Koroshi - Thief vs Thief duels [Video]
Hello everyone,
I have just started a new project which will show thief duels vs every class. This is the first video.
All footage was taken from my own stream!
The first couple of fights….you had keep buffs????
Nice video, well done and nice music too.
Love same class fights, because you can’t blame it on class unbalance or other responsibility-dumping excuses.
WvW duels, but you are right i had the buffs. I didn’t even notice when editing.
In almost all fights you had either castle buffs, food buffs or both. The first fight you had them all. In the fight you lost, you had castle buffs while ur opponent had a stone/oil buff, still he owned you. In the fight where there was a guardian, we can see him using turn table movement, way to go, pro guardian!! Try to edit those away, it makes you look bad. As it did.
All I wanted to do is provide some thief duels i had in WvW buffs or not buffs thats how i fight in EB. If you feel it isn’t upto your standard so be it.
Edit: my bad, was reading another post. The second part still fits.
(edited by koroshi.2658)
If that was for me, know that i havent claimed that you claimed to be good either… let alone the best thief. Just read my post again. I only said that its of good note to edit stuff where you hold clear advantadge over your opponents.
Example?? the first fight. At some point, you said “respect for not attacking me while im being trained by NPC’s”, while you, on the other hand, had all castle buffs, a food buff and a sharpening stone buff.
(edited by Eduardo.4675)
If that was for me, know that i havent claimed that you claimed to be good either… let alone the best thief. Just read my post again. I only said that its of good note to edit stuff where you hold clear advantadge over your opponents.
Example?? the first fight. At some point, you said “respect for not attacking me while im being trained by NPC’s”, while you, on the other hand, had all castle buffs, a food buff and a sharpening stone buff.
Well whos fault is it if other thief is cheap ? I never run around w/o food and maintance/sharpening buff.
(edited by Karolis.4261)
I’ll have to say you should really improve in various aspects:
1. Awareness – Thief shadowsteps away from you and you attack the WHITE circle? Come on, thats a rabbit mistake.
2. Movement – You backpeddle too much.
3. Dodging – TOO MANY wasted dodges. Dodge is your lifeline, DO NOT use it for movement. It’s somewhat excusable IF you have swift/might on dodge and by having that you also have that extra dodge.
4. Shortbow – USE IT! Most of the time its better than the daggers themselves. Clusterbombing an obvious stealthed enemy is better than waving around your dagger or wasting precious initiative trying a luckshot CnD. Stealth for a surprise shot snare and then do a CnD→Steal→Stab combo or even Clusterbomb him. It pains me to see a thief Heartseeker out of stealth when there are better options.
There’s not much to say, unimpressive gameplay. Too much stealthing, no skillshot combos, no overplaying, oponents were god-awful.
I’ll have to say you should really improve in various aspects:
1. Awareness – Thief shadowsteps away from you and you attack the WHITE circle? Come on, thats a rabbit mistake.
2. Movement – You backpeddle too much.
3. Dodging – TOO MANY wasted dodges. Dodge is your lifeline, DO NOT use it for movement. It’s somewhat excusable IF you have swift/might on dodge and by having that you also have that extra dodge.
4. Shortbow – USE IT! Most of the time its better than the daggers themselves. Clusterbombing an obvious stealthed enemy is better than waving around your dagger or wasting precious initiative trying a luckshot CnD. Stealth for a surprise shot snare and then do a CnD->Steal->Stab combo or even Clusterbomb him. It pains me to see a thief Heartseeker out of stealth when there are better options.There’s not much to say, unimpressive gameplay. Too much stealthing, no skillshot combos, no overplaying, oponents were god-awful.
I appreciate the feedback, just recently started playing the thief again after playing warrior/mesmer for months. I actually am thinking of switching out the shortbow for the 1h sword, loving the increased mobility/daze/root.
On the dodges you are right here still used to my old build with the vigor buff and 40% endurance regen food, I use the dodges when i try to predict the attack.. this does not work all the time, but in thief battles i feel that it does make a difference.
