It will never change
people don’t know how play VS theif so they get wery frustrated. If they only knew how easy it is to time CC to get em down in 3-4 sec.
Me my self have no big problems whit theives when i play other classes since i know how they work. ofc a good theif can still be a pain in the kitten .
They’ll moan and insult you for being a thief unless you just stand there and let them kill you. Then, once they’ve killed you, they’ll lecture you on how terrible you are.
Is this a rant? Cuz… you should be feeling great if they’re crying because of you. I mean, crying over getting killed by a thief or any other class is… kind of laughable, don’t you think?
Play S/P so you can get accused of using permastealth too!
D/D power/backstab doesn’t get me too many complaints though anymore because people know they didn’t dodge the CnD. I’m also not heavy burst though so people have time to react and know that they lost to a thief only handing out anywhere from 3-6k backstabs (in spvp).
I personally play the following build:
Without stealth, you generally don’t get the “OMG PERMASTEALTH KITTEN LOLOLOL NOSKILL” whispers and invites. People will still rage simply because you’re a thief and you chased their warrior who thought they could outrun you, stun locked them and brought them down, but generally you get a lot more respect when not using stealth.
people don’t know how play VS theif so they get wery frustrated. If they only knew how easy it is to time CC to get em down in 3-4 sec.
Me my self have no big problems whit theives when i play other classes since i know how they work. ofc a good theif can still be a pain in the kitten .
I have 800 or so hours on my thief and 400 on my necro (new main) and as I’ve been pouring in the hours to that class I find that it is laughably easy to kill thieves. The only reason people die so much is because they give the thief the opportunity to unload damage into them. You are going to take the hits regardless, because that’s what happens in fights.. but it doesn’t have to be one sided.
The main thing I see thieves doing as a strategy is luring away unsuspecting players from their group. Even in 1v1 situations a thief will try to create distance to give them 1) the element of surprise and 2) control over the fight. The best thing to do when a thief goes into shadow refuge is to 1) create distance, 2) use obstacles as cover/obstructions. On necro, I have well of darkness which I use in as a situational utility. Just dropping that field once a thief has stealth and standing in it is pretty much GG for them. The will start furiously spamming backstab/dagger AA – and missing because of perma blind. All you have to do is attack/unload burst into them. Ofc this isn’t as easy on a condi build but the attrition + higher toughness/general survivability will help you there.
In other words: fight back. Most people are disoriented when fighting thieves because of the broken amount of shadow steps, teleports, stuns, and high damage. Most thieves only heal as a means to survive/escape, otherwise they are too busy spamming attacks.
Most of people die becouse they are used to play in blobfarmingtrains (ofc wvw pow), not becouse this game doesn’t offer some counterplay… If you know your enemy you can beat it, otherwise complaints start as usual.
Also a lot of people start to run giving to thief their free back, and this is a thing that will never die.
Just take a look, for example, what this game is in pve side: brainless farm. Most difficult thing is party queue during a big boss event. And this is what people really want, farm.
You can farm a boss as you can farm a tower in wvw, and a farmer is clearly not a pvp player (even if in wvw side)
As always cries and complaints are cheaper and involve less brain.
Never cater to casuals. Heres a video on the subject:
I think what’s being said in the video is relevant…
Quit honestly, I think the gaming community (in general, across different games) is just going down hill… (increase in toxicity, increase in causals (and cater to them), among other issues…).
This is on a tangent here but… whatever happened to FPS games like ut2k4 and Q3, where you would have to run around to find your weapon of choice…? Now there’s classes…
Complexity of trees/traits/skills in games have gone down…. WoW pre-pandaland vs post-pandaland … d1/d2 vs d3… gw1 (skills) vs gw2 …
Wonder how league will get dumbed down (though it’s already compared to dota2)…
Never cater to casuals. Heres a video on the subject:
I think what’s being said in the video is relevant…
Quit honestly, I think the gaming community (in general, across different games) is just going down hill… (increase in toxicity, increase in causals (and cater to them), among other issues…).
This is on a tangent here but… whatever happened to FPS games like ut2k4 and Q3, where you would have to run around to find your weapon of choice…?
Now there’s classes…
Complexity of trees/traits/skills in games have gone down…. WoW pre-pandaland vs post-pandaland … d1/d2 vs d3… gw1 (skills) vs gw2 …
Wonder how league will get dumbed down (though it’s already compared to dota2)…
Face it: if there were no casuals, games that aren’t LoL wouldn’t exist. Games like LoL are so popular because of the whole eSports thing and the fact that there’s no real PvE (that isn’t a means to PvP). MMORPGs would die without the roleplaying element to satisfy casuals and line the pockets of the developers. A game filled with people who do nothing but PvP is bad for business when the game contains elements that aren’t.
I agree, though, WvW should cater more to people who actually want to do PvP and not be filled with stupid NPCs that enable bad players/casuals to persist.
So these are my feelings, if anyone is in the same boat as me feel free to speak up, cut I’m getting sick of the trash. When i first started playing at launch, I wanted my thief to do crazy damage. Stumbled across berserker and thought, “This is a great way to do a bunch of damage”… then after months of getting flack and cry babies kittening(and yes i simply spelled out kittening) I decided to swap to conditions so people couldnt cry when i beat them. NOW, every time i beat some one i get called a meta loser, or perplex thief, i don’t even use perplex!!! At this point i feel like if i play condis people spit perplex at me, and if i play damage, people spit stealth or OP at me….. any one have a good non crit, non-condi build i can play!?
I’ve been gone a while and recently came back to play a bit. Do you play with other folks often? If so, seriously give venom share a shot, it’s a ton of fun when played correctly. You won’t roflcrit someone while being “perma stealthed.” You’re simply giving your teammates the ammunition to completely wreck someone while the other team hardly knows it’s because of you that they just got destroyed while unable to even move.
In other words, you’re essentially “stealthed” while in plain sight.
Thief Class
So you want to have Unlimitedly Power, Insufficient Privilege to Control everything?
So you want law defying criminals to be free to break the laws as they please?
So you want rule defying criminals to be free to break the rules as they please?
So you want criminals to commit Injustice and to be Justified for it?
So you want criminals to commit massacre, slaughter, butcher, and exterminate against the innocent?
So you want to do crazy damage against the helpless, less capable, the vulnerable?
So this is your mission, purpose and destiny for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
All along, this was your plan and final draft for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
Thief Class
So you want to have Unlimitedly Power, Insufficient Privilege to Control everything?
So you want law defying criminals to be free to break the laws as they please?
So you want rule defying criminals to be free to break the rules as they please?
So you want criminals to commit Injustice and to be Justified for it?
So you want criminals to commit massacre, slaughter, butcher, and exterminate against the innocent?
So you want to do crazy damage against the helpless, less capable, the vulnerable?
So this is your mission, purpose and destiny for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
All along, this was your plan and final draft for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
Man, where do you come up with this…
What are you on and where can I get some… I have a feeling it will help me write some of my papers…
People are going to complain. Doesn’t matter what build or weaponset you use. I run a stealthless s/d evasion thief and still get complaints. I bet i could stand still and people would probably complain that i’m not dying fast enough.
There are those rare occasions where someone will actually be polite after a fight..but hey, it’s easier to blame your loss on another class rather than admit you made mistakes.
Burnfall, the day the devs listen to you is the day the democrats decide that guns are okay. Also, read my signature. It’s relevant to every argument you’ve ever made.
Thief Class
So you want to have Unlimitedly Power, Insufficient Privilege to Control everything?
So you want law defying criminals to be free to break the laws as they please?
So you want rule defying criminals to be free to break the rules as they please?
So you want criminals to commit Injustice and to be Justified for it?
So you want criminals to commit massacre, slaughter, butcher, and exterminate against the innocent?
So you want to do crazy damage against the helpless, less capable, the vulnerable?
So this is your mission, purpose and destiny for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
All along, this was your plan and final draft for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
Yes, you have problem with that ?
Thief Class
So you want to have Unlimitedly Power, Insufficient Privilege to Control everything?
So you want law defying criminals to be free to break the laws as they please?
So you want rule defying criminals to be free to break the rules as they please?
So you want criminals to commit Injustice and to be Justified for it?
So you want criminals to commit massacre, slaughter, butcher, and exterminate against the innocent?
So you want to do crazy damage against the helpless, less capable, the vulnerable?
So this is your mission, purpose and destiny for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
All along, this was your plan and final draft for the world of guild wars 2, am i correct Thief Class?
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build
Noobs may cry
But still they die
When they are griefed
By a stealthy Thief
Burma Shave.
Let’s all start an initiative to improve our poetry and bury all of the QQers in Haikus.
Look, this isn’t that complicated;
I want to be a ninja. Like, since I was 5. Since I have this moral dilemma with killing people, I play video games instead. With ninjas in them.
These people you’re talking about will likely moan and complain regardless of the class you play. Pay them no mind.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
These people you’re talking about will likely moan and complain regardless of the class you play. Pay them no mind.
Or… enjoy their tears >:)__
Unmatchable Stealth,
Speed and Skill to be envied,
Woe unto my foes.
Never cater to casuals. Heres a video on the subject:
I think what’s being said in the video is relevant…
I don’t know what’s being said, it’s just an other rant. At least now I know what a rant actually sounds like.
Quit honestly, I think the gaming community (in general, across different games) is just going down hill… (increase in toxicity, increase in causals (and cater to them), among other issues…).
I disagree, Tomb Raider was great, decent story, very well executed, I’d like more of it and there will be more of it, no matter how much you don’t like it. I can always load up some FPS or racer if I want smooth play without fancy graphics and story.
…whatever happened to FPS games like ut2k4 and Q3, where you would have to run around to find your weapon of choice…?
Now there’s classes…
They should stick to their genre, improve on it and don’t try to fish in all ponds at the same time.
Never cater to casuals. Heres a video on the subject:
I think what’s being said in the video is relevant…
I don’t know what’s being said, it’s just an other rant. At least now I know what a rant actually sounds like.
Quit honestly, I think the gaming community (in general, across different games) is just going down hill… (increase in toxicity, increase in causals (and cater to them), among other issues…).
I disagree, Tomb Raider was great, decent story, very well executed, I’d like more of it and there will be more of it, no matter how much you don’t like it. I can always load up some FPS or racer if I want smooth play without fancy graphics and story.
…whatever happened to FPS games like ut2k4 and Q3, where you would have to run around to find your weapon of choice…?
Now there’s classes…
They should stick to their genre, improve on it and don’t try to fish in all ponds at the same time.
True it is rant. Isn’t Tomb Raider single player…?
True it is rant. Isn’t Tomb Raider single player…?
Tomb Raider illustrates that games can offer more then conventional ‘gameplay’.