Lol wvw Roaming build with p/p thief team

Lol wvw Roaming build with p/p thief team

in Thief

Posted by: Noobz Most Wanted.5813

Noobz Most Wanted.5813

Ran into a duo thief p/p team running perplexity runes basically all they did was daze lock with skill 4 and spam that confusion on me.Before i knew it i had 16 stacks of confusion on me.So i ran like a lil girl and jump off a cliff to my amazement died of fall damage.Well i figured if anet doesn’t want to nerf these runes abuse’em to the core then.Utility’s they ran,Heal*(hide in shadows)..slot skills: caltrops shadow refuge blinding powder.
Elite:not sure but ither basilik venom or thieve’s guild.
Any 1 that has ran a condi thief before would know the traits and armor if not well here you go.
Dire armor (toughness,Vitalaity,condition) or Carrion armor (power vitality,conidtion) i would prefer Dire armor for more survival but thats up to you.
2 types of traits first(0,0 ,30 i iv xi ,20 iii ix ,20 iii vii) second (0 ,0 ,30 i iv xi ,10 iii ,30 iii vii xii)
First trait setup has a bit more evades ……..second trait setup has less dodge regen but dazes foes with f1 and with perplexity runes it’s an instant 3 stacks of confusion.Get your thief group together and show every 1 the power of the thieve’s.One more thing to add have fun every 1 it’s just a game why so serious muahaha

Lol wvw Roaming build with p/p thief team

in Thief

Posted by: crouze.3078


engineer does 15 or 20 stacks solo very easy …
and headshot does no damage.

And you were 1vs2?
So please stop shouting out that something is OP when you dont even know it.
They allready said they’ll nerf the runes, And thief is not the strongest with them…

Lol wvw Roaming build with p/p thief team

in Thief

Posted by: Noobz Most Wanted.5813

Noobz Most Wanted.5813

Think you missed the point entirely .Yeah sure engi’s could easily put stacks on or that warriors could effortless put on 25 stacks of confusion.Since you can’t read ither yeh i 1 vs’ed 2.Explaining how fast they can lock 1 class down making them utterly useless in combat.I thought it was awesome when they ganked me don’t see p/p thiefs.Runes of perplexity op no way who would think of such a thing.

15% Confusion Duration
+55 Condition Damage
20% chance to cause Confusion
Confusion on hit (15 second cooldown).
+100 Condition Damage.
+15% Confusion duration. Causes 10 seconds of Confusion on interrupt.
I really must not know anything O.o

Lol wvw Roaming build with p/p thief team

in Thief

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Ah, yeah, I really hate this build. Very annoying XD

engineer does 15 or 20 stacks solo very easy …
and headshot does no damage.

Although this is true, all the abilities required to do that are on significant cooldowns, thus is is possible to wait out the confusion or manage a cleanse and not have to worry about it for awhile. Thieves don’t work that way, they are capable of a very long string of interrupts that outmatches anything the engineer can do.

There’s a few ways to deal with it… reflect walls/abilities, stealth, stability, condi transfer… of course, with the way thieves work they can spam it almost endlessly, so the only true defense is just to do nothing. But then they’ll just start attacking you normally, so yeah. I think necros, guardians, warriors, and mesmers would probably have the easiest time dealing with it depending on their builds.

I’ve only ever run into solo roamers with this though, a duo would just be as annoying as all hell.

As an analogy, this is like a warrior that can spam pommel bash like 4 times in a row at range, or an engineer that can do the same with tossing the shield.

The only redeeming factor is that it will contribute little in zerging, but that’s why people just roam with it. If you go up against it 1v1 you better have a good plan because otherwise you will literally not be able to do anything that doesn’t kill you.

Imagine this build before the confusion nerf.

(edited by Yamsandjams.3267)

Lol wvw Roaming build with p/p thief team

in Thief

Posted by: Barfoi.9537


I’ve run into quite a few running perplexity runes, but other professions are nowhere near as problematic as a P/P using them — especially if you’re running a no-stealth setup, with very limited (and no passive) condition cleanses.

With high ini-regen, Headshot can be spammed quite often. Throw in a 21~ second Steal daze, 20~ second Scorpion wire, and 45~ second Basilisk, and you’ll have high stacks of confusion (and other conditions) on you for the entire fight. Now, being a thief, they’ll also steal stealth from you, and be able to dump more bleeds on you.

The fight can be won — sure — but it’s still extremely problematic. Well, at least for some professions and their respective builds.

Lol wvw Roaming build with p/p thief team

in Thief

Posted by: Stx.4857


Yeah those runes are so broken its hilarious. It’s also funny seeing people legitimately trying to defend them. Get real.

I haven’t encountered too many thieves using this build, probably because its only good 1v1 or 1v2. But yeah it is frustrating for sure. Most of the time I just run away because its not worth the time to try and kill them, and they don’t deal much damage that way.

I wouldn’t have such an issue with a build exploiting a rune set if the build actually required skill to play. P/P perplexity is probably the most noob friendly thief build ever made though, so it just makes it worse.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief