Looking for help on a P/P build

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Kallist.5917


I’ve been tinkering with a P/P build today, and I feel like I may have found something fun. Just wanted to see if anyone here had any idea’s to improve it further? I know, P/P isn’t what it use too be, and its probably the last thing you’d want to run, but I’m sitting at work, without much else to do while I wait for something new to come up.

My only rule with this is it needs to stay P/P

Here’s the build so far(I’m Calling it Quick-draw btw):

Stack the traps, Chill, and when your Shadow trap pops, jump in, unload with +50% damage the first 1-2 times, and +70% the third time(if HP is below 50%)

I just want to make this clear: I am not expecting this to be great, Meta, or even stand a chance against a competent WvW player, this entire build was made for some laughs and two-man team ambush’s of a player.

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Trickery, or rather, steal is rather useless for a ranged build. I only steal when my target is lobbing a skill at me and I don’t wanna waste a dodge so I can quickly displace myself and evade it. I’d replace trick with acro (or DD). Signet of malice is an interesting one. I’ve toyed with this for a bit. You take acro, take assassins reward as your GM, and basically heal for 1.5k per unload. Its a very nice zerg and PvE build, but there are better options for sPvP (namely withdraw). Also, for utilities, I can never NOT run without roll for initiative and shadow step, these two make life so much easier (not many can keep up with your DPS after you open the gap between them 4 whole times). Your third utility can be w.e, but I recommend tripwire. Its so good combined with the trap on heal, your target would essentially need 6 gap closers to keep up with you. It isn’t uncommon for me to walk out of a fight vs a warrior or guardian with full HP (assuming I dodge the guards teleport/burn burst).

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856



I would run some thing more like this.

Couple notes on what I am doing differently to you:

In DA, mug is just huge, when you steal you do bonus damage, heal yourself and since you can do this while inturupting and put yourself in point blank range for an unload.. It can burst them down to panic strike. Which will hold them in place, allowing you to continue to rip them apart.

I like improv personally… So I run it, but if you prefer executioner, change that.

As for crit strikes, I have flawless strike over side strike purely because in a lot of cases you’ll have people hobbling towards you, meaning you don’t get the 7% crit, where as, being ranged, your ultimate goal is not to get touched so … more damage.

Utilities, P/p has no survivalbility at all. Running step is pretty mandatory because of that. Combined with roll for inni and withdraw + the condi removal trait, you should have plenty of escape mechanics while having condi clense too.

Devourer venom is another ‘do w/e you want’ thing, I just picked it over haste as a more defensive option, being able to immob people from the start of a fight to the finish (With basi —> devour -- > panic strike) is pretty solid, but other wise you can go haste for more damage and another condi clense. Or a stealth tool.

(edited by Christonya.3856)

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: IDICERI.4268



This is my build for sPvP. Pistol Pistol is a lot stronger then before and is viable and fun to play, at least for me anyway.

My last 10 matches in ranked que for sPvP were all P/P.


Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


This is my build for sPvP. Pistol Pistol is a lot stronger then before and is viable and fun to play, at least for me anyway.

Viable and usable are two different things, I can assure you, in higher level play P/P is very weak, however with DD it is seeing some improvements and might ‘might’ become viable, in a solo Q environment.

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i’d wait for daredevil, honestly.

also, ankle shots is so not worth it, even on a P/P build.

and trapper’s respite… meh. i mean, 3s immob on heal, cool, but… idunno. i’d rather get mug, to get some extra health when the guy is already at melee range.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell