Looking for Some D/D Guidness

Looking for Some D/D Guidness

in Thief

Posted by: Elrohir Telemnar.4708

Elrohir Telemnar.4708

Pretty New To Thief Plays… and Style Really Like it i have played S/D till Now Really enjoyed It But i would like to try D/D as well To Pick Whats Better For Me.. So If u could give me a nice D/D Build Tacts And Anything For sPvp’s ATM and some exeplantions Would Be
A W E S O M E !!

Looking for Some D/D Guidness

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

For sPvP don’t even bother with D/D.

It’s nice in PvE albeit S/P is more effective in most situations and it’s borderline terrible in sPvP because D/D burst builds are extremely susceptible to random AoE damage flying around.

You also can’t get reasonably high crit-damage in sPvP to make Backstab all that attractive.

Do yourself a favor and jump straight to D/P. It’s superior in almost every way.

Looking for Some D/D Guidness

in Thief

Posted by: Quakeman.9378


For sPvP don’t even bother with D/D.

It’s nice in PvE albeit S/P is more effective in most situations and it’s borderline terrible in sPvP because D/D burst builds are extremely susceptible to random AoE damage flying around.

You also can’t get reasonably high crit-damage in sPvP to make Backstab all that attractive.

Do yourself a favor and jump straight to D/P. It’s superior in almost every way.

I mostly agree, but I still prefer D/D in WvW. Although I do use D/P quite often too. The blinds from D/P are amazing.

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

Looking for Some D/D Guidness

in Thief

Posted by: yski.7642


Well, depends on what level you’re planning to play. For random hot joins anything works, but serious PvP is another matter entirely.

Learn the ways of the mighty Deathleaf: http://www.youtube.com/user/YskiTheBanshee

Looking for Some D/D Guidness

in Thief

Posted by: Asahi.1487


You can play d/d in pvp doesn’t matter anyways. Kill things and rotate points is way more important!

Looking for Some D/D Guidness

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


From my personal experience, I really love D/D, it’s just a bit more challenging and requires more effort to stay competive than D/P. It also requires a good team.

25/30/0/0/15 – Mug, Dagger Training, Side Strike, Practiced Tolerance, Executioner, Thrill of the crime. Scholar Runes, Sigil of Air and Force on Daggers, Bloodlust on SB.

Utilities: HiS, optional, Infiltrator’s Signet, Shadowstep, Basilisk Venom or Daggerstorm.

Use D/D to make quickwork of squishy players (staff ele, thieves, mesmers, necros, zerk rangers) or when finishing off others. SB to keep pressure on points using choking gas, AA and clusterbomb, SB hits like a truck in this build. Having good knowledge of the maps also makes teleporting a lot more effective. Majority of your survival is positioning (move behind your target, disengage to avoid taking fatal damage), disabling melee-assistance from settings will improve usage of positioning. Shortbow for additional dodges and teleports.

Most important, stay mobile, never waste time. Uncontest/Capture far if it’s unguarded to make 1 of the opposing players disengage, quickly rush to whoever is guarding close when it’s needed and don’t stay to stomp unless necessary.

Also look for gaps in the opposing players defence before going in for the kill,
look out for protection, invulnerability, blocks and stability when using BV.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)