Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa
(edited by Kocoff.7582)
Dear Devs Teams, Mr. Robert Gee, Karl McLain, and Roy Cronacher,
Guildwars2 is great game. By far the best MMORPG I ever played and even though I seldom take breaks from it, I am always in awe when I come back. This time however, the changes were so drastic, I am afraid Thieves cannot cope with it anymore.
The situation
Weeks after months, all we read in the Thief’s forum is about how broken and frustrated we all are. I am sure you noticed how few S/D thieves there are, and how most of us had to painfully adapt to D/P gameplay. 90% of thieves I see are D/P, making us extremely predictable and mundane. P/P players nowadays are like myths, so are P/D and S/P
Please read our forum. Just the titles will suffice. We stopped making videos of how crazy our skills are in Outnumbered situations. All you will find nowadays is a huge amount of feedback of how unreliable the Acrobatics trait is, how other professions completely took over our roles or how stolen skills or weapons skill are truly out of sync at the PvE, PvP or WvW level. We LOVE the Thief so much, that there is an entire guild [TEEF] dedicated to helping new Thief/players and pointing out the core issues with traits, helping with constructive feedbacks.
I know that no matter what you do, I will adapt and play my Thief. I personally deleted 4 of my characters just to focus on this one. Not to mention the increasing number of threads about people switching professions for good. You do not want that, and neither do we.
What we do have in common however, is have all professions strengthened and balanced long before HoT release.
We saw how transparent you were with the Necromancer and Revenants forums. We also see increasingly menacing skills that obliterate Stealth Mechanic. So, I ask that once again, you explain what it is you want from this profession and where it is heading because we feel doomed and ignored. Even a simple « hello » would be fine with me to be honest.
I am sure you can explain what it is you are doing without revealing major secrets things like elite specs, etc. Please, I do not want all my fellows thieves and myself to have all their efforts undermined just because of synergy and communication problems.
I refuse to sit idle any longer and calmly wait for a Thief Elite Spec simply because the issues we are facing now will NOT be solved by having a new weapon, I also refuse to believe that Anet just decided to nerf Thieves "to the ground » for no reason.
With all due respect, please let us know the current situation or problems you are facing and proves us wrong.
(edited by Kocoff.7582)
Last answer from a dev was on Jun 19th and is right now in page 21 (cos the one in page 11 is just a merge into a two years old post). Taking into account the consistency of that, I don’t think anyone is gonna stop by to say “hello”.
Maybe they don’t say anything because they are working hard to fix the problems that we are facing right now, or not, who knows…
That’s exactly why I asked them to prove us wrong at the end. Last intervention was on page 21 you say? lol. At this point boys, It does not hurt to try. We cannot be MORE disappointed than the way we are now.
Also, There were two other threads this morning asking for answer from the Devs. Both of them a little sarcastic and impolite to my eyes, I cannot find them anymore. Did the OPs erase them or is Anet behind it? If they are behind it, then we can hope they can answer this one.
(edited by Kocoff.7582)
That’s exactly why I asked them to prove us wrong at the end. Last intervention was on page 21 you say? lol. At this point boys, It does not hurt to try. We cannot be MORE disappointed than the way we are now.
Also, There were two other threads this morning asking for answer from the Devs. Both of them a little sarcastic and impolite to my eyes, I cannot find them anymore. Did the OPs erase them or is Anet behind it? If they are behind it, then we can hope they can answer this one.
They removed my post and said the following:
“We understand that you want get our attention about an issue you feel passionate about. All ArenaNet staff members, from designers to moderators, continually pass along feedback and suggestions to the rest of the development teams. Addressing a thread directly to ArenaNet Staff members tends to cause disruptions on the forums, and therefore, is not allowed.”
Please note the “not allowed” to address a thread directed to ArenaNet Staff members.
