LDB sPVP build - I'm using it and it's so boring help

LDB sPVP build - I'm using it and it's so boring help

in Thief

Posted by: beaker.1980


I wanted to do something other than going for a big backstab single hit then just autoattacking from behind, so I went for a bleed damage D/D setup. I’m doing pretty good considering I’ve only done a few dozen games. I’m usually top 3 on my team points wise and this build does great in large crowds. However, it’s just not fun. Does anyone else play this? It feels powerful because you can drop plenty of bleeds very quickly, and at the same time the ability makes you evade and you flop around like a crazy monkey (even more so than heart seeker). It’s just boring, that’s all. LDB LDB LDB steal, LBD, stealth or heal, more LBD, dodge away and stealth.

Is there a more fun way to play a thief in sPvP?

Critical Strikes
III Side Strike (+7% crit chance from back or side)
VI Practiced Tolerance (5% of precision converted to vitality)

Shadow Arts
V Infusion of Shadow (+2 init. when using a skill that stealths me)
VIII Hidden Thief (stealing grants 2 seconds of stealth)

V Thrill of the Crime (10s of fury/might/swiftness when stealing)
VII Bountiful Theft (15s vigor when stealing, moves 2 boons from target to allies)
XI Hastened Replenishment (+4 init. when using a heal skill)

Sigil of Earth (30% chance on crit to inflict a bleed)
Sigil of Agony (Increase bleed duration 5s)

6/6 Rune of the Afflicted
+183 condition damage
+15% bleed and poison durations
Death Nova on downed

Rabid Amulet w/ Rabid Jewel
644 Precision
644 Toughness
923 Condition


LDB sPVP build - I'm using it and it's so boring help

in Thief

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Guy just posted about a Ranger Thief spec, and I replied. Read that. Probably very fun and unexpected to see a range-only sPvP Thief. But doable.

LDB sPVP build - I'm using it and it's so boring help

in Thief

Posted by: Nande.6810



I can see why one would get bored by that setup. I would recommend playing either the more normal D/D P/D which I personally think is worse then D/D P/P which i’m running. I bet you also feel quite glass cannony with that HP pool.

The idea behind it is basically the same, spend your initiative on DB, swap weapon in melee with geomancy rune on weapon to apply those bleeds. When using P/P you would want to keep your distance and bleed up with #1 and spend utillitys to either stealth or bleed more with. Headshot heals if they have castable heals or big damage dealing abillitys. With this build, every time you swap weapon you get ini back and also every time you stealth you get ini back. And when you steal you get vigor which makes you even “tankier” when used correctly.

Once you have 80% of your initiative back, go back into melee, swap to D/D and spend all ini on DB and repeat. Very basic and there are plenty of situations where you would have to do differently. This IMO makes for a interesting play style where you have to act on the fly with weapon swaps and stealths to get ini back or Heatshot a important ability or stomp and so on.

The upside to running P/P imo is Headshot, which can save your life if you burn all ini to daze til you run out of line of sight or daze them til they bleed to death.
Black powder is amazing for tanking and kittening backstabbers over in general.
You can also combo from Black powder with HS and gain stealth if needed which has saved me more then often.

You can watch my video down below for some in-game action, a 9 min pvp movie and in the beginning of it there’s a link to my newer shorter clip where I duel a decent guardian, check them out to see how the build works.
Different builds on both videos and they are linked in description.

Amulet is Carrion with Carrion jewel.
1434 passive condition damage.
5/6 rune of the affected
1/6 rune of the krait, since we’re not planing on dying now are we ;P
Geomancy and corruption on both weaponsets.

Good luck =)


The Bleed thief (d/d & p/p)

LDB sPVP build - I'm using it and it's so boring help

in Thief

Posted by: beaker.1980


integrating weapon swaps would give me something new to do. I don’t really swap now, at all. Thank you for the replies! I will check out both your ideas.

LDB sPVP build - I'm using it and it's so boring help

in Thief

Posted by: obtuse.8291


well i like build like this for tournament. but i have the condition removal on stealth and infusion of shadow (since you can refill initiative in the first few seconds of shadow refuge). i also use withdraw and roll for initiative. change between caltrops and blinding powder for middle slot. thieves guild just to help bolster if we have a heavy clash at a point early in a game. it’s just great. here’s an alternate though using pistol and shortbow, also designed around support and good resilience http://t.co/7PNDtALe

I like the rune of dwayna on top of all the other benefits i get with the 15 sec withdraw heal. it fits the aesthetic of the death blossom Flying Thief

I am the super thief

LDB sPVP build - I'm using it and it's so boring help

in Thief

Posted by: Nande.6810


You’re welcome. Hope you enjoy the build The main diffrence betwene the two builds are that the one im using in the first movie is more stealth oriented and squishier, so I would recommend the build from the shortef guaridan duel clip to begin with

The Bleed thief (d/d & p/p)