Interesting Thief Build

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: OfficerWhiskers.7053


I was screwing around with the build calc, and I came up with a build with traits that I think synergize in an interesting way. I just wanted to post it here to see what people thought, and to get some advice on what sort of weapon/utilities combo might work well with it.

I think it’s best played as a high survivability/ high initiative build, using dagger and pistol in order to have lots of access to blindness/stealth for crowd control. With Signet of Agility in order to recharge endurance for more dodge/more might buffs.



Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: grometsc.2375


Low Critical
Low Power (unless you gear for all power)
Low Survivability
Bad major talent selection

Is you plan to just roam around spamming dodge/getting into stealth (not healing) and taking lots of physical dmg/condition dmg?

If that was your plan, I think you have accomplished it nicely.

(edited by grometsc.2375)

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: OfficerWhiskers.7053


Well, no, the idea is to stack the kitten out of might with dodge, and keep initiative from draining so you can spam weapon skills…

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: grometsc.2375


Which will do little dmg…

Your survivbility is based on the fact you can dodge alot…Nothing more? Where is your iniative regen? Off steal (most thieves have this) and then the 4 every 30sec your heal ( bad selection of abililites), or 4 every 60secs off SR? Anybody building this into a build would take Withdrawl or SoM (both 15sec heals) or drop SR for roll (6 every 45sec and a stun breaker which you lack). A 100-B warrior will kill during haste, a S/P thief is going to kill you in one burst PW spam with lock downs. It has little survivability, just ability to dodge (which isnt going to save you the entire fight)

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: OfficerWhiskers.7053


Yeah, you’re right. This build sucks. I’m drunk.

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: ReeferKeeper.1865


Yeah, you’re right. This build sucks. I’m drunk.

Nothing like creating a build intoxicated…

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: OfficerWhiskers.7053


Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: grometsc.2375


Alright… what about… this build!

(these are meant for PvE btw…)

That does change things then…LOL

I was thinking pvp….I havent done any pve so not sure what would work or not tbh LOL

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: OfficerWhiskers.7053


You’re right though, not sure what I was thinking with the first build… (I guess I was thinking that Assassin’s reward would feed Hastened Replenishment would feed Assassin’s Reward, thus creating an INFINITY LOOP OF HEAL/INIT Thus giving my thief godlike powers… (I said I was drunk))

But anyway, The build I was trying to build is more like the one I just posted, with high init/stealth, which will let you use a kitten ton of blackpowder/heartstrike combos for the blind/stealth, and keep mobs at bay with stealth/blinding utility skills.

Basically just keep the blind on them, damage mostly done through backstabs. A thief build for passive-aggressive people. :P

Interesting Thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: grometsc.2375


This is what I run for D/P and S/D for pvp….I have been toying with SoM and some other utilities….You can obviously change things around to make it more towards pve.