Yet Gee did replay to this thread that was directed to him:
Whatever. That’s Anet for you.
ohhh maaan . So it is safe to assume they did read mine, but somehow still did not delete it. I loled a little for link you sent and the irony behind it.
another bad news.
BTW it’s not gonna be us this week: Straight in from Twitter
ohhh maaan
. So it is safe to assume they did read mine, but somehow still did not delete it. I loled a little for link you sent and the irony behind it.
another bad news.
BTW it’s not gonna be us this week: Straight in from Twitter
-cry silently in the corner- anet hates medium armor classes none have been shown.
ohhh maaan
. So it is safe to assume they did read mine, but somehow still did not delete it. I loled a little for link you sent and the irony behind it.
another bad news.
BTW it’s not gonna be us this week: Straight in from Twitter
LOL. Annet is now trolling thieves.
They revealed all light and heavy armor classes (warrior this week), and we know what weapon the engineer and ranger will get.
The thief elite weapon will be the last to be revealed (pun intended) lol.
ohhh maaan
. So it is safe to assume they did read mine, but somehow still did not delete it. I loled a little for link you sent and the irony behind it.
another bad news.
BTW it’s not gonna be us this week: Straight in from TwitterLOL. Annet is now trolling thieves.
They revealed all light and heavy armor classes (warrior this week), and we know what weapon the engineer and ranger will get.
The thief elite weapon will be the last to be revealed (pun intended) lol.
No surprise there. Thief was always an afterthought. They have never shown that they have taken the time to test and tweak the profession before releasing it. The changes they’ve made to improve the Thief was casually taken away with their last patch.
How then can we trust that they have the profession’s best interest in mind when they have failed to make the profession competitive in every game mode of the game.
No thoughts nor care were spent to this profession, just some random stupid ideas that they think it’s good without looking at the big picture.
At this point, I WILL calmly wait until the Thief Elite Spec announcement, even if it inevitably ends up being the last one… but at that point, there are no more excuses.
When our Elite spec is revealed, ANet better have a gameplan ready for how to address the major issues with Thief as a whole. Anything less would be a waste of everyone’s time, as the issues with the profession go a lot deeper than an elite specialization can fix. Still, it could be the beginning of a new and improved direction for the profession… maybe.
The clock is ticking, ANet. We’re watching and listening… show that you are too.
No no ranger will be last I believe engi is next than us if ranger comes before us we can start bringing doom. Also did everyone realized that if your class gets a 2H weapons your class mechanic changes so thief elite spec will not steal.
@Sagat…. what is a thief without Steal? He becomes Aladdin.
Are you trying to make this worse ? Don’t say this, stop giving me bad thoughts. I want to sleep well tonight and have good dreams. hahaha #Imtoooldforthis.
@Amante… I could not have said it better. " Anything less would be a waste" .
WE GOTTA HAVE FAITH BOYS. THE THIEVES WILL PREVAIL. All I know it this : two other players wrote an open letter just like mine, but it got deleted and Arenanet Staff sent them messages.
So it is safe to assume, they READ this thread. We can only hope one of them answers the message.
I didn’t even get a message when they deleted my thread… And I pretty much offered to sacrifice a goat in exchange for as little as a “Hello” from literally anyone with Anet next to their name.
@Sagat…. what is a thief without Steal? He becomes Aladdin.
Are you trying to make this worse ? Don’t say this, stop giving me bad thoughts. I want to sleep well tonight and have good dreams. hahaha #Imtoooldforthis.
@Amante… I could not have said it better. " Anything less would be a waste" .
WE GOTTA HAVE FAITH BOYS. THE THIEVES WILL PREVAIL. All I know it this : two other players wrote an open letter just like mine, but it got deleted and Arenanet Staff sent them messages.
So it is safe to assume, they READ this thread. We can only hope one of them answers the message.
Well it’s not called a thief anyway and I’m just following a pattern in the revealed ones those who got a 1H weapon got an extra F button ele would have too hard come on now and those who got 2H weapons got their mechanic replaced if war follow the same pattern then if thief get either rifle or staff steal will be altered. If we get super stolen items I’m out.
I didn’t even get a message when they deleted my thread… And I pretty much offered to sacrifice a goat in exchange for as little as a “Hello” from literally anyone with Anet next to their name.
So that means 1 OP ouf ot the 2 got a message. If you are curious about what they said Warhawk it’s at the beginning of the thread. I think 3rd post.
While I secretly hope to hear from Anet too, now is probably the worst time as a developer to go on forums and read about player frustrations and impatience. Posts like this degrade morale of staff and does not contribute to faster development time. How would you feel if your work was constantly shamed on the forums even in the midst of deadlines and trying your best to improve quality for players?
If you feel that a staff is not doing their jobs properly, my personal approach would be to send a ticket for Anet to handle it internally.
The silence is deafening, yes, I’m a player too. However, demanding “our satisfaction, or else…” approach seems foolish to me. No developer wants the heavy burden of knowing players quit because of their poor work. We don’t need to reiterate threats publicly directed towards staff, calling their names out, and demanding requests.
(edited by Haze.9075)
Yeah, I saw that…
I guess there is some minute comfort in my thread getting deleted because it proves that someone had to click on this forum, and actually come in here to get rid of it.
While I secretly hope to hear from Anet too, now is probably the worst time as a developer to go on forums and read about player frustrations and impatience. Posts like this degrade morale of staff and does not contribute to faster development time. How would you feel if your work was constantly shamed on the forums even in the midst of deadlines and trying your best to improve quality for players?
If you feel that a staff is not doing their jobs properly, my personal approach would be to send a ticket for Anet to handle it internally.
The silence is deafening, yes, I’m a player too. However, demanding “our satisfaction, or else…” approach seems foolish to me. No developer wants the heavy burden of knowing players quit because of their poor work. We don’t need to reiterate threats directed towards staff, hence the forum regulations.
^ I think it would improve moral just to see that a Dev has even looked at the forum… I would be happy if one came in and posted a picture of their cat or something. Any kind of response would reassure people that they are at least clicking on this forum. Anything is better than than this silent isolation type of approach.
(edited by Warhawk.7095)
I made my Thread before even reading this one, but basically you asked the same thing, and your concerns were spot on with mine, and I made my thread before even reading any of this.
Communication is what we need. If Anet is facing problems developing the Thief, they can atleast let us know that they’re having issues, and even go as far as ask the community for some input. (Goes for all classes not just Thief) communication is key. Thieves are being left out in the dark in game, and in real life.
-Anet said they are releasing elite specs in terms of when they’re ready.
“There are people looking forward to every reveal–they’re out in the order in which they’re ready. Nobody is being ignored. ~RB2” -Twitter
So has the Thief really been challenging to fix, test, and balance? If so let us know that, let us give you our ideas, and let us brainstorm.
I do hope your open letter reach them.You just wrote everything that troubled me aswell.I am one of the S/D thieves that persist on staying with that spec.But im really struggling and while somtimes i feel like im strong cause mayeb im killing low skill players I mostly see myself outdmged,out-sustained and facerolled.
Please Anet,we want simple sentence that says"Hello everyone,we do see all your feedback and we are checking all our options on the matter" simple as that!
I made my Thread before even reading this one, but basically you asked the same thing, and your concerns were spot on with mine, and I made my thread before even reading any of this.
Communication is what we need. If Anet is facing problems developing the Thief, they can atleast let us know that they’re having issues, and even go as far as ask the community for some input. (Goes for all classes not just Thief) communication is key. Thieves are being left out in the dark in game, and in real life.
-Anet said they are releasing elite specs in terms of when they’re ready.
