Looking for an "easiest-to-use" Thief PvE build
Sword/Pistol is probably your best choice for easy-to-use weapon set in PvE. If something is melee, Blinding Powder will basically reduce its damage to 0. If it’s ranged, you can get up in its face with Infiltrator’s Strike. In either case, once you’re there, Pistol Whip devastates.
Oh, and if it has a highly telegraphed huge damage attack, Head Shot. It’s a build full of control, but also with a good amount of direct damage.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
S/P. when built properly its viable in Dungeons and in normal PvE, just don’t be a hero and try to make a glass cannon, trait for power/tough/vit and you should do 5-11k (11k is my record) damage from pistol whip which you should use as much as possible because of the AoE, the evasion and the respectable damage.
S/P with SB. Caltrops, Roll for Init and Shadow Refuge is what I use
Against blindable mobs, Black powder+autoattack
Against bosses, Pistol Whip spam for evasion
Soldier armor mostly. Knight and Zerker jewelry. Ruby gems in everything
I’ll join in on the S/P and SB bandwagon. However keep in mind that there’s countless variations of builds that use that weapons set.
For example, I’m running a Venomous Aura AoE buffing spec using that weapon combination and it’s turned out amazingly well once. Even without using Signet of Malice, I’ve got an insane healing rate from crit heals (via x2 Superior Sigil of Blood & Onomberry Pie) and the constant healing procs from the Leeching Venoms trait (assuming that you don’t activate another Venom power until you’re burned through all of the triggers from the previous Venom). Even though my Health total is pathetic, my use of Knight gear (Power / Precision / Toughness) has given me a rediculously high Armor score and let’s me take non-Condition hits easily (which I then quickly heal up).