Made a thief, need a bow build

Made a thief, need a bow build

in Thief

Posted by: Sergiowp.4736


I am more interested in using a bow and lots of tricky skills, i dont like the idea of to much stealth

Made a thief, need a bow build

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Hey there! I would use SB (short bow) as a secondary weaponset, it’s good for kiting your enemy(s), apply poison and blastfields, but IMHO the damage won’t be enough as a primary weapon

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Made a thief, need a bow build

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


Bow can’t really hold its own ground. But yet, it’s the best weapon to have with you in sPvP, even the main weapon by some accounts.

But to spike a single target you need a good melee set.

I’ve played all the following builds a lot and felt I’ve contributed greatly to my team in sPvP and tPvP. I’ll sort them based on how good they perform.
Tier 1.

(I’m using Runes of the Eagle as a basic runeset for these builds since it’s a good static runeset, without any procs or reliance on anything except the opponents health, personally I use other runesets.)
Trickery D/P + SB
Trickery S/P + SB
Trickery S/D + SB, works well with both HiS and withdrawal as heal.

Tier 2.

(Runes of Strength since these easily self-produce or steal might)
Casual Acro S/D + SB
Evadespam Trickery-Acro S/D + SB (popular after tournament of legends)

Tier 3.

(Scholar Runes for max dmg, you are not meant to get touched much with these)
Old School D/D + SB, really high SB dmg and highest possible spike dmg with daggers while remaining viable in terms of survival.
Aggressive old school D/D + SB

If you are actually looking for something basic for world PvE and WvW.

Basic SB + S/P, for solo pve and WvW zerging, no idea about runes.

The best runesets imo are: Eagle, Strength, Scholar, Lyssa, Travelers, Wurm and Ogre.
Sigils: Force, Air, Fire, Bloodlust.

Other runesets and sigils are good as well based on how you play and modify your build.

The best builds for low stealth usage are the acrobatic S/D builds and the S/P build.
The D/P build can also be played with low usage of stealth, but to achieve great spikes it’s essential to land a good backstab.

I choose to exclude P/D and D/D condi builds, but they are quite strong after april 15th.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

(edited by Ghostwolf.9863)