“There are people looking forward to every reveal–they’re out in the order in which they’re ready. Nobody is being ignored. ~RB2” -Twitter
So has the Thief really been challenging to fix, test, and balance? If so let us know that, let us give you our ideas, and let us brainstorm.
lol, we’ve given them tons of feedback and probably their jaws are sore from chewing on each of them. I’m sure that each Thief ideas are scrutinized and objected on and the back and forth is not looking pretty. But that’s what I think they are doing. In reality, they might have the ideas pile up in the corner gathering dust until crunch time where they pull any random ideas and implement it to the Thief without iteration…like what we’ve seen so far. Some of the changes to the Thief doesn’t even makes sense.
I made my Thread before even reading this one, but basically you asked the same thing, and your concerns were spot on with mine, and I made my thread before even reading any of this.
Communication is what we need. If Anet is facing problems developing the Thief, they can atleast let us know that they’re having issues, and even go as far as ask the community for some input. (Goes for all classes not just Thief) communication is key. Thieves are being left out in the dark in game, and in real life.
-Anet said they are releasing elite specs in terms of when they’re ready.
“There are people looking forward to every reveal–they’re out in the order in which they’re ready. Nobody is being ignored. ~RB2” -Twitter
So has the Thief really been challenging to fix, test, and balance? If so let us know that, let us give you our ideas, and let us brainstorm.
lol, we’ve given them tons of feedback and probably their jaws are sore from chewing on each of them. I’m sure that each Thief ideas are scrutinized and objected on and the back and forth is not looking pretty. But that’s what I think they are doing. In reality, they might have the ideas pile up in the corner gathering dust until crunch time where they pull any random ideas and implement it to the Thief without iteration…like what we’ve seen so far. Some of the changes to the Thief doesn’t even makes sense.
I just wish and want more communication.. There should be 2 staff for each class. Have 1 person be Thief designer, and the other Thief coordinator and communications and be on forums. So that they can relay some if any information about future class changes, or implications.
I made my Thread before even reading this one, but basically you asked the same thing, and your concerns were spot on with mine, and I made my thread before even reading any of this.
Communication is what we need. If Anet is facing problems developing the Thief, they can atleast let us know that they’re having issues, and even go as far as ask the community for some input. (Goes for all classes not just Thief) communication is key. Thieves are being left out in the dark in game, and in real life.
-Anet said they are releasing elite specs in terms of when they’re ready.
“There are people looking forward to every reveal–they’re out in the order in which they’re ready. Nobody is being ignored. ~RB2” -Twitter
So has the Thief really been challenging to fix, test, and balance? If so let us know that, let us give you our ideas, and let us brainstorm.
lol, we’ve given them tons of feedback and probably their jaws are sore from chewing on each of them. I’m sure that each Thief ideas are scrutinized and objected on and the back and forth is not looking pretty. But that’s what I think they are doing. In reality, they might have the ideas pile up in the corner gathering dust until crunch time where they pull any random ideas and implement it to the Thief without iteration…like what we’ve seen so far. Some of the changes to the Thief doesn’t even makes sense.
I just wish and want more communication.. There should be 2 staff for each class. Have 1 person be Thief designer, and the other Thief coordinator and communications and be on forums. So that they can relay some if any information about future class changes, or implications.
As far as I know there is alway at least two person looking at each profession. One is the head of the balance team (coordinator) and the other is the one who is actually making the changes (designer). Then I would think that they will have all the team together eventually during the development to throw ideas and feedback at each other as part of the iteration process, where some of the good ideas for the Thief are shut down and burned to never be brought up again.
We have one thing to hold onto,they changed feline grace like everyone wanted.That gives us a bit of hope they do see this forum.
I made my Thread before even reading this one, but basically you asked the same thing, and your concerns were spot on with mine, and I made my thread before even reading any of this.
Communication is what we need. If Anet is facing problems developing the Thief, they can atleast let us know that they’re having issues, and even go as far as ask the community for some input. (Goes for all classes not just Thief) communication is key. Thieves are being left out in the dark in game, and in real life.
