Just hit 80, need a build!
I’ll help you with this when I get home, but until then, could you show us what armor/etc you have?
Berserker’s Prowler Mask, Shoulders, Coat, Legs, Boots, Gloves.
MH: Rampager’s Krait Ripper OH: Valkyrie Krait Ripper / Sentinel’s Krait Short Bow
Soldier’s Field Guide, Chrysocola Mithril Earring of Carrion, Chrysocola Mithril Amulet of Carrion, Berserker’s Ring, Penetrating Ring.
All of these items are rare quality. I don’t even know how to get started on earning exotic items
I just picked items with stats that seemed useful – Thinking a bit of toughness and vitality would be of use but I honestly don’t have a clue. So all help would be appreciated!
I feel like the bread and butter of a thief is the back stab build
This has 2 major variations with several mini tweaks for preference
You’ve got you’re
Standard glass cannon build
This is full zerker/ruby orbs upgrades trinkets at all
8-12k crits just note you will get hit just as hard
This is geared towards more experienced players who can mitigate damage on tiher own. You’ll more than likely not enjoy this build until you’ve spent more time as a thief.
Other main variation
Valk gear
Zerker trinkets
This is more newbie friendly cause you have a larger hp pool and toughness from SA.
You won’t hit as hard but this kit synergies really well with other weapon sets. You can rotate a d/d or a p/d or d/p without losing much of anything (p/d not a very true statement there) It can work though.
This still does good damage though if you take the 100% in stealth crit valk gear really adds the punch to the backstab (also ruby orbs) Divinity when you can afford them.
Thiefs have other amazing builds
Perm Evade
Condition bleed/venom
No stealth builds are fun but not beginner friendly
Run through one build at a time. Backstab is the easiet place to start, and it has a learning curve after you understand the basics but. but you can get by with those basics for a while till the more advanced stuff starts to settle in.
Here is a dagger/pistol backstab thief build I use in wvw. I almost never lose a 1v1 with it and rarely a 2v1. The link is a short guide on the basics of the build
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds