Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Devata.6589


There are a lot of people (including me) that complain that in WvW thief’s are to ‘strong’. With strong I mainly mean that the combination of very fast and invisible makes them very hard to kill, besides that they can do a lot of damage however there are things you can do against that.

But in addition there is also a bug that makes them even harder to kill for a lot of professions / builds.

The problem is that invisibility also makes thief’s invulnerable for multiple attacks.

An example is all ranges attacks that bow’s have, like Point Blank Shot and Rapid Fire. The AoE work but the normal range attack wont work. Another example is the downed skill Thunderclap.

In my example I pick Point Blank Shot and Thunderclap because I use them to interrupt people who try to finish somebody off.

There are some skills that other professions have that have similar behavior like the skill that prevents you from getting dazed or crippled and a skill that protects you from range attacks. But this is something different. The problems / bug seems to be in the fact that there is no target and the system/game can’t handle this.

The whole idea behind invisibility is that it is harder to damage them or do something against there attacks because they are invisible, but this problem now even makes them invulnerable (for some attacks) even if you use the correct skill on the correct moment or you do shoot correct at the invisible thief.

If you do know of this bug you might want to switch to melee but still it should not be the case. Most thief’s are also abuse this bug for example when they finish somebody. (not saying they are all aware of it. They will just notice that they almost never get interrupted when they finish somebody in stealth)

I did find out this bug because when a thief is finishing somebody you pretty much know where he is however the Point Blank Shot never ever works and Thunderclap also never works when a thief tried to finish me.

Personally I also think that the combination speed and invisibility makes them to good at getting away. It makes it to easy for a thief to try and back-stab and if they see it does not work (they lose the fight) they can use a combination of speed and invisibility to get out of the fight. Something that does not really seems fair as you should have the possibility to attack the person that attacks you. However adding the partially invulnerability to it really makes it to much. (for some builds / professions)

Some professions / builds will not have this problems others do. See for example rangers, they usually use ranged what becomes unusable, they have the thunderclap that becomes unusable and there pet is also unusable (that the pet is not useful for attacking a invisible thief is not a bug, but it adds up to the total). I think professions like engineer will have similar problems but a warrior will most likely do not have any extra problems because of this bug but only haves to deal with the invisibility and speed like what he is supposed to have to deal with when fighting a thief.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Are you sure you’re not just being blinded?…

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


On the thief forums there are plenty of players asking for stealth to interrupt a chain attack, since it currently does not. Play a thief for a while and you will find stealth does not make you in any way invulnerable in PvE or PvP.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Devata.6589


Like I said I know it because of the finishing example. I tried to use Point Blank Shot on invisible Thiefs all the time and it never works. Now let say for some reason I always missed. (It’s likely that I missed a few times but I tried it so many times it is very unlikely I missed all the times because you kinda know where they are standing)

Then there is the example of the Thunderclap that also never worked. Could I be blinded some of the times. Of course, and I will be honest, I don’t keep a look at all the conditions all of the times but will I have been blinded all the times, of course not.

Is is possible that I did the Thunderclap to early because I did not see the thief so had to guess? No, I know that because of the time between me doing the Thunderclap and getting finished.

I would love to have made a video to show the whole mechanic but to really do that I would have to work together with a thief from another server what is kind of a problem. But if anybody does not believes it I would suggest trying it in a controlled way.

I just saw a topic here where somebody posted a video:

Now is it very hard to see in an action video but I think you can see it at 3:03. The thief is there fighting with a ranger. The ranger only has cripple and bleed and just after the thief go’s invisible and before he heals himself there is a shot (from the ranger) that seems to hit him but you do not see a red number (him losing health).

Like I said, this is hard to see, best is to try it in a more controlled way.

On the thief forums there are plenty of players asking for stealth to interrupt a chain attack, since it currently does not. Play a thief for a while and you will find stealth does not make you in any way invulnerable in PvE or PvP.

It does not really make you invulnerable like other skills do, but you simply don’t get damage from those attacks.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


I always blind people I finish. Everything will miss aside from the ones where they get up and run away.

I’ve never heard of this “bug” despite having over 1K hours on my thief.

(edited by Doomdesire.9365)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Its not invulnerability your projectile is missing not because of blind but aim. When you are downed you can’t aim so even if you knew where a thief was you are unlikely to hit because the projectile doesn’t connect. Its not buggy the aiming system is non existent in downed and sucks in general for projectiles without a target. In addition Shadow stepping while stealths is completely possible and can be used to escape the pbaoe range of thunderclap to get the stomp. When warriors throw their hammer projectile it commonly will fly over the thiefs hitbox since the aiming/tar getting system in the game is poor. Stealth itself provides zero invulnerability.

Ive commonly stealthed then Shadow stepped away to prevent being interrupted by Thunderclap. I know some will use Signet of shadows for the same purpose.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Devata.6589


I always blind people I finish. Everything will miss aside from the ones where they get up and run away.

I’ve never heard of this “bug” despite having over 1K hours on my thief.

If you have a friend on another server you can play against in WvW I would suggest testing it. I would if I could. Just let him shoot at you while visible. Then go invisible and let him shoot again without any of you having moved. Then you see if you have damage.

You can also test the finishing off. Just go invisible and try to finish him while he uses Thunderclap.

The problem with this bug it that is is so hard to check because you need a controlled environment for it. We can’t duel and most people don’t have friends on other servers they can test this with.


“Its not buggy the aiming system is non existent in downed and sucks in general for projectiles without a target.”

“When warriors throw their hammer projectile it commonly will fly over the thiefs hitbox since the aiming/tar getting system in the game is poor.”

I would consider that being a bug. And stealth is then a way to well increase severity of that bug.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I’m sorry, you’re just wrong. You’re either shooting in the wrong direction, you got blinded, the thief gasp strafed out of your non-targeted attack…..

There are so many ways how the effect you described: Missing attacks on stealthed target, can occur. This is probably one of the stupider whine threads I’ve seen. At least most of them are whining about something that actually happens (thieves actually have burst damage, etc.)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


I did find out this bug because when a thief is finishing somebody you pretty much know where he is however the Point Blank Shot never ever works and Thunderclap also never works when a thief tried to finish me.

OK buddy, “pretty much” doesn’t cut it. I use the trait Cloaked in Shadow (blinds foe on stealth) and this trait is invaluable when finishing people off. Firstly, on say Warriors or Guardians whilst I am finishing them the hammer knockdown or the AoE bubble thing won’t affect me because I have blinded them.

Now, on your whole “pretty much know where they are” is stupid. I never, NEVER cloak and dagger someone and finish them in the same spot from where I cloaked and daggers, I usually go at least 90 degree’s around there body SO that if for some reason they use up my blind with an auto attack, the hammer or whatever interrupt they have won’t hit me.

The only true class I could see having a problem with this is a Mesmer because they NEED a target to cast there phantasm’s, such as Phantasmal Rogue.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


Thieves have stealth as a surrogate for the stability boon. Thieves have no access to stability apart from our Dagger Storm elite so we are very susceptible to all forms of CC.

A ranger profession using Rampage As One (which grants 20 seconds of stability) is completely immune to Thunderclap and Point Blank Shot also – so do you want to remove the stability boon from Rampage As One given it is doing the same thing you are complaining about?

I could easily argue that you should be on the ranger forum complaining about Rampage As One being OP because it allows 20 seconds of stability stomping.

While you are complaining don’t forget to visit the guardian, warrior, ele, mesmer, necro and engineer forums – all these professions have access to stability also.

Try playing thief for an extended period of time and you’ll see it isn’t all moonlight and roses.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


just wow… so you’re complaining that you can’t target someone when they used a skill that makes them untarget-able. Why not complain that you can’t damage guards, wars, eles, rangers, engis, and mesmers when they use their skills that make them not take damage? You then show your ignorance by saying it makes them invul… You really need to change the title of your post to make it so people take you seriously. Really sad when I see these posts.

You know what really is an exploitable bug? You press 2 on long bow right before we go invis. While we’re invis you continue to shoot us for the entire duration as if you knew EXACTLY where we were.

You want a more reliable way to save your friend from downed? Use wolf f1 near your buddy then muddy terrain around it. You now have safe passage to res your friend. If that’s not enough, lbow 5 over the invis thief and terrain to keep them in there. Swap to gs and auto or just drop out a bunch of aoes like torch 4 or all of your crazy amounts of traps that will down a thief in seconds if they stay in it to try and finish a guy off.

Pro-tip, ranger is one of the worst classes to combat vs thief stealth yet they have an amazing amount of ways to counter it. Learn your class, maybe level a thief to see how it plays, then you won’t have any problems with these things. Stop dying to something then come straight to the forums to qq, it doesn’t help anything.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: naphack.9346


I’ve been knocking thieves out of shadow refuge all day with my ranger o.O

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


please move the thread into the wvw section and ban the OP,
thank you in advance.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: lLobo.7960


I think people are not quite understanding what the O kitten aying (really? I have to put it as “OP is talking”? kitten .
He is not right, but he is not totally wrong.

