Is my build still viable?

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


I just came back after about a year away. I know thieves have changed a fair bit during that time. So, is this build still viable? I mainly roam in small groups (3-5 people) in WvW, but I do dungeons now and then too. If it isn’t viable anymore, what would you change?

Thanks for the help

edit: I made some changes- how’s this?

last edit: and here’s what I ended up going with

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

(edited by Anonymity.3602)

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I don’t think your build was viable to begin with, to be completely honest. Any backstab build should be running Hidden Killer if they don’t already have 100% crit chance, and your distribution is all over the place. It looks more like a sword build than a dagger build, and you may as well be going 30 in Trickery for Sleight of Hand to prioritize the enemy’s stability boon.

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


I don’t think your build was viable to begin with, to be completely honest. Any backstab build should be running Hidden Killer if they don’t already have 100% crit chance, and your distribution is all over the place. It looks more like a sword build than a dagger build, and you may as well be going 30 in Trickery for Sleight of Hand to prioritize the enemy’s stability boon.

Haha fair enough. Thanks for the honesty- in my defense, there weren’t exactly many accepted builds when I left, so I was trying different things out.

Edit: looking around I’m seeing a lot of references to Jinzu’s build. Does that one still work?

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

(edited by Anonymity.3602)

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


Any backstab build should be running Hidden Killer

Not really necessary though. I agree on the rest being mostly randomly distributed, but when I ran D/D back in the time I didn’t run hidden killer at all.

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: ens.9854


Looks good.

Slight alterations include losing furious retal for practiced tolerance if you are a bit glassy and changing a utility to infiltrator signet or shadowstep.

Hidden killer is highly situational, and only optimal when you have very low crit rate or are fighting very glassy opponents.

I agree that +1 second stealth could probably be dropped, sleight of hand(now gives steal ~20sec cd) or long reach could both excellent additions in WvW, but if you like to chain cloak and dagger a lot for repeated stealth, then keep it by all means.

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


Looks good.

Slight alterations include losing furious retal for practiced tolerance if you are a bit glassy and changing a utility to infiltrator signet or shadowstep.

Hidden killer is highly situational, and only optimal when you have very low crit rate or are fighting very glassy opponents.

I agree that +1 second stealth could probably be dropped, sleight of hand(now gives steal ~20sec cd) or long reach could both excellent additions in WvW, but if you like to chain cloak and dagger a lot for repeated stealth, then keep it by all means.

Yeah, I hate to give up executioner for hidden killer, but I did make some changes. Haven’t gotten to play much with it yet, but I tried to follow the advice here- thoughts?

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: ens.9854


I’d run it; we got our init regen buffed not long ago, so feel free to play with the shadow arts trait (don’t get me wrong, +2 init is still very useful). In particular, deception cooldown with blinding powder/shadowstep can substitute well for both extra stealth and infiltrator signet, while offering much greater versatility. This is VERY minor, just don’t feel locked in and test a few traits out.

I have not tested critical haste, but I think it varies from insane when it procs on your first hit to useless when it procs on your 5th, it has a 30sec cooldown also, I usually run side strikes or signet use there, but keep it til you have a chance to evaluate it.

As a tip, you can fire off steal at any time with no target to give your team swiftness, this is pretty useful with such a low cooldown.

I would be hesitant to drop signet of shadows, but if your mates have swiftness then you should drop it 100%. The reason is that heartseeker(untargetted) is your main escape, and its distance is based off your out of combat movement speed. It is a giant beating to be missing move speed when you need to retreat.

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


I’d run it; we got our init regen buffed not long ago, so feel free to play with the shadow arts trait (don’t get me wrong, +2 init is still very useful). In particular, deception cooldown with blinding powder/shadowstep can substitute well for both extra stealth and infiltrator signet, while offering much greater versatility. This is VERY minor, just don’t feel locked in and test a few traits out.

I have not tested critical haste, but I think it varies from insane when it procs on your first hit to useless when it procs on your 5th, it has a 30sec cooldown also, I usually run side strikes or signet use there, but keep it til you have a chance to evaluate it.

As a tip, you can fire off steal at any time with no target to give your team swiftness, this is pretty useful with such a low cooldown.

I would be hesitant to drop signet of shadows, but if your mates have swiftness then you should drop it 100%. The reason is that heartseeker(untargetted) is your main escape, and its distance is based off your out of combat movement speed. It is a giant beating to be missing move speed when you need to retreat.

Thanks again for all the help Yeah, I wasn’t sure about dropping signet of shadows either, but I figured I could switch to SB for escaping. If I kept it, what would you suggest I drop for infiltrators signet or shadowstep?

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: ens.9854


smoke screen and blinding powder are virtually equivalent abilities, since you just hearseeker to gain stealth anyhow. Blinding powder has the benefit of being instant, a blast finisher, and stealthing teammates to stop stomps; so I think it is all around a better ability.

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


smoke screen and blinding powder are virtually equivalent abilities, since you just hearseeker to gain stealth anyhow. Blinding powder has the benefit of being instant, a blast finisher, and stealthing teammates to stop stomps; so I think it is all around a better ability.

Fair enough. I liked smoke screen for the protection from projectiles when I happen to be with a bigger group, but that really isn’t very often and I suppose I can just swap it in then anyway.

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


I don’t think your build was viable to begin with, to be completely honest. Any backstab build should be running Hidden Killer if they don’t already have 100% crit chance, and your distribution is all over the place. It looks more like a sword build than a dagger build, and you may as well be going 30 in Trickery for Sleight of Hand to prioritize the enemy’s stability boon.

Haha fair enough. Thanks for the honesty- in my defense, there weren’t exactly many accepted builds when I left, so I was trying different things out.

Edit: looking around I’m seeing a lot of references to Jinzu’s build. Does that one still work?

Why the hell do you people keep looking and copying other ppl created (named) builds ?
1. Pick a weapon set that looks nice and flashy for your eye and would work for your purpose.
2. Use common sense and distribute your 70 talent points as you feel appropriate for your purpose (burst, sustain, tanky, conditions etc etc). Do the same with gear.
3. Start playing with it and discover that it is one of few builds that are “viable” as you say.
4(Optional). Fail at nr2 and 3 and reroll to googled warrior build.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


I don’t think your build was viable to begin with, to be completely honest. Any backstab build should be running Hidden Killer if they don’t already have 100% crit chance, and your distribution is all over the place. It looks more like a sword build than a dagger build, and you may as well be going 30 in Trickery for Sleight of Hand to prioritize the enemy’s stability boon.

Haha fair enough. Thanks for the honesty- in my defense, there weren’t exactly many accepted builds when I left, so I was trying different things out.

Edit: looking around I’m seeing a lot of references to Jinzu’s build. Does that one still work?

Why the hell do you people keep looking and copying other ppl created (named) builds ?

I can’t speak for everyone, but I played WoW for a long time and to be a competitive rogue you pretty much had to at least base your gearing and build off those made by the theory crafters.

I’m now learning that that isn’t the case in GW2 (which is really nice), but that was why I started by looking for named builds. I’d imagine other people who look for known builds have a similar thought process.

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Reikou.7068


Why the hell do you people keep looking and copying other ppl created (named) builds ?

Do you also reinvent the wheel every time you want to drive a car? or ride a bicycle?

Regarding OP, it heavily depends on what you consider “viable.”

That said, one of the more Popular sPvP builds right now is rather similar to your build trait-wise.

I would conscider at least switching out one of the utilities (Probably smoke screen) for a stunbreak.

Other than that, I think it could be playable.


Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


Why the hell do you people keep looking and copying other ppl created (named) builds ?

Do you also reinvent the wheel every time you want to drive a car? or ride a bicycle?

Regarding OP, it heavily depends on what you consider “viable.”

That said, one of the more Popular sPvP builds right now is rather similar to your build trait-wise.

I would conscider at least switching out one of the utilities (Probably smoke screen) for a stunbreak.

Other than that, I think it could be playable.

Im not saying to reinvent wheel. All im saying is if the person has at least some expierence with class he will come up with a build that will work just fine (and surprise surprise IT WILL be one of those popular builds that someone supposedly came up with first and published on youtube lol). Becouse gw2 character customisation is as easy as it gets.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


I don’t think your build was viable to begin with, to be completely honest. Any backstab build should be running Hidden Killer if they don’t already have 100% crit chance, and your distribution is all over the place. It looks more like a sword build than a dagger build, and you may as well be going 30 in Trickery for Sleight of Hand to prioritize the enemy’s stability boon.

Haha fair enough. Thanks for the honesty- in my defense, there weren’t exactly many accepted builds when I left, so I was trying different things out.

Edit: looking around I’m seeing a lot of references to Jinzu’s build. Does that one still work?

Why the hell do you people keep looking and copying other ppl created (named) builds ?

I can’t speak for everyone, but I played WoW for a long time and to be a competitive rogue you pretty much had to at least base your gearing and build off those made by the theory crafters.

I’m now learning that that isn’t the case in GW2 (which is really nice), but that was why I started by looking for named builds. I’d imagine other people who look for known builds have a similar thought process.

Wow talent trees used to be complex. Gw2 tallent trees isnt. But if you are desperate about it… 30 in shadow arts with shadow rejuvenation, shadow embrace and/or clocked in shadow is a staple of any wvw roaming thief build, might it be burst or conditions. D/D 0/30/30/10 with hidden killer, Shadow rejuvenation, shadow embrace and cloaked in shadow is a nice time tested not overly abused like d/p blind powder spam builds was/is. Oh and shadowstep is a must for any build.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

(edited by Karolis.4261)

Is my build still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Anonymity.3602


aaand here’s what I ended up with after some fooling around:

Not sure that I have the best sigils on my daggers (air/fire) but other than that I’m extremely happy with it. It plays so much better than what I had before. I never used shadowstep in WvW, and now I have no idea why not- it really is amazing.

Thanks again everyone who helped

Gladium [END]
Eredon Terrace