-Anet said they are releasing elite specs in terms of when they’re ready.
“There are people looking forward to every reveal–they’re out in the order in which they’re ready. Nobody is being ignored. ~RB2” -Twitter
So has the Thief really been challenging to fix, test, and balance? If so let us know that, let us give you our ideas, and let us brainstorm.
lol, we’ve given them tons of feedback and probably their jaws are sore from chewing on each of them. I’m sure that each Thief ideas are scrutinized and objected on and the back and forth is not looking pretty. But that’s what I think they are doing. In reality, they might have the ideas pile up in the corner gathering dust until crunch time where they pull any random ideas and implement it to the Thief without iteration…like what we’ve seen so far. Some of the changes to the Thief doesn’t even makes sense.
I just wish and want more communication.. There should be 2 staff for each class. Have 1 person be Thief designer, and the other Thief coordinator and communications and be on forums. So that they can relay some if any information about future class changes, or implications.
As far as I know there is alway at least two person looking at each profession. One is the head of the balance team (coordinator) and the other is the one who is actually making the changes (designer). Then I would think that they will have all the team together eventually during the development to throw ideas and feedback at each other as part of the iteration process, where some of the good ideas for the Thief are shut down and burned to never be brought up again.
Well that’s depressing. Because that goes to show the lack of communication from the Thief forum coordinator. I didn’t know there was one. And yes those lost and burned ideas sigh.. that the public will never know about. Should atleast be written down and posted to a thread so we could see what we could’ve had and QQ about not having it.
I made my Thread before even reading this one, but basically you asked the same thing, and your concerns were spot on with mine, and I made my thread before even reading any of this.
Communication is what we need. If Anet is facing problems developing the Thief, they can atleast let us know that they’re having issues, and even go as far as ask the community for some input. (Goes for all classes not just Thief) communication is key. Thieves are being left out in the dark in game, and in real life.
-Anet said they are releasing elite specs in terms of when they’re ready.
“There are people looking forward to every reveal–they’re out in the order in which they’re ready. Nobody is being ignored. ~RB2” -Twitter
So has the Thief really been challenging to fix, test, and balance? If so let us know that, let us give you our ideas, and let us brainstorm.
lol, we’ve given them tons of feedback and probably their jaws are sore from chewing on each of them. I’m sure that each Thief ideas are scrutinized and objected on and the back and forth is not looking pretty. But that’s what I think they are doing. In reality, they might have the ideas pile up in the corner gathering dust until crunch time where they pull any random ideas and implement it to the Thief without iteration…like what we’ve seen so far. Some of the changes to the Thief doesn’t even makes sense.
I just wish and want more communication.. There should be 2 staff for each class. Have 1 person be Thief designer, and the other Thief coordinator and communications and be on forums. So that they can relay some if any information about future class changes, or implications.
As far as I know there is alway at least two person looking at each profession. One is the head of the balance team (coordinator) and the other is the one who is actually making the changes (designer). Then I would think that they will have all the team together eventually during the development to throw ideas and feedback at each other as part of the iteration process, where some of the good ideas for the Thief are shut down and burned to never be brought up again.
Well that’s depressing. Because that goes to show the lack of communication from the Thief forum coordinator. I didn’t know there was one. And yes those lost and burned ideas sigh.. that the public will never know about. Should atleast be written down and posted to a thread so we could see what we could’ve had and QQ about not having it.
After several years not seeing the idea come through should be sufficient enough reason to QQ.
I finally caught up with all those posts. I truly believe the QQ we are doing is reasonable. As a matter of fact, I did not intend it to sound like a complaint at all and made sure of it.
I started this thread, trying to be a polite as possible, letting them know that we thieves, at the other end of the gun just want a little bit of transparency.
I am glad a lot of you somewhat support this thread. We need to understand that these guys have seriously tough jobs and intense deadlines to meet. For example, in one week they have to get ready for another Expo called PACX. It’s really burning their seats too.
