Last Refuge strikes again!
I love it. Seriously, it saved me so many times that I would probably put 5 points in SA in every possibly build.
It’s a must.
It may not trigger every time, but when it does you’re not going to waypoint.
Out of all the times I can remember, it’s saved my life once and that was because I was being chain CC’d by an engineer and couldn’t manually pop a stealth.
99.9999% of the time, it has killed me (Popped mid-CnD so I get revealed rather than stealth or popped while I’m still on the offensive and get revealed and can’t stealth when I wanted)
I really don’t like that trait, it’s so early into the tree and can be so detrimental…
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”
Hate it with a passion. I stealth myself when I’m in trouble, the trait reveals me and gets me killed. I can see it being useful for builds that hardly ever stealth, but for CnD builds it’s terrible.
I hate it, this talent gets me killed more then anything else.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
I actually like it… I always use my utility blinding powder or hide in shadows when I hit low health anyway, so the trait just prolongs the stealth I get.
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
Last Refuge is an asset, the only thing that’s broken is confusion, really. I don’t know what anet was thinking when they made certain traits trigger confusion in addition to skills. I often use the trait ‘Evasive Arcana’ on my elementalist, which can be really annoying, as dodging will trigger confusion.
The only problem I have w/ Last Refuge is when I’m in the middle of the fight, and accidently trigger the ‘Revealed’ debuff due to the said trait.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.
…the only thing that’s broken is confusion, really. I don’t know what anet was thinking when they made certain traits trigger confusion in addition to skills.
Oh god, this. I’ve been hit for more than my heal can negate with confusion, which would probably tick if my toon let a fleeting fart slip out. Damage 1/2’d in sPvP says a lot…
But I digress, last refuge is garbage, give me something that doesn’t kill me plz tx!
Last Refuge is a love/hate trait, honestly it needs to ignore revealed effect and allow you to get into stealth at said %hp. But to compensate has to move up in the trait tree otherwise it’s too OP for just 5 points.
Last Refuge is a love/hate trait, honestly it needs to ignore revealed effect and allow you to get into stealth at said %hp. But to compensate has to move up in the trait tree otherwise it’s too OP for just 5 points.
That would be an absolutely perfect fix. .-.
Reminds of when I rage posted about it myself when I got killed by it three times in a hour.
Having Last Refuge swapped with a circle AoE of Smoke Screen for 3-4 seconds with the same radius around the player as Black Powder (100?) keeping the same 90-sec CD would be preferable. Not likely it’ll ever change, but it’d be cool.
C’mon ANet, do it!
Galsia | Jäshin | Çyndelle
[KK] – Henge of Denravi
Last Refuge is a love/hate trait, honestly it needs to ignore revealed effect and allow you to get into stealth at said %hp. But to compensate has to move up in the trait tree otherwise it’s too OP for just 5 points.
Also make last refuge stealth like the mesmer “mass invisibility”. This way if you used cloak and dagger just when you proc last refuge, you won’t get 6s of stealth but only 3 (8 and 4 with traits) when ignoring revealed effect. Fix for us without ppl crying about a too long stealth duration.
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
I hate it, I always have enough init when getting this pressured and it just fubars me into wasting a c/d and messes up my timing for the next 3 hits putting me further in the hole.
It feels like Last Refuge gets me killed about as much as it saves me. >.<
I hate it, this talent gets me killed more then anything else.
This, I hate it. I die to this trait more than anything else.
Last Refuge is an asset, the only thing that’s broken is confusion, really. I don’t know what anet was thinking when they made certain traits trigger confusion in addition to skills. I often use the trait ‘Evasive Arcana’ on my elementalist, which can be really annoying, as dodging will trigger confusion.
The only problem I have w/ Last Refuge is when I’m in the middle of the fight, and accidently trigger the ‘Revealed’ debuff due to the said trait.
Lol, mesmers are meant to lock down the enemy. That was their main purpose in gw1 and just a little bit here in gw2. Just because you hate it and because you dont know how to counter it, doesnt mean that it is broken.
Last Refuge is an asset, the only thing that’s broken is confusion, really. I don’t know what anet was thinking when they made certain traits trigger confusion in addition to skills. I often use the trait ‘Evasive Arcana’ on my elementalist, which can be really annoying, as dodging will trigger confusion.
The only problem I have w/ Last Refuge is when I’m in the middle of the fight, and accidently trigger the ‘Revealed’ debuff due to the said trait.
Lol, mesmers are meant to lock down the enemy. That was their main purpose in gw1 and just a little bit here in gw2. Just because you hate it and because you dont know how to counter it, doesnt mean that it is broken.
What is this? Did I ever say I wasn’t able to counter it? What I was onto is that a trait should not trigger confusion, as one does not exactly have a control over ‘trigger at %’ traits. Also, deciding not to take a certain trait is not ‘countering’ confusion, however much you would like to think so.
Please rethink your post before you jump into assumptions and go into the madbad forum warrior mode. Thanks.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.
I don’t think traits were designed to have huge drawbacks like this, and the fact that last refuge is 5 points in the SA tree, you can’t opt out of the trait if you invest points there.
At minimum, auto-triggers shouldn’t proc confusion. Confusion is supposed to give you a false sense of choice, but last refuge doesn’t even let you have that.
Last Refuge is an asset, the only thing that’s broken is confusion, really. I don’t know what anet was thinking when they made certain traits trigger confusion in addition to skills. I often use the trait ‘Evasive Arcana’ on my elementalist, which can be really annoying, as dodging will trigger confusion.
The only problem I have w/ Last Refuge is when I’m in the middle of the fight, and accidently trigger the ‘Revealed’ debuff due to the said trait.
Lol, mesmers are meant to lock down the enemy. That was their main purpose in gw1 and just a little bit here in gw2. Just because you hate it and because you dont know how to counter it, doesnt mean that it is broken.
What is this? Did I ever say I wasn’t able to counter it? What I was onto is that a trait should not trigger confusion, as one does not exactly have a control over ‘trigger at %’ traits. Also, deciding not to take a certain trait is not ‘countering’ confusion, however much you would like to think so.
Please rethink your post before you jump into assumptions and go into the madbad forum warrior mode. Thanks.
You should rethink the mesmer concept and understand the nature of confusion and then try again.
I just realized something. I almost opened a topic about Blinding Powder, because a lot of times when I try to escape with it it just doesn’t seem to work, there’s the poof but I’m staying visible (and not because of immunity, I looked out for that). Can it be because of Last Refuge proccing the same time? But it feels like it happens too many times…
(edited by Strayhand.8216)
yup. it ends up being a PITA 9 times out of 10. It should be a selectable trait and not something you’re forced into if you want to use that entire tree at all.
I hate this trait and always have. I remember complaining about it 4 months ago on here. I think the trait should override the revealed debuff, and I definitely think it should not proc confusion. And I say this as a Mesmer.
For the most part this trait has saved me with its prolonging my stealth allowing me to escape. The times its gotten me into deep trouble was right when I’m about to CnD it sets off bringing me out of stealth and giving me revealed.
All they have to do is give a short immunity to the revealed effect when Last Refuge triggers, even for just a half-second, to prevent these kind of mishaps. It’s fine to give a free stealth, but when you have no control over it, there needs to be a safety net.
Resident Thief
It’s probably my least favorite adept trait in Shadow Arts.
I think they should make LR the 25 adept. MwS should be 5, and HA put at 15.
Oh last refuge. You always know what I’m planning. You never like those plans. Why do you hate me last refuge?
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
with this new patch, maybe it’ll get even worse. Pop that stealth under reveal and do nothing. Or worse yet if it pops right before you bp, then you just revealed with bp, and by the time debuff is off the bp spot would be gone….
Having LR ignore revealed won’t help in most scenarios because it tends to get us killed when it triggers right before a cloak and dagger hits, which applies revealed on us because of the damage done by c/d…
I REALLY hope they change this next patch along with the stealth change, or it will become even more of a detriment than it is now.
I don’t put points in SA so I never have the problem.
But that stinks that it triggers confusion. :/
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Yeah sounds bad – with the latest changes I’ve noticed the revealed debuff much more. Its no biggie but it does make this trait a problem child, very much so.
Porbably should change the name from last Refuge to – Yer Buggeredd.
I don’t put points in SA so I never have the problem.
But that stinks that it triggers confusion. :/
If I let a fart slip out too close to a mesmer, I get downed via confusion.
I don’t put points in SA so I never have the problem.
But that stinks that it triggers confusion. :/
If I let a fart slip out too close to a mesmer, I get downed via confusion.
I have a collection of mental scars from confusion also using Unload. I didn’t know she didn’t want it in there.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Porbably should change the name from last Refuge to – Yer Buggeredd.
I prefer ‘Death Sentence’: ‘When things are going bad and you are being spanked, you may recieve a nasty surprise revealed effect which prevents you from using a controlled stealth when you need it most’. Shadow Arts, 5 points.
Honestly, this trait should be spared from the ‘Revealed’ effect, since thieves have no control at all on its activation. It depends entirely on enemy actions. Thieves can’t plan ahead to chain it with other stealth skills, nor calculate when it’s going to trigger.
I have died so many times because of this trait that….
I’m on my 3rd keyboard since game came out, new record!