The problem here is that ranged skills need a target to fire in a direction. If you use it without a target you just shoot your feet. Is the same with rifle warrior…

If you want to shoot a thief in stealth you need to start the skill before he goes in stealth, then the skill will follow him in stealth. If you lost the target, you will shoot nothing.

I think this are 2 really bad bugs/designs.

First, if you dont have a target, you your shots should go in a line and hit oponent in the way (one or more, depending on piercing trait)
Second, if you lost the target whileusing a channel skill the skill should behave as it had no target, as above.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: grind.3681


oh again the same guy posting in every section about thiefs, just dont play if u cant handle it

piken square,necrosis

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


I think people are not quite understanding what the O kitten aying (really? I have to put it as “OP is talking”? kitten .
He is not right, but he is not totally wrong.

The problem here is that ranged skills need a target to fire in a direction. If you use it without a target you just shoot your feet. Is the same with rifle warrior…

If you want to shoot a thief in stealth you need to start the skill before he goes in stealth, then the skill will follow him in stealth. If you lost the target, you will shoot nothing.

I think this are 2 really bad bugs/designs.

First, if you dont have a target, you your shots should go in a line and hit oponent in the way (one or more, depending on piercing trait)
Second, if you lost the target whileusing a channel skill the skill should behave as it had no target, as above.

sorry but you’re wrong here. Hold down right mouse button. Now you’re aiming wherever the hell you please. Won’t help you much but now if you know exactly where the invis enemy is, you can hit them.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: ZenonSeth.5739


There are a lot of people (including me) that complain that in WvW thief’s are to ‘strong’. With strong I mainly mean that the combination of very fast and invisible makes them very hard to kill

(phrase bolded by me)
Very Hard to kill != invulnerability.
Yes, I read the rest of your post, but frankly, that first sentence shows how your title is just grossly misleading and made sensationalist so you can get your ways.

Thieves are supposed to be very hard to kill.

As has been pointed out, you can aim with ranged shots etc – you just can’t tell if you’re hitting the Thief – as was designed.

This is not a bug. It’s the Thief class – and some people play it well. Try playing a Thief to see how well you’ll pull it off before complaining, and misleading everyone by calling something an “invulnerability exploitable bug” – which it is not.

Are ye laughin’ yet?

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: BojacDR.2104


There are a lot of people (including me) that complain that in WvW thief’s are to ‘strong’. With strong I mainly mean that the combination of very fast and invisible makes them very hard to kill, besides that they can do a lot of damage however there are things you can do against that.

But in addition there is also a bug that makes them even harder to kill for a lot of professions / builds.

The problem is that invisibility also makes thief’s invulnerable for multiple attacks.

An example is all ranges attacks that bow’s have, like Point Blank Shot and Rapid Fire. The AoE work but the normal range attack wont work. Another example is the downed skill Thunderclap.

In my example I pick Point Blank Shot and Thunderclap because I use them to interrupt people who try to finish somebody off.

There are some skills that other professions have that have similar behavior like the skill that prevents you from getting dazed or crippled and a skill that protects you from range attacks. But this is something different. The problems / bug seems to be in the fact that there is no target and the system/game can’t handle this.

The whole idea behind invisibility is that it is harder to damage them or do something against there attacks because they are invisible, but this problem now even makes them invulnerable (for some attacks) even if you use the correct skill on the correct moment or you do shoot correct at the invisible thief.

If you do know of this bug you might want to switch to melee but still it should not be the case. Most thief’s are also abuse this bug for example when they finish somebody. (not saying they are all aware of it. They will just notice that they almost never get interrupted when they finish somebody in stealth)

I did find out this bug because when a thief is finishing somebody you pretty much know where he is however the Point Blank Shot never ever works and Thunderclap also never works when a thief tried to finish me.

Personally I also think that the combination speed and invisibility makes them to good at getting away. It makes it to easy for a thief to try and back-stab and if they see it does not work (they lose the fight) they can use a combination of speed and invisibility to get out of the fight. Something that does not really seems fair as you should have the possibility to attack the person that attacks you. However adding the partially invulnerability to it really makes it to much. (for some builds / professions)

Some professions / builds will not have this problems others do. See for example rangers, they usually use ranged what becomes unusable, they have the thunderclap that becomes unusable and there pet is also unusable (that the pet is not useful for attacking a invisible thief is not a bug, but it adds up to the total). I think professions like engineer will have similar problems but a warrior will most likely do not have any extra problems because of this bug but only haves to deal with the invisibility and speed like what he is supposed to have to deal with when fighting a thief.

