Just started theif, who are the big boys?

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Divinity.8041


sPVP or paids

Looking to follow their streams etc, I only want good players, not intermediates.

R40 Mesmer

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Coast.5162


come back in a few months maybe as you won’t find much big boys at this point

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Kurow.6973



Just elitists who think mighty of themselves.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Lastdrone.6387


Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Divinity.8041


what kind of builds are the pros running?

d.d backstab?

what is the difference in sword/pistol? is that another meta build?

R40 Mesmer

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The only build at the top end is d/d backstab.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: ubtri.7092


Divinity, “pros” learned toget good. If you want to be a pro, just play the game instead of embarrassing yourself on the forums. I recommend looking at other threads here for a variety of tips. Also, as a newer player myself, experiment with the various weapon combinations to see what fits your playstyle (which will constantly evolve.) Make use of traps, most any skill that stealths is also usefull. I haven’t found poisons to be too effective, but I’m talking about PvE here. I’m a huge PvPer from Champions Online, so when I hit lvl 80 I plan to do dedicate myself to WvW and sPvP.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Divinity, “pros” learned toget good. If you want to be a pro, just play the game instead of embarrassing yourself on the forums. I recommend looking at other threads here for a variety of tips. Also, as a newer player myself, experiment with the various weapon combinations to see what fits your playstyle (which will constantly evolve.) Make use of traps, most any skill that stealths is also usefull. I haven’t found poisons to be too effective, but I’m talking about PvE here. I’m a huge PvPer from Champions Online, so when I hit lvl 80 I plan to do dedicate myself to WvW and sPvP.

Just looking for some starting points, no need for pve advice here thanks anyways.

After further research I found

and the infamous D/D

I also saw a lotus blossum bleeder spec too. What do you guys rec? I got my highest score in guild wars 2 on my 3rd game on thief last night running the UBER glassy D/D backstab build.

Kind of want to try the D/P build and combo into some backstabs while also getting more cc.

Any recs?

R40 Mesmer

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Alex.6940


In organised play your role as a thief will be roaming, meaning you want high burst damage and mobility. Generally this means you want shortbow and either dagger/dagger or dagger/pistol to use backstab. I prefer dagger/pistol for the extra utility and ability to stealth without needing to land CnD.

Sword/pistol has it use with the gap closer/immobilise and ability to stun, which can be effective in helping to take down certain builds, but i wouldn’t recommend it over the burst damage provided by dagger.

Bleed specs don’t have much use. They take longer to kill and their damage is more easily mitigated with condition removal. If you have someone like a necromancer that can apply several types of conditions with you they’re not as bad i guess, but in tournaments i wouldn’t use them.

Note that organised play is very different to hotjoin. Most of the time you’re joining a fight midway to quickly finish a player so you can hold a capture, which is why high burst and mobility is needed and why higher survivability isn’t so useful. Hotjoin is generally just a mess of people trying to hit each other :P

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Divinity.8041


I am exclusively hotjoin SPVP.

What do you guys think? I am currently running the ill glass cannon D/D BS thief. I melt when focused, but can pull off amazing damage. Still learning, but want to try something a little more stealthy?

What do you think shines in hotjoin/zerg play?

R40 Mesmer

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Saeco.7196


The Big Boy is Big Playasaurus obviously !

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Ulysses.4765


I believe D/P and D/D are used more often by the top Thieves than anything else. I’m positive that D/P is becoming a fav in tournament team play in sPvP.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: oZii.2864


pretty much every build that most thieves run are here on the forums or on guru. some quick searching will find your answers instead of you waiting for people to respond. you seem all excited by playing a thief.

The only difference between many of the wvw specs and spvp specs is maybe no signet of shadows in spvp most people run signet of shadows in wvw. There might be a few trait differences from there you just tweak to what you like experiment thats the good thing is that you find said build and tweak a simple search for s/d thief, d/d thief etc on guru will get you the answer you need. Its pretty much stickied to the top of thief forums.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: oZii.2864


pretty much every build that most thieves run are here on the forums or on guru. some quick searching will find your answers instead of you waiting for people to respond. you seem all excited by playing a thief.

The only difference between many of the wvw specs and spvp specs is maybe no signet of shadows in spvp most people run signet of shadows in wvw. There might be a few trait differences from there you just tweak to what you like experiment thats the good thing is that you find said build and tweak a simple search for s/d thief, d/d thief etc on guru will get you the answer you need. Its pretty much stickied to the top of thief forums.

Please learn to read.

I asked what good players are running, not about blatantly obvious guides on certain builds.

Your attempt to troll has failed.

I also noted that I looked up the said builds I was asking about…

I wanted to know the meta from pvp players. Thanks anyway.

Thank you to the 99% of people who can read and comprehend English in answering my question. Keep it coming!

what kind of builds are the pros running?

d.d backstab?

what is the difference in sword/pistol? is that another meta build?

Asked on forum

Just looking for some starting points, no need for pve advice here thanks anyways.

After further research I found

and the infamous D/D

I also saw a lotus blossum bleeder spec too. What do you guys rec? I got my highest score in guild wars 2 on my 3rd game on thief last night running the UBER glassy D/D backstab build.

Kind of want to try the D/P build and combo into some backstabs while also getting more cc.

Any recs?

Asked on forum

I am exclusively hotjoin SPVP.

What do you guys think? I am currently running the ill glass cannon D/D BS thief. I melt when focused, but can pull off amazing damage. Still learning, but want to try something a little more stealthy?

What do you think shines in hotjoin/zerg play?

Asked on forum

Did I misread something?

I wasn’t trying to troll you I haven’t seen a ask the pro’s section on the forums anywhere. Those same pro builds you asked about are pretty much the ones people are running like the venom share build, jinzu backstab burst build etc nothing has changed drastically to make someone switch from executioner trait to hidden killer trait.

So sensitive

Example you mentioned lotus blossom bleeder spec I can tell you the build off top of my head and I don’t watch any pro stream if a pro is running the lotus blossom bleeder spec as you called it there isn’t going to be much deviation in how he traits it then Jim from New Hampshire on his Asus laptop in WvW outside a few utilities or traits if that.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Whatever, just give me what top thiefs are running, need to know meta.

R40 Mesmer

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


Whatever, just give me what top thiefs are running, need to know meta.

Whichever fits your playstyle the best. There are a lot of different successful builds. I happen to like S/D + SB the most. Tons of stunbreak and immobilize negation makes it extremely difficult for CC builds to kill. It also eats medium to glassy builds, but has trouble with tanky opponents. This is steady damage though with control and not a burst. D/P has burst and good defense with reliable access to stealth. It can engage multiple opponents in close combat. D/D unicorn bleed builds are sucessful against opponents who haven’t seen it before and can kill people trying to defend a point pretty quickly. D/D backstab is decent against people without blocks, stunbreakers, blind, or the ability to dodge. P/D is a little harder to counter, but people can walk away from it. You will be most succesful after trying all the builds and seeing which matches you the best.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Keltset.4738


Basic meta is D/D or D/P with SB secondary. If you go 30 in acrobatics you can take quick pockets (3 initiative on weapon swap) with runes of energy and run a double set (D/P main with D/P secondary) although I have not seen that setup as much lately.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


sPVP or paids

Looking to follow their streams etc, I only want good players, not intermediates.

If you want to play at an high lvl , you must know your enemy’s first.
So before you start, learn all classes basics, traits, weapon skills utility’s.
To burst with an thief is not hard, you can learn that in 2 hours, all combo’s, but the time when you start your burst and prepare your escape are esential. Know your enemy’s invulnerability skills, cooldowns and bursts on every weapon set.
you can execute an perfect burst on an warrior and get countered by an single utility “endure pain” or by an blurred frenzy from mesmer… and list go on.
you cannot learn to play mechanic , and it takes time , if you watch an “pro thief” kill an guardian in 2 seconds" and you try the same,you will fail 90% because he will disable guardian’s aegis with normal hits or low initiative cost skills, he will anticipate when guardian re-apply aegis and when is safe to burst.

no.1 WvW kills

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Whatever, just give me what top thiefs are running, need to know meta.

Considering how rude you’re being to the people who are trying to help you I have absolutely no idea why anybody would tell you anything! How about you search the forums and learn the ridiculously obvious meta yourself!


all is vain

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


It appears as if the OP is asking for the “best” thief build. The fact is, every thief build is equally good once practiced enough to hit its skill cap. Thief has been blessed with the ability to use any weapon set and trait loadout effectively.
As for top % tPvP players, you’ll find the thief is very poorly represented as our class tends to be easily counterable by truly competent players.


Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Broskadamus.1386


I’m inclined to agree with Incurafy here. Your poor and ungrateful attitude is disgusting. Especially considering these other posters are still trying to help you even with your poor attitude.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: ubtri.7092


Told ya, Divinity. Embarrassed yet? Newbs always want the “best” handed to them, when in this game the “best” is a learned behavior for which you’ve failed from the start.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Qayin.9127


Divinity’s a known thief basher. Check his message history.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Told ya, Divinity. Embarrassed yet? Newbs always want the “best” handed to them, when in this game the “best” is a learned behavior for which you’ve failed from the start.

Well, when people like you report posts and tattle tell on people, it just goes to show the type of person you are. I will leave it at that.

Thief is no longer a priority of mine, they are terrible vs good players. They are in a good place, but I can find better classes to use at the moment. No more responses needed.

Mods can close this.

R40 Mesmer