Hi guys
I wanna show u my build im useing for pvp. It might seems noobish while looking to it only. Try it out in real, its soo much fun ! Right used it hits like a truck ;D
Also its a nice alternative for the existing metas, which can easily compete with them in right hands so lets the buildvarity life long ! ;D
1. Introduction
1.2 Requirements
2. The build itself
3. How to play it + pro and cons
1. Introduction
The builds main concern is to kill someone really fast and preferable from far distance. Also what is very important about it..is that its nearly a pure teamfight build, especially for defending points with someone else. (nearly every other profession will give a good teammate, but there r some better ones didnt try it out yet with someone, except a minionmaster.)((4 minions can get the venom..that really hit hard^^, but let ur mind be opened for other combinations))
Its very close to be a zerk, and got only few skills to escape (compared to the d/p thief) so i would advice to hide behind ur allies (not just running behind them..but really hide) and use the advantage of good spots for range attacks.
Its a venom build mainly..but most conditions r there to prevent the enemie to get ride of the main condition “immobilize”. Let the opponent not be able to move and suffer from ur team
1.2 Requirements:
In order to be most effective u need to have a good overview on the fight, to find the best place to escape and support ur allies (and not to die in bursts from ranger and other thiefs). Also its needed to act fast when a point is going to be attacked by someone. In addition u need to notice fast which enemie is having a very low defence in order to kill that one fast, or at least immo it and let ur teammates do the rest. And maybe most important requirement..be able to survive with only 2 escape skills on utility and heal x).
For best results get at least 1 or 2 teammates around u who kows ur build
2. The build
There r many versions from it..always with a small difference. But thats my favorite one:
Its my favorite one bcs it gives 15% more boon duration..which supports the mightstacking..and it gives 10% more condition duration which supports the venoms. + 25% speedbuff which is good for helping out an attacked point and beeing back to the main fight fast.
alternative set:
sword/dagger seems for me the best, since u can get inv faster than on d/p (which is needed bcs its a zerk build with less escape skills). Also u can use nr 2 for extra immobilize. And if more than 2 enemies r rezzing up someone..u can use the basillisk venom and most of the rezzing opponent. (sure here u need to consider that they might be immun to everything..but better try it than watching them rezzing up…but u need to see the situation and act according to it). The sword got more aoe than pistols…so attacking all of them to lower everyones health is good…1 guy get rezzed but 3 others half dead
If someone prefer d/p more than sw/d just take it^^ but for me it always work best to have a dagger in offhand and a melee weapon. (so get get inv for killing someone in downstate and if someone use reflect or in a situation where a melee weapon seems better)
Also to concentrate more on pure dmg the strenght rune is a good option, since that build can stack might up to 16-18 alone and 6 for a whole group. But is not good in running between the 2 secured points and killing a zerker fast when u see him/her running to a point.
(edited by moony.5780)