This patch had a few nice changes, a couple of debatably justified nerfs, etc. I’m not too bothered by most of the changes that did occur this patch, but I grow increasingly unhappy with the changes that don’t happen and remain unaddressed month after month.
There are a handful of issues that are still plaguing the class and are having a very huge impact on its enjoyability. These are things that should have been looked into months ago.
1.) Downed State (PvE). It is easily the worst in the game. With most classes, when playing solo, I average probably a 70/30 chance of rallying. On the Thief it’s like 30/70 at best. The Teleport is mostly useless, Smoke Bomb is entirely useless, and the damage on #1 is pathetic. It’s a wreck of a downed state in solo PvE that tends to frustrate newer players doubly considering how easily thieves go down in the early levels.
2.). P/P. I would argue that MH Pistol in general is just a little off. Body Shot is far too situational (Brutal Shot was buffed, why wasn’t it?) and Vital Shot has too long of an aftercast for its damage/bleed specs. This is true even for P/D, but it’s a very critical issue for P/P: The burst build you’re likely to be sporting means Vital Shot is abysmal and that in turn means that your only source of halfway decent DPS is Unload, which is an Initiative hog. The best you can manage with it is mediocre burst with poor sustained damage and zero utility at a maximum of 900 range. The set is just plain broken and needs a rework. At the very least, Vital Shot needs to be tweaked to where it fires faster and does a bit more direct damage in proportion to the bleed effect.
3.). Stealth does not drop aggro- lolwut? I have never heard a defense of this change that made even a lick of sense. The Thief is an extremely fragile class that needs to be able to operate in melee range- stealth is their only real defensive tool and it is not configured to work as a defensive tool. This needs to be reverted. And Smoke Bomb needs to be buffed (see #1)
4.) Trick Shot- the recent nerf hit the SB hard, and Trick Shot was already weak before the nerf. I’m actually okay with it not homing, but, like Vital Shot, it needs a speed/damage buff to be a usable, functional autoattack. The slow ranged autoattack issue hits Thieves harder than other classes because they rely on the autoattack as the only free source of DPS while their other skills share a resource, meaning that you have to sacrifice too much damage to get any utility. The Shortbow is great when you can Clusterbomb-kill trash mobs and such, but is not a good DPS weapon which makes it more situational than it should be.
5.) Traps – Ambush is decent, the rest are quite bad. Some would say Venoms are too, but at least they have situational uses (I would certainly advocate for a well-thought out rework of Venoms too though). These need a buff to be worth eating up a skill slot for.
6.) Pistol Whip – The damage was nerfed because of how broken it was with Haste, even though everyone knew that Haste (well, Quