Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


I’m working on a perma-stealth thief for some general WvW griefing and I was wondering if there was anything I was missing. I realize I should probably go full Shadow Arts and use the utilities Hide in Shadows, Blinding Powder, and Shadow Refuge but unsure where to go after that.

What are some of the basics requirements and where so I have some wiggle room in the build? Thanks in advance for any info!

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Dante.3754


You litterally need just 15 points in shadow arts to get perma-stealth. Get infusion of shadows at 10 and meld with shadows at 15. Then as long as you use x/d or d/p and at least one other form of initiative regen you should be able to perma stealth. Going 30 into shadow arts is still recommended though because if you are staying in stealth that much you might as well get something out of it.

Do note that x/d requires you to hit the c&d AFTER you unstealth so you don’t get revealed and d/p requires practice to get the ideal 4 leaps in black powder.

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


You litterally need just 15 points in shadow arts to get perma-stealth. Get infusion of shadows at 10 and meld with shadows at 15. Then as long as you use x/d or d/p and at least one other form of initiative regen you should be able to perma stealth. Going 30 into shadow arts is still recommended though because if you are staying in stealth that much you might as well get something out of it.

Do note that x/d requires you to hit the c&d AFTER you unstealth so you don’t get revealed and d/p requires practice to get the ideal 4 leaps in black powder.

Thanks for the advice. Are there any other traits that pair well with a stealth-heavy build?

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


SA IV – Remove 1 condition every 3 seconds, first is removed when you enter stealth.
SA VI – Cloaked in Shadow, AoE blind.
SA X – Patience, regen more initiative while in stealth.
SA XI – Shadow’s Rejuvenation, heal while in stealth.
SA 15 – Meld in Shadows, 1 second longer stealth from stealth utilities and CnD.
SA 25 – Hidden Assassin, 2 might every 3 seconds.
AC VI – 50% More movement speed while in stealth.
CS XII – Hidden Killer, 100% Crit Chance when you ambush someone from stealth.

That should be all traits that have an effect on stealth.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


SA IV – Remove 1 condition every 3 seconds, first is removed when you enter stealth.
SA VI – Cloaked in Shadow, AoE blind.
SA X – Patience, regen more initiative while in stealth.
SA XI – Shadow’s Rejuvenation, heal while in stealth.
SA 15 – Meld in Shadows, 1 second longer stealth from stealth utilities and CnD.
SA 25 – Hidden Assassin, 2 might every 3 seconds.
AC VI – 50% More movement speed while in stealth.
CS XII – Hidden Killer, 100% Crit Chance when you ambush someone from stealth.

That should be all traits that have an effect on stealth.

SA III – Shadow Protector – Applies Regen 10s to whoever you stealth so long as they don’t have regen. Even though it says allies it works on you as well.

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Black Cat.1024

Black Cat.1024

Pretty much a D/P setup and 30 in SA.
Oh, and practice

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


D/P + 10 in SA for Infusion is literally all that you need. Meld doesn’t work with the combo and never has.

all is vain

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Fanofgaming.9568


Would the D/P combo that gives you stealth also give you the +2 initiative with infusion? Also, I don’t really understand 2 things. First, how is perma stealth possible with the two seconds long revealed timer and second, why would the combo field be better for stealth than X/D #5?

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


Would the D/P combo that gives you stealth also give you the +2 initiative with infusion? Also, I don’t really understand 2 things. First, how is perma stealth possible with the two seconds long revealed timer and second, why would the combo field be better for stealth than X/D #5?

For one, you have to hit something to get the stealth from C&D as opposed to stacking stealth from the smoke field on /P #5.

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Would the D/P combo that gives you stealth also give you the +2 initiative with infusion? Also, I don’t really understand 2 things. First, how is perma stealth possible with the two seconds long revealed timer and second, why would the combo field be better for stealth than X/D #5?

Infusion is crucial, without it the D/P combo is useless for stealth stacking.

The combo field is better because you don’t require a target and as long as you don’t hit someone after the first heartseeker, you can point your camera down and heartseeker through the smoke field 2 more times (3 if you’re lucky though this is incredibly hard) in a square shape to gain stealth. If you do this again as soon as you have enough initiative you will never run out of stealth.

The 3 second revealed time is irrelevant.

all is vain

(edited by Incurafy.6329)

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


So infusion applies from the combo field stealth?

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Infusion is applied for every single time that you gain stealth with any Thief ability, including leap and blast in smoke fields layed by any class. I’m unsure if it works with the Mesmer mass invisibility elite.

Note that it works even if you’re already in stealth which is how stealth stacking works. It also works with every pulse of shadow refuge.

all is vain

(edited by Incurafy.6329)

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

- Shadow Refuge
- Shortbow

Step 1: Stack stealth with shadow refuge
Step 2: Using a shortbow, shoot at target using skill Choking Gas.
Step 3: Infiltrator’s Arrow away — far far away.

Your opponent will cry “OP!” since you have not come out from stealth… >.<’ ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


This is what I run right now and I enjoy the on demand stealth. I do get caught sometimes out of initiative when in the heat of the moment but I just need to pay more attention when pwning face.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

… when pwning face.

You’re build is not gonna work. You’re doing it all wrong. There’s no “pwning face” included.

I’m working on a perma-stealth thief for some general WvW griefing

See the OP? That’s what it’s all about.

If you’re “pwning face”, you’re doing it wrong. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


… when pwning face.

You’re build is not gonna work. You’re doing it all wrong. There’s no “pwning face” included.

I’m working on a perma-stealth thief for some general WvW griefing

See the OP? That’s what it’s all about.

If you’re “pwning face”, you’re doing it wrong.

LOL had no idea we couldn’t grief people while still dropping them. My build is the same concept of perma stealth. At least it allows you to either pwn face or grief. That’s up to the player

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

… when pwning face.

You’re build is not gonna work. You’re doing it all wrong. There’s no “pwning face” included.

I’m working on a perma-stealth thief for some general WvW griefing

See the OP? That’s what it’s all about.

If you’re “pwning face”, you’re doing it wrong.

LOL had no idea we couldn’t grief people while still dropping them. My build is the same concept of perma stealth. At least it allows you to either pwn face or grief. That’s up to the player

The fun is when they think they can beat you if only they can just see you, and watch them spam AoEs, run around, and wasting dodges. I’m telling you, killing them is killing your fun. You have been warned.

nice build btw. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Key Traits/Abilities for Perma Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


The fun is when they think they can beat you if only they can just see you, and watch them spam AoEs, run around, and wasting dodges. I’m telling you, killing them is killing your fun.

I get the same thing using P/D.

Pew pew fun pew pew fun!

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast