Infil Strike + Steal combo broken

Infil Strike + Steal combo broken

in Thief

Posted by: Storm.6408


I don’t know exactly when this change was made but i noticed it on my thief too. Kinda bad timing to change that when the wep set is already dead :/


Zeromis: Team Final Form

Infil Strike + Steal combo broken

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


This is a side effect of the steal change made awhile back when they adjusted it’s activation setup. Was back when they briefly made steal only usable with a target, which was then quickly booed out of implementation. As it stands, steal has a build in prevention mechanic to avoid it being wasted on targets out of range, since people complained alot about the 5s ICD for the skill to turn back over. Since using it with infiltrator strike at the same time attempts to queue it up while you are still out of range, it won’t fire, but should you use it a few milliseconds after it should work as intended.

Infil Strike + Steal combo broken

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymouse.4760


This is a side effect of the steal change made awhile back when they adjusted it’s activation setup. Was back when they briefly made steal only usable with a target, which was then quickly booed out of implementation. As it stands, steal has a build in prevention mechanic to avoid it being wasted on targets out of range, since people complained alot about the 5s ICD for the skill to turn back over. Since using it with infiltrator strike at the same time attempts to queue it up while you are still out of range, it won’t fire, but should you use it a few milliseconds after it should work as intended.

Thanks! It feels pretty awkward but I doubt we’ll see a fix for that


(edited by Anonymouse.4760)