’t be bothered to keep an eye on things running at you from this distance, you must die to ranged all the time (for instance your own KS with a range of 1500….). I’m waiting for you to come back and say you can’t keep track of everything going on because you are in the middle of a 50 man zerg.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329



The ignorant hypocrisy coming out of your mouth is astounding. You were running a burst spec designed to take people down in 2-seconds, yet you have the nerve to complain that you were bursted down in 2-seconds by a class that has less armour than you, less health than you, and whose burst deals less damage than yours?!

Additionally you managed to survive their burst and then succesfully proceeded to burst them down! What an absolute kittening joke. It’s people like you who make this forum a kittening nightmare to navigate through.

all is vain

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: lvis.3824


omg this noob is crying in every sub forum now …

WvWvW != tPvP ( E-sport ) !!!

The Max CrtiDmg one can achive in sPvP is much lower then anything one could get in WvWvW !

This alone will increase dmg very much.

Also as said many times, you did not DIE !
perhaps you had even frenzy up that time, we don’t know .

A 20k killshot ( as seen in this funny warrior vid ) would be a real one-hit to a thief ( or any other class with classcanon spec + gear . )

So please stop QQ-ing , you really have no clue about e-Sport / balance in this game, otherwise you would not post such a stupid topic !

Thx && bye

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: oZii.2864


20,633 health, 1281 toughness. I got hit for 15367 damage in UNDER a second. If I was an Ele with lower health I’d be dead aka one shut in UNDER a second.
1.My armor is half vitality and half toughness

Your armor might be half vitality and half toughness but what pieces are is important. Looking at your numbers your glass. Thats why everyone is saying your glass.

Don’t look at your numbers for health. Look at vitality!! Half and half would be 2k vit, 2k toughness. All that vitality does nothing with that little bit of toughness. I have more toughness than you and 16k health pool on my thief and I survive a mug and backstab.

Its obvious from your post you don’t understand the stats and gearing at all. Your setup will help you deal with conditions but will be terrible against burst.

Your also talking about WvW you can spec what ever you like but not one spec is going to beat everything in WvW. That would be imbalanced.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: ShaunZ.1098


XII, you realise your class is just as capable in laying down the same amount of smack in as little time right? In fact, that is exactly how you’re built…

Yet your here kittening about the thief? Good one.

Yeah, but he can’t turn invisible when his attack fails. That was his point.

Gremmil – Fort Aspenwood Engineer
It’s [NERF] or nothing!

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Same.4687


lol a glass cannon warrior complaining about Thieves. This is rich.

I honestly don’t understand how you can say “OMG HE TOTALLY ALMOST MURDERED ME” and “I’m basically a glass cannon” in the same sentence. You decided to run high risk/high reward that’s what you get for it.
What do you say to anyone who complains when you do Bull’s Charge and a hasted 100b for 16k? I’m guessing its something along the lines of “L2P issue”. Correct it is, as is this.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


XII, you realise your class is just as capable in laying down the same amount of smack in as little time right? In fact, that is exactly how you’re built…

Yet your here kittening about the thief? Good one.

Yeah, but he can’t turn invisible when his attack fails. That was his point.

Yep, he can’t turn invisible, but he can do something much better. Go invincible and charge away. That’s a lot faster than a thief can move.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: LOCO.1785


XII, you realise your class is just as capable in laying down the same amount of smack in as little time right? In fact, that is exactly how you’re built…

Yet your here kittening about the thief? Good one.

Yeah, but he can’t turn invisible when his attack fails. That was his point.

Your point being?

He can do a multitude of other things. Go invincible for one… Knockdown, immobilise, I could go on, but I don’t see why i need to.

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Korrtz.3510


1. What is an esport?
2. Why is it important gw2 is one?
3. Why should I care?

In my view, Thieves=No e-sport

in Thief

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


Thief no e-sport? Go watch some thief tPvP videos. You’ll notice that there’s no such thing as bursting an ele down under a second there.