(edited by Margrave.2071)
Love My Thief Now!
Glad you like it. Welcome back to the thieves’ hideout!
Practices your movement skill a bit and you will be able to kill anything with P/P maybe with the exception of Legendary.
Stealthless mobility/dodge builds are more fun to me. They can be difficult to play in PvP though, especially with PP due to it’s 1 and 2 skills lacking. It’s a great weapon for damage though, as it can currently out DPS Melee with enough ini stacking, and it’s fun to use. I love the buff to Ricochet trait in Trickery and with Invigorate Precision you heal so much.
P/P, venoms… yeah, prepare to get disappointed even more when you start competing with other people for the PvE spot or in PvP.
I like me some p/p sometimes too!
Put at least 4 into the last line to get ricochet and it becomes one great Aoe.
Combine that with Invigorating precision from critical strikes and the healing signet and you have great survival too.
For pve a decent build is 2/6/0/0/6 with pistols.
Not the highest dps but you wont really die.
I enjoyed leveling with P/P for alot. Try out S/P for a more melee focus’d build if you get bored.
Another good leveling build is caltrops, shortbow and D/D. Stack condition damage. Healing signet. The caltrops count as a hit and heal you while doing great damage to pve mobs. The evade on the D/D looks cool and stacks more bleeds, its great fun.
I enjoyed leveling with P/P for alot. Try out S/P for a more melee focus’d build if you get bored.
Another good leveling build is caltrops, shortbow and D/D. Stack condition damage. Healing signet. The caltrops count as a hit and heal you while doing great damage to pve mobs. The evade on the D/D looks cool and stacks more bleeds, its great fun.
I’m surprised that the caltrops count as a hit since they don’t break stealth. Or do condition tics trigger the signet?
Something I stumbled across (although I’m sure most of you probably know already) is combing d/p Shadow Shot with Ricochet. That is fun. Made me which it was guaranteed to bounce between targets.
2/6/0/0/6 looks tempting! Might have to try that out!
P/P with venom is not that bad as long as you use the CC venoms instead of the condition damage ones. Devourer Venom is a great compliment to P/P — don’t even bother with Basilisk, it’s the worst venom in our list of venoms and not worth as an Elite skill.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I did a P/P leeching venom share build for Deathmatches when they came out. It was hilariously OP on an incredible level. All my skills were venoms and entire enemy team would just instadrop, lol. The Venom Heal also instantly rezzes downed players.
Not much use though with Deathmatches not being it’s own thing, because you’re useless by yourself. :< Till they add traits to give Venoms stun breakers, cc/condi removal or other things to make an entire build of them viable in all content it’s not much use for other things. That would be a lot of traits~ maybe they should consider just adding some traits to the venoms themselves~ they’re so underwhelming alone. Would be nice if they were as viably diverse as say; meditation guardian.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
2/6/0/0/6 looks tempting! Might have to try that out!
Glad it’s a lot more fun now!
26006 is a great old standby.
50036 has more evasion and extends your venom durations since you like ‘em (someone suggested devourer, try it, it’s absolutely great)
60206 can give you extra venom strikes or panic strike.
56XXX or 66XXX are great for just pumping out damage with reckless abandon.
A grand master trait in the trickery line called hastened replenishment give you 4 initiative everytime you heal pair it up with withdraw you’ll get an extra 4ini every 15secs
I mainly use the trickery line when I’m in need for a load of initiative. I’ve tried combining it with 6in crit n trick it didn’t turn out so well as you’ll die too quickly because unlike d/p you don’t get as muh stealth as it obviously.
other then that just improvise more an you’ll eventually find the build you love ^^
Thanks for all the tips!
that build works in pve. but pvp and wvw i dont think so
pve grows boring, pvp is where one tests themselves, people always want to measure themselves relative to others, it’s a natural self-challenge inclination.
pve grows boring, pvp is where one tests themselves, people always want to measure themselves relative to others, it’s a natural self-challenge inclination.
However, the game rules is very different for both PvE and PvP. You can’t possible apply what you’ve learned in PvE to PvP and vice versa— it’s just not gonna happen.
Most PvE players who tries PvP will be thrown off by the 4s Revealed that until now I still don’t like it.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I like my pve. Think I’ll just stick to that.
I prefer pvp, well wvw dont like the spvp community much..
However i dabble in pve often and i understand why people enjoy it.
Saying something as ignorant as pvp is where one tests them selves.
Or in otherwords pve is AI and easy don’t waste your time.
Is quite presumptuous and stupid at the same time, considering people play games for enjoyment.
Just because you enjoy polishing your ego vs other’s does not mean everyone else will mr Form.8741.