My 4 year old whines like this when he doesn’t get his way. At least he has a good excuse – he’s only 4 years old.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


My 4 year old whines like this when he doesn’t get his way. At least he has a good excuse – he’s only 4 years old.

oh but sir, he does have a good excuse! He’s on the internet. Everybody can act this way on the internet and get away with it

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


hehe Im always semi joking when I state people think stealth is invulnerability due to their complaints that they can never kill anyone in stealth… this is about the first time I’ve ever seen someone actually think and state that they think its invulnerability… oh Im cracking up here, this thread is hilarious.

Stealth is not invincibility, it also is not protection against projectile attacks very very few attacks absolutely need a target to fire off, meaning the majority you can fire off in the direct and theres often a good chance you will hit, of course using a downed skill on someone who’s invisible, most likely blinded you and has an easy time positioning randomly means your unlikely to hit with that 1 cooldown attack unless you’ve made absolutely sure you know where he is and burnt any blind on your 1. attack.

(edited by Dasorine.1964)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


hehe Im always semi joking when I state people think stealth is invulnerability due to their complaints that they can never kill anyone in stealth… this is about the first time I’ve ever seen someone actually think and state that they think its invulnerability… oh Im cracking up here, this thread is hilarious.

Stealth is not invincibility, it also is not protection against projectile attacks very very few attacks absolutely need a target to fire off, meaning the majority you can fire off in the direct and theres often a good chance you will hit, of course using a downed skill on someone who’s invisible, most likely blinded you and has an easy time positioning randomly means your unlikely to hit with that 1 cooldown attack unless you’ve made absolutely sure you know where he is and burnt any stealth on your 1. attack.

careful here, I just got infracted for saying almost the same thing :s No matter how true your comments ring, someone somewhere will get offended

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


Like I said I know it because of the finishing example. I tried to use Point Blank Shot on invisible Thiefs all the time and it never works. Now let say for some reason I always missed. (It’s likely that I missed a few times but I tried it so many times it is very unlikely I missed all the times because you kinda know where they are standing)

Then there is the example of the Thunderclap that also never worked. Could I be blinded some of the times. Of course, and I will be honest, I don’t keep a look at all the conditions all of the times but will I have been blinded all the times, of course not.

Is is possible that I did the Thunderclap to early because I did not see the thief so had to guess? No, I know that because of the time between me doing the Thunderclap and getting finished.

I would love to have made a video to show the whole mechanic but to really do that I would have to work together with a thief from another server what is kind of a problem. But if anybody does not believes it I would suggest trying it in a controlled way.

I just saw a topic here where somebody posted a video:

Now is it very hard to see in an action video but I think you can see it at 3:03. The thief is there fighting with a ranger. The ranger only has cripple and bleed and just after the thief go’s invisible and before he heals himself there is a shot (from the ranger) that seems to hit him but you do not see a red number (him losing health).

Like I said, this is hard to see, best is to try it in a more controlled way.

On the thief forums there are plenty of players asking for stealth to interrupt a chain attack, since it currently does not. Play a thief for a while and you will find stealth does not make you in any way invulnerable in PvE or PvP.

It does not really make you invulnerable like other skills do, but you simply don’t get damage from those attacks.

If they are invisible, how do you know if you are using these skills in the right location to hit them? On the corpse I assume, but most good thieves will use shadowstep stomping so that they are nowhere near the corpse for the channel and pop to them just before the animation finishes.


Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: stof.9341


If they are invisible, how do you know if you are using these skills in the right location to hit them? On the corpse I assume, but most good thieves will use shadowstep stomping so that they are nowhere near the corpse for the channel and pop to them just before the animation finishes.

Most thieves cannot spare burning two long CD shadowsteps to make a stomp.

It’s not worse than mist form stomp, elixir X stomp, distortion stomp or the countless other ways to stomp someone practically unchallenged.

In fact, short of Necro, I don’t think there’s a class worse than Thief to do stomps safely.

(edited by stof.9341)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

With strong I mainly mean that the combination of very fast and invisible makes them very hard to kill, besides that they can do a lot of damage however there are things you can do against that.

You are putting two things into one here.

As a thief, we are to pick either “a lot of damage” or “the combination of very fast and invisible makes them very hard to kill.” Believe me, if you read this forum thoroughly, you’ll find that we’ve been trying to achieve both, but it’s just not possible.

