Levelling A Thief

Levelling A Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Wrath.7801


Hi all

Just started to level a thief and wondered if anyone has any advice on how to build it damage wise? Crit chance/crit damage or Condition Damage or just pure Power?

(I’m using two daggers and a sword/gun)

Levelling A Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Deathspike.1870


This topic covers the same question, posted yesterday:


Active: Mesmer, Warrior
Inactive: Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger, Thief (ex-main)
Leveling: Engineer, Necromancer

Levelling A Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


Early levels.
Power>Precision>Crit dmg.

At higher levels once you get more points into Critical Strikes.
Power>Crit dmg>Precision.

With dagger/dagger or pistol/dagger you can also make a bleed build using condition dmg and caltrops on dodge from trickery.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

Levelling A Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Wrath.7801


Thank you both I will check out the link now