So you are thinking of switching out the Short bow for a Sword, even though you never swap weapons? Personally I don’t see any thief build that shouldn’t have Short bow, it’s just too kitten good.
Also by playing warrior and mesmer you still should know that a WHITE CIRCLE doesn’t mean the thief is stealthed there, rather the contrary.
And like I said, wasted dodges. You should re-watch your own video because you excuse it being dodges trying to predict enemy movement when you are using them as movement itself.
So you are thinking of switching out the Short bow for a Sword, even though you never swap weapons? Personally I don’t see any thief build that shouldn’t have Short bow, it’s just too kitten good.
Yup some dodges get wasted and I do use them to predict movement was not meant as an excuse, yes I also use them as movement (should have added that in my last comment my bad^^). Like I said before i am used to the extra vigor/endurance regen which allowed me to dodge far more. I have to relearn not to use my dodges that often.
On shortbow part, yes i do not use it enough because personally i do not like the weapon that much, I rarely use it on thieves in the shadow refuge I know it is good since it affects the entire refuge while i have to search with my daggers just to see that second attack motion. If i personally do not want to use it that is my decision alone even if it means that I will never be able to get the full potential of the thief.
On the white circle since you keep bringing that up, yup I know it means a shadowstep and at this moment i cant check the footage, since I am not at home so will not defend it. It was stupid.
ps: This footage was taken from the first thief duels i could find in the stream recording. I did not try to show off my skill, most of these thieves were on the stream in the chat talking and wanted to duel with me. We had a great time, the elona thief at the start is on my friendlist and we still talk. He had fun dueling and that is all that matters. Very nice guy.
(edited by koroshi.2658)
If i personally do not want to use it that is my decision alone even if it means that I will never be able to get the full potential of the thief.
This is enough to get me out of this discussion.
Have fun “improving”.
I’ll have to say you should really improve in various aspects
I agree he does.
…Dodging – TOO MANY wasted dodges. Dodge is your lifeline, DO NOT use it for movement. It’s somewhat excusable IF you have swift/might on dodge and by having that you also have that extra dodge…
Wrong, dodging is used to position not just to evade, especially as a thief where positioning is everything. (Not saying the TC didnt mess up a lot of dodges)
…Shortbow – USE IT! Most of the time its better than the daggers themselves…
Wrong. A 9 sec delay (weapon swap) untill a thief is able to use CnD again AGAINST A BURST thief is crucial. The only thing you could do on ur shortbow would be spamming 3 to avoid the enemys burst. Clusterbomb spam, really? One backstab of the enemy thief will do 3x as much dmg as u did to him with ur cluster bombs (if u even hit him, if you dont you just wasted a lot of initiative while you have accomplished absolutely nothing)
…Too much stealthing…
Wrong. Perfect thief play would be getting into stealth EVERYTIME revealed wears off. You cannot stealth enough especially as a stealth built thief.
So you are thinking of switching out the Short bow for a Sword, even though you never swap weapons? Personally I don’t see any thief build that shouldn’t have Short bow, it’s just too kitten good.
Also by playing warrior and mesmer you still should know that a WHITE CIRCLE doesn’t mean the thief is stealthed there, rather the contrary.
And like I said, wasted dodges. You should re-watch your own video because you excuse it being dodges trying to predict enemy movement when you are using them as movement itself.
You’re new to the thief class right? Never played S/D + D/D or S/D + D/P ? And those are just a few very viable builds that dont use a shortbow.
Nice duels man, thanks. Ignore the haters, I don’t see them making videos…
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood
I’m sure he appreciates all the tips but I think his point wasn’t to come out and say “Hey, I’m the best thief ever” but to just put a compilation together of thief vs thief. Well done.
Ferg Crossing
i dont know why alot of thieves dont use death blossom aganst other thieves. i feel like that is the strongest tool against them, in a very stealth heavy fight, im pretty sure alot of people noticed that whoever stealths 2nd usually has the upper hand because u get that split second to catch them with another cnd or a backstab. with deathblossom you can evade their cnd and stay in range to land a cnd on them unlike a dodgeroll, so now your the one stealthed while they play the guessing game like how i saw you did half the video -_- but aside from that, i like the castle crashers song, think ill whip out my xbox for bit
Nice played, all creed to koroshi.
But, Thief’s are just so OP i think. What other class could solo that many players in a row even how experienced that player was. And even if they was not stacked up in a group.
For me this just confirm that Thief’s take away most of the fun in PVP right now.
I appreciate all the positive comments and feedback. As a thief I feel that improve every day thanks to feedback and see’ing how thieves duel. I still got a long road ahead of me, but enjoying every bit especially when it comes to learning new weapon usage.
i dont know why alot of thieves dont use death blossom against other thieves. i feel like that is the strongest tool against them, in a very stealth heavy fight, im pretty sure alot of people noticed that whoever stealths 2nd usually has the upper hand because u get that split second to catch them with another cnd or a backstab. with deathblossom you can evade their cnd and stay in range to land a cnd on them unlike a dodgeroll.
I will give it a try and see how it works out, thank you for the information.
Straght up D/P and S/D for me. I run Shortbow with condition build since the choking gas is lovely.
I also see alot of thieves not running SB lately.
Just watched the video, very good.
I especially liked the fight with the thief and the warrior :-) poor warrior not having a clue what is happening wandering around like a zombie hehe
First song is from Castel Crashers, lolol
Straght up D/P and S/D for me. I run Shortbow with condition build since the choking gas is lovely.
I also see alot of thieves not running SB lately.
Its hard finding thieves using this weapons setup. I currently am though. I was wondering what you’re specced for in PvP and WvW.
Nice video Koroshi – I enjoyed it. Good to see you back playing the thief. Your initial videos several months ago were what inspired me to make a thief in the first place.
Thanks, would love to see more in the future.
Thief / Engineer / Ranger
1vX Videos:
Did not expect that! Appreciate this a lot, it was thanks to the positive comments and pm’s that made me go back to the thief (very motivating!).
Love your videos, Yashi. Well done on the commentaries (Nice and clear + good explanation). You are doing what I can not.
Keep it up!
Straght up D/P and S/D for me. I run Shortbow with condition build since the choking gas is lovely.
I also see alot of thieves not running SB lately.
Its hard finding thieves using this weapons setup. I currently am though. I was wondering what you’re specced for in PvP and WvW.
For d/p and s/d? I am not full glass I tried it but not my style I am not a fan of the blow all your load and go back and reset and try again. I am actually in all pvt armor except valk shoulders. valk and zerk weapons except my legendary is PVT and all zerk trinkets. I have about 17k health though with d/p. With s/d I am at 16.7k health.
I run 0/20/30/20/0/0 the usual shadow arts traits condi removal, infusion of shadows, shadow rejuvenation and in acrobatics I run fleet shadow so I don’t run Signet of Shadows, In critical strikes i run practiced tolerance and I am trying side strikes out not to see if I like it better than critical haste, not really a fan of furious retaliation because of the 45 second cooldown.
Utils are the Shadow step, shadow refuge, and blinding powder but I switch blinding out with scorpion wire sometimes. After your daze with tactical strike and auto chain they usually will dodge roll or use some sort of stun break or defensive move or try to heal. Use scorpion wire to interrupt pull them in Cloak and dagger and daze and auto chain again.
helo there, this is my 1st post, well i saw your video already on the gw2guru, i need to say, it is impressive what you do, i was never a big fun from D/D before, but now i would say, for me it is almost a must, depending what i am doing, or enemy(ies) i need to deal with. your build is really a good one, have been using it i must say, congrats. and about the critics…opinion is like kitten everyone has yours.. dont take too serious…remember it is just a game. thank you again for the show…
for those that havent see yet: it is worth to see.