We always have to make a trade off.

But in addition there is also a bug that makes them even harder to kill for a lot of professions / builds.

The problem is that invisibility also makes thief’s invulnerable for multiple attacks.

An example is all ranges attacks that bow’s have, like Point Blank Shot and Rapid Fire. The AoE work but the normal range attack wont work.

Point Blank Shot may not work all the time but Rapid Fire hits everytime if you started the attack before the thief goes on stealth.

You probably thinking that we’re not taking damage because we can heal while in stealth. Hide in Shadows is a Thief heal skill that removes damaging conditions and grants health regen. Shadow Refuge also heals per tick. A trait called Shadow’s Rejuvenation also heals us in stealth.

Therefore, it seems that this is just a perception issue and not a legitimate bug.

The problems / bug seems to be in the fact that there is no target and the system/game can’t handle this.

This is not a bug but a game mechanic and the system/game can handle this.

The whole idea behind invisibility is that it is harder to damage them or do something against there attacks because they are invisible, but this problem now even makes them invulnerable (for some attacks) even if you use the correct skill on the correct moment or you do shoot correct at the invisible thief.

You are misusing the word “invulnerable” in describing something that is untargettable.

They will just notice that they almost never get interrupted when they finish somebody in stealth)

Another perception issue. There are many factors that can prevent interruption especially in a group fight. Blind, Aegis, Stability, etc. are some that comes to mind.

I did find out this bug because when a thief is finishing somebody you pretty much know where he is however the Point Blank Shot never ever works and Thunderclap also never works when a thief tried to finish me.

Again, blind, aegis, stability, etc.

Personally I also think that the combination speed and invisibility makes them to good at getting away. It makes it to easy for a thief to try and back-stab and if they see it does not work (they lose the fight) they can use a combination of speed and invisibility to get out of the fight. Something that does not really seems fair as you should have the possibility to attack the person that attacks you. However adding the partially invulnerability to it really makes it to much. (for some builds / professions)

You do have the 4s window to kill a thief who back-stabbed you. In case that the stealth wears off naturally, we can go back in stealth again since stealth that ends normally do no penalize us with the Revealed debuff.

Some professions / builds will not have this problems others do.

Every profession has to deal with something when fighting certain professions.

Your concern seems to be driven by lack of understanding and misinformation about the Thief profession. All of your issues are driven from your own perspective and it is one-sided since you never bother to investigate the underlying cause of what you think to be is the problem.

It it nice to hear your side of the issue, but try not to jump into conclusions only having your perception as your sole basis to your concerns. You also need to take into account the various “fixes” that was already implemented to the Thief profession that most of them are simply inadequate in fixing whetever issue Anet see needs fixing. In other words, we don’t need another unsubstantiated, unjustified “fixes.”

Thank you for sharing your concern and I’m sure that Anet have read this or already have this issue in their internal discussion and debates. But let’s not try to condemn a profession simply based on your inconclusive evidence. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


wow good on you sir vincent. You took the time to give this noob (new player who is still ignorant to the game, not demeaning word in this sense) some valuable lessons. He clearly had no idea what he was talking about so you really did a good job explaining the situations and how the mechanics of stealth work. I wish I had your patience but instead I just stared at his post, mouth open in disbelief then slammed my forehead against my table before resting it firmly in my palm.

I hope more ignorant players read your post so they can learn the truth about the stealth mechanic so we can possibly POSSIBLY have people learn the mechanics of this game so posts like this never happen again.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


I hope more ignorant players read your post so they can learn the truth about the stealth mechanic so we can possibly POSSIBLY have people learn the mechanics of this game so posts like this never happen again.

I only wish this could be the case. But you know as well as I do that noobs prefer to remain ignorant. Most people aren’t willing to admit they aren’t the top of their profession. Not to mention, searching for previous posts of the same content with logical replies like the one above is just too much trouble.


Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


in that case we as the learned players should make an effort to make this knowledge well known. I’ll do my part

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


I always blind people I finish. Everything will miss aside from the ones where they get up and run away.

I’ve never heard of this “bug” despite having over 1K hours on my thief.

If you have a friend on another server you can play against in WvW I would suggest testing it. I would if I could. Just let him shoot at you while visible. Then go invisible and let him shoot again without any of you having moved. Then you see if you have damage.

You can also test the finishing off. Just go invisible and try to finish him while he uses Thunderclap.