All I wanted from this thread is a simple clear answer like “no worries we got your back.”
I don’t want this thread to be delete, that’s why I made it as supportive and understanding as I can.
Moreover, I know what we asked is not much simply because they were extremely transparent with the Revenants & The Necros.
The same goes for you ladies and gents, keep it clean and positive when you can please. They truly are under a lot of pressure. I don’t want another blaming game in here please.
Your professional career isn’t at stake like theirs does.
We have one thing to hold onto,they changed feline grace like everyone wanted.That gives us a bit of hope they do see this forum.
Doesn’t look too good if the thief of your winning esports team quits because he can’t play his build anymore (if that’s really the reason why he left).
We have one thing to hold onto,they changed feline grace like everyone wanted.That gives us a bit of hope they do see this forum.
“Laughable” is the nicest thing I can say about it.
We have one thing to hold onto,they changed feline grace like everyone wanted.That gives us a bit of hope they do see this forum.
Doesn’t look too good if the thief of your winning esports team quits because he can’t play his build anymore (if that’s really the reason why he left).
One thing is sure is that a long time pro-Thief player switched to Engi in Finals…the end is nigh.
Dear Devs Teams, Mr. Robert Gee, Karl McLain, and Roy Cronacher,
Guildwars2 is great game. By far the best MMORPG I ever played and even though I seldom take breaks from it, I am always in awe when I come back. This time however, the changes were so drastic, I am afraid Thieves cannot cope with it anymore.
The situation
Weeks after months, all we read in the Thief’s forum is about how broken and frustrated we all are. I am sure you noticed how few S/D thieves there are, and how most of us had to painfully adapt to D/P gameplay. 90% of thieves I see are D/P, making us extremely predictable and mundane. P/P players nowadays are like myths, so are P/D and S/PPlease read our forum. Just the titles will suffice. We stopped making videos of how crazy our skills are in Outnumbered situations. All you will find nowadays is a huge amount of feedback of how unreliable the Acrobatics trait is, how other professions completely took over our roles or how stolen skills or weapons skill are truly out of sync at the PvE, PvP or WvW level. We LOVE the Thief so much, that there is an entire guild [TEEF] dedicated to helping new Thief/players and pointing out the core issues with traits, helping with constructive feedbacks.
I know that no matter what you do, I will adapt and play my Thief. I personally deleted 4 of my characters just to focus on this one. Not to mention the increasing number of threads about people switching professions for good. You do not want that, and neither do we.
What we do have in common however, is have all professions strengthened and balanced long before HoT release.Conclusion
We saw how transparent you were with the Necromancer and Revenants forums. We also see increasingly menacing skills that obliterate Stealth Mechanic. So, I ask that once again, you explain what it is you want from this profession and where it is heading because we feel doomed and ignored. Even a simple « hello » would be fine with me to be honest.I am sure you can explain what it is you are doing without revealing major secrets things like elite specs, etc. Please, I do not want all my fellows thieves and myself to have all their efforts undermined just because of synergy and communication problems.
I refuse to sit idle any longer and calmly wait for a Thief Elite Spec simply because the issues we are facing now will NOT be solved by having a new weapon, I also refuse to believe that Anet just decided to nerf Thieves "to the ground » for no reason.
With all due respect, please let us know the current situation or problems you are facing and proves us wrong.
the thief community is 100% behind you man.
you’re doing god’s work for our beloved, but maligned profession
ohhh maaan
. So it is safe to assume they did read mine, but somehow still did not delete it. I loled a little for link you sent and the irony behind it.
another bad news.
BTW it’s not gonna be us this week: Straight in from Twitter
I wonder if it will have access to reveal… I mean it’s a torch….
To be fair though, some warrior players were really disappointed. :/ I would be too.
ohhh maaan
. So it is safe to assume they did read mine, but somehow still did not delete it. I loled a little for link you sent and the irony behind it.
another bad news.
BTW it’s not gonna be us this week: Straight in from TwitterI wonder if it will have access to reveal… I mean it’s a torch….
To be fair though, some warrior players were really disappointed. :/ I would be too.
Rest assured it will. And since it’s Warrior we’re talking about, all they’ll have to do is wave it back ’n forth real quick to cause it. Range: 25,000
I Backstabbed the Mesmer’s Thank You Post and got it locked.
Thief 1 Mesmer 0
I Backstabbed the Mesmer’s Thank You Post and got it locked.
Thief 1 Mesmer 0
lol oh wow it’s locked…
I can feel them breathing right behind us. It’s safe to say they read everything now even Thief Forums despite our almost riot-like attitude It’s a matter of time now.
Traps are RARELY USED anymore. I hope the Daredevil let’s use use those more often, cause that knockdown is gold.
That’s too bad, played the GW2 core beta and when the game just came out for maybe 2-3 weeks before quitting due to many issues I felt the game had for PvP. I came back last week and do enjoy the game. After having played every class in PvP for about a week to try to figure out which one I might like best as a ’’main’’, it was a tough choice between Guardian, Warrior and Thief and I ended up picking Thief. I got him to lvl 80 (with the help of a lot of tomes of knowledge) and got him some really cool transmog. I even spent last night back in GW1 PvE (which I absolutely hate) only to get a few more points with achievements that I was missing to unlock the skin of the daggers I was using on my GW1 assassin (which was my main back then).
Reading all of these posts from people who have been playing for a long time isn’t very encouraging. However, I’d have to say that when I check other class forums or when I asked them questions, a lot of them seemed to pretend that their class was about to go extinct as well. It seems like most people agree that Ele is in a great spot right now (and the D/D is just so strong that Tempest may not be terrible but it’s just that nothing can compete with D/D) and Ranger is the worst (I’m talking for PvP).
When I was hestitating between Guardian or Warrior DPS, a lot of people said that they expect a nerf to Rampage (again) and that once it hits, warrior will be obsolete and useless for his role. Guardian DPS doesn’t seem to be working or working too well at high level, they seem to be forced to go Bunker specs (which is fine and they’re very strong with that spec still). A lot of people seemed to think that Thief is doing fine.
Overall, I do hope that the thief gets some things to rework it. I find it a bit boring how I feel forced into one weapon set (especially when the offhand weapon is just utility rather than something else to use for combat) while I have many viable options on the other classes I play. I enjoy most classes and could switch if needed but I really would want to stick to my thief to main him and master him better (I’m doing pretty good already but I still have so much to learn and improve).
Here’s an example of what I was saying taken from a Mesmer post (Necros do seem to have at least 2-3 viable options unless I’m mistaken):
’’great for mesmers, good job.
Can necros get some of the same attention.
Seriously, we want to be viable as well.’’
(edited by NeoSoul.4198)
I had one my posts flagged and removed and got awarded two “infraction points” .
@Sagat…. what is a thief without Steal? He becomes Aladdin.
Are you trying to make this worse ? Don’t say this, stop giving me bad thoughts. I want to sleep well tonight and have good dreams. hahaha #Imtoooldforthis.
@Amante… I could not have said it better. " Anything less would be a waste" .
WE GOTTA HAVE FAITH BOYS. THE THIEVES WILL PREVAIL. All I know it this : two other players wrote an open letter just like mine, but it got deleted and Arenanet Staff sent them messages.
So it is safe to assume, they READ this thread. We can only hope one of them answers the message.Well it’s not called a thief anyway and I’m just following a pattern in the revealed ones those who got a 1H weapon got an extra F button ele would have too hard come on now and those who got 2H weapons got their mechanic replaced if war follow the same pattern then if thief get either rifle or staff steal will be altered. If we get super stolen items I’m out.
i second this
I had one my posts flagged and removed and got awarded two “infraction points” .
