Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


In other class forums they talk about how easy thieves are, that should be a huge red flag for those in charge of balancing right there, especially since thief is meant to specialize dominating 1 on 1 in PvP.

Not so much dominate in 1 v 1, but be a threat if they get the jump on you.
Currently our burst is outclassed by other professions cough mesmer cough

And our survivability is so sub par we cant outlast other classes in a prolonged fight without our stealth as a crutch… which is now getting more and more counters…

So yeah, either make me an explosion of damage to make up for my lack of defense, or bring our survivability back up.

Desolation [KISS]

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Overworld.9613


In other class forums they talk about how easy thieves are, that should be a huge red flag for those in charge of balancing right there, especially since thief is meant to specialize dominating 1 on 1 in PvP.

Not necesseraly , I went looking and asking and the main consensus is that thieves used to be able to 1 shot every class but gardian in PvP, but now when fighting a skilled thief the odds are 50/50 on who will win in any scenario with the odds in the thief’s favor if they initiate the fight. Except for against mesmers, who can’t agree if thieves are too easy to kill or that they don’t have any tools for responding to a class without cooldowns on their weapon skills.

Also, no one has any idea what the thief is supposed to specialize in

Secretly creative

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


“There are people looking forward to every reveal–they’re out in the order in which they’re ready. Nobody is being ignored. ~RB2” -Twitter

So has the Thief really been challenging to fix, test, and balance? If so let us know that, let us give you our ideas, and let us brainstorm.

No one will be behind Ranger, seeing as no one plays it, they’ve got to have at least a few months of actually trying it before “fixing and balancing”. You’re way ahead in the pecking order.

I’d go as far as to say you’re next (after this warrior reveal). If this is just a coincidence or not https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/ you’re next in line, then Engi. The only one who was skipped out most likely due to “not being ready” is yup… Ranger.

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Swish.2463


As a Mesmer main for forever, Its sad to see thieves sitting in their tears, and also a bit sweet.

I’ve never been good with the class and historically it negated my profession of choice from PvP for years but I think you guys face a very similar problem to Mesmers when it comes to development.

At launch you were handed a set of toys that are very hard to balance against each other, some were broken and OP, others were just stupid.

Now it comes down to figuring out how to revitalize thieves without making them OP again. Either it need to be a new mechanic or doubling up on something you already have (I wouldn’t mind seeing more evades rather than stealth spam). Either way, much like the Mesmer, your elite spec may be what you will be forced into using for the foreseeable future to compete on equal footing with other classes once again.

As happy as we are with Chronomancer, we all know and acknowledge in some extent its what the core class probably should have been from the word go.

I feel like the game doesnt need a 1v1 specialist with so much of the heavy focus being on Group combat, Thief could probably do to retain its single target spiking but with the ability to rapidly hit multiple targets without tabbing till your fingers bleed, as it moves in and out of the fight.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


There are plenty of ways to revitalize thieves without making them “OP again” (which they arguably never were). Very few people in this subforum are asking for things like more damage, as obviously we have plenty of that already.

Personally, all I want is the ability to be viable in more than one build and role… you know, like literally every other profession in the game.

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Overworld.9613


I feel like the game doesnt need a 1v1 specialist with so much of the heavy focus being on Group combat, Thief could probably do to retain its single target spiking but with the ability to rapidly hit multiple targets without tabbing till your fingers bleed, as it moves in and out of the fight.

Here’s the problem with a 1v1 specialist: there’s more than 1 opponent in the game and you will very infrequently find a single target without friends to back it up; if you do it’s designed to be a 1vX fighter and will laugh and ignore your CC abilities.

So instead of making someone good at 1v1, you’ve just made them very bad at 80% of the game where they will be fighting alone against several targets with no way to kite them apart. Mesmer has been put into a decent spot when it comes to 1v1 fighting, where by the tool you would use to deal crushing blows happens to have a handy AoE effect. The Thief’s tool for being good at the PvE content is to pretend to be playing an entirely different game and turn into 4 dudes (with 4 swords) for a bit and crush each foe individually before your backup dancers run out of song.

Some of the other classes have a handy thing called cleave on auto-attacks and the health pool to stand up to a stiff breeze, or utility skills that have similar tight AoE effects on their location.

The thief doesn’t exactly fit into this model of content, which is probably why a lot of the assumption on the new Elite Spec are to solve this, and why we’ll end up with the mentality that the Elite Spec is required to play the old content. Not because the original features were sub-par, but because there was no area of the PvE content that really let a single target focused approach shine.
EDIT: or for that matter, where stealthing NPCs was a valid solution to any problem despite it being logically the best solution on hand.

Secretly creative

(edited by Overworld.9613)

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


Oveworld is right. The concept of 1v1 specialist makes little sense. WvW is a team effort, so is PvP and PvE. There is high chance in WvW even, when roaming, you will end up fighting 2 and up to 3 opponents.

That is why people keep posting things about balancing and specialization core trait line issues. It’s the same thing about this post. No need to make anyone OP (as a matter of fact, pretty sure most thieves wouldn’t want to reach that state) just asking the dev to say there are indeed alive.

Blackgate Server [RLR]
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Sicarius.4639


I’d go as far as to say you’re next (after this warrior reveal). If this is just a coincidence or not https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/ you’re next in line, then Engi. The only one who was skipped out most likely due to “not being ready” is yup… Ranger.

Nailed it.

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Gray.9041


I’d go as far as to say you’re next (after this warrior reveal). If this is just a coincidence or not https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/ you’re next in line, then Engi. The only one who was skipped out most likely due to “not being ready” is yup… Ranger.

Nailed it.

they might not be releasing according to the profession page at all – it could be a coincidence.

that said, it might be that they are following that order. who knows.

Left in the Dark, an Open Letter to our Devs

in Thief

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

These threads are always so awkward. I don’t know if I would want to comment as a developer to a group of people who say they will quit the game because they can’t aoe with pistols.

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