Extremely brittle thief, but fun to play
Is all the crying from SPVP thieves?
Extremely brittle thief, but fun to play
Lots of people are confused but there seem to be a lot that do sPvP. I just don’t know at what level they sPvP because there is hot join which is a different game than tPvP which is a different game then the top 5% of tPvP. Different things matter at different levels.
Is there a SPVP or Pvp forum? I think all those issues should be there instead of in the general, you may be confusing people.
I ONLY play sPvP, at a tournament level. This patch didn’t change anything for WvW players, but completely destroyed S/D in sPvP.
i still consider the patch a buff, even if i avoid sPvP because the limits you have there, like an cage battle , where is no place for strategy, or diversification.
But anyway in the end can’t you go sPvP with any profesion lvl 1 , dyes are only for heart of mists, and you keep your pvp lvl ?,
It’s structured so that you don’t have high levels ganking low levels. At normal games there isn’t much strategy, but people who have tournaments look for specific professions to do certain jobs, and synergize with each other. If you take one professions skill set away, or drastically change it. It would be like taking a rangers pet away (to an extreme), or not letting guardians heal as well.