Yup. Same! That’s partly why I’ve been banned 5 times. That and I’m past the being civil part. I’ve lost all patience and now am as blunt as I can be. Thief has been on a steady downhill path ever since launch. Never once has it leveled, or went uphill.
I had one my posts flagged and removed and got awarded two “infraction points” .
Yup. Same! That’s partly why I’ve been banned 5 times. That and I’m past the being civil part. I’ve lost all patience and now am as blunt as I can be. Thief has been on a steady downhill path ever since launch. Never once has it leveled, or went uphill.
The question is : how did you get banned 5 times mate? hahaha i mean once wasn’t enough for you or something?
I understand you guys are passionate, as am I. Oh God. I am.
But lets turn this frustration that leads to infractions, and potential bans, into something useful for the dev’s to read.
We want them to look at our posts, and communicate, acting like barbarians, and doing irrational things, will only make them shy away from us even more, lessening the chance of us even getting any sort of savings grace.
I understand you guys are passionate, as am I. Oh God. I am.
But lets turn this frustration that leads to infractions, and potential bans, into something useful for the dev’s to read.
We want them to look at our posts, and communicate, acting like barbarians, and doing irrational things, will only make them shy away from us even more, lessening the chance of us even getting any sort of savings grace.
I had one my posts flagged and removed and got awarded two “infraction points” .
Yup. Same! That’s partly why I’ve been banned 5 times. That and I’m past the being civil part. I’ve lost all patience and now am as blunt as I can be. Thief has been on a steady downhill path ever since launch. Never once has it leveled, or went uphill.
It went uphill once, about 6 months after launch after a quite severe nerf in response to essentially the critical hit mechanic the thief got a bump back on track to the point where auto attacking same level mobs would kill the mob. Like most weapon skills got a 5-12% damage boost. It never happened again, but it was fun while it lasted because the next nerf didn’t immediately undo the boost.
I had one my posts flagged and removed and got awarded two “infraction points” .
Yup. Same! That’s partly why I’ve been banned 5 times. That and I’m past the being civil part. I’ve lost all patience and now am as blunt as I can be. Thief has been on a steady downhill path ever since launch. Never once has it leveled, or went uphill.
The question is : how did you get banned 5 times mate? hahaha i mean once wasn’t enough for you or something?
Wasn’t his fault, someone with mod privileges didn’t like what he had to say.
I had one my posts flagged and removed and got awarded two “infraction points” .
Yup. Same! That’s partly why I’ve been banned 5 times. That and I’m past the being civil part. I’ve lost all patience and now am as blunt as I can be. Thief has been on a steady downhill path ever since launch. Never once has it leveled, or went uphill.
The question is : how did you get banned 5 times mate? hahaha i mean once wasn’t enough for you or something?
Wasn’t his fault, someone with mod privileges didn’t like what he had to say.
Yep, twice today ive had posts removed and infraction points granted on this thief forum, someone clearly doesnt like what i have to say, free speech? whats that?
I’m even suspended from making new topics sigh
I’m even suspended from making new topics sigh
If you’re not joking then they labeled you as a menace to society.
I’m even suspended from making new topics sigh
If you’re not joking then they labeled you as a menace to society.
Im just very satirical, i find its a good way to get people to interact with your topic
e.g Create a topic that has a catchy title, Start with a hugely exaggerated stance on whatever subject, then follow it up by more reasonable explanations.
But i digress, some people are too sensitive, or just have a kitten for being a mod
As a new Thief player I can see a lot of where you guys are coming from. If the Thief was better pre me joining I want to see that.
Mainly love the thief because all the other classes feel slow and cumbersome.
In other class forums they talk about how easy thieves are, that should be a huge red flag for those in charge of balancing right there, especially since thief is meant to specialize dominating 1 on 1 in PvP.
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