The problem with this bug it that is is so hard to check because you need a controlled environment for it. We can’t duel and most people don’t have friends on other servers they can test this with.


“Its not buggy the aiming system is non existent in downed and sucks in general for projectiles without a target.”

“When warriors throw their hammer projectile it commonly will fly over the thiefs hitbox since the aiming/tar getting system in the game is poor.”

I would consider that being a bug. And stealth is then a way to well increase severity of that bug.

While I would hope the players on this board didn’t blow up needlessly on this post. I did however address everything you stated. You can very well Shadowstep out of Thunderclaps range while stomping and come back with Shadowreturn to finish the stomp. Since this skill is being used while stealthed a Ranger won’t actually have seen that you performed it, so it will look like you just ignored his Thunderclap.
In addition you can time it with Signet of Shadows which if performed perfectly is pretty much undetectable as well to realize what happened as you will not get a “Miss” proc on where the thief is, naturally due to them being in stealth. As well if you have auto-targetting on, when a thief stealth do to losing target the Ranger might pick up a new target instead to use Thunderclap on as the skill only cast at your body when you have no target.

Im afraid in terms of the aiming system. It is not a bug, it’s just poorly designed in that respect as I indicated before.

Or to tl;dr, there is nothing going on with the Thief that is causing any exploitable invulnerability what you are detailing. The targetting system in GW2 is poor as is the aiming system. Which can help to aid in believing this but it’s far from the truth. I’ve had warriors miss PB with their hammer because they forgot to target in the first place and so it just went over my head regardless of not being stealthed.

The great forum duppy.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


last time i played rangers they had acces to sword/greatsword/ axe
traps that hit stealthed enemy’s , pets with fear that can kick thieves out of shadow refuge, channeling skills that hit stealthed units, some daze /knockback skills
what was changed?
Cause as far as i see your point is very invalid. warriors got rifles, guardians got wall of reflection, i try to kill shot an guardian and i kill myself, brb i go ask for nerf
no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


WOW, I just posted a copy of sir vincents post highlighting the stealth mechanic and answering many questions… and it was freaking infracted… According to the mod it didn’t have any content worth sharing and it didn’t promote healthy discussion…

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Alright, I think I know where the OP is going with this. I main a warrior and I’m rendered useless in my downed state since all of my attacks are projectiles which need a target to be effective. Safe stomping for thieves is just another part of the game. It sucks when it happens but it’s not going away any time soon since it’s a fairly unique finishing mechanic for the thief. Blind, on the other hand, needs a nerf.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I wish thieves had invulnerability…

We would be OP again!

Just another noob thief…

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Alright, I think I know where the OP is going with this. I main a warrior and I’m rendered useless in my downed state since all of my attacks are projectiles which need a target to be effective. Safe stomping for thieves is just another part of the game. It sucks when it happens but it’s not going away any time soon since it’s a fairly unique finishing mechanic for the thief. Blind, on the other hand, needs a nerf.

Actually projectile skills tend to all still work regardless of a target or not, its certainly harder to hit without using targetting but its still possible, generally the few ranged skills that have nearly no way to work on someone stealthed are those without projectiles that do their effect directly on the target.

I’ve not yet experienced a projectile based attack that cannot hit a stealthed target (their could be one I guess but non of the ones I’ve used or had used against me have been so)

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


OP I think you’re getting blinded (there is a trait that blinds close targets when you stealth).

I can tell you that I’ve been affected by Ranger’s Thunderclap A HUGE LOT of times when I try to Stealth to finish them. Most players just use it in a hurry when they can’t see me and most times the finisher is delayed because of it.

Projectiles are very hard to hit against an unseen target (except channeled ones that started before the stealth) but they still can hit you while stealthed, it’s just more difficult.

No one is exploiting any bug here.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: Devata.6589


Very amusing post of a lot of people just blasting out, calling me a noob because they want to protect their thief’s or something.

Next week I will try to make a video. Not sure if I manage to, but we will see. And you are of course able to do the same just to prove that I am wrong.

Besides lLobo.7960 also explains a little bit how it works but indeed you can shoot in front of you holding right mouse button. Still you don’t seem to be able to hit the invisible target.

Like I said I will try to make a video of it.

Invisibility= invulnerability exploitable bug

in Thief

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


Devata, people are laughing/mocking at you because you chose the words wrongly. Thieves are not invulnerable when they are under stealth, and they hate this kind of talk where people will misunderstand what thieves do. You don’t really want to poke us with sticks when the devs do a poor job of balancing thieves, and tempers are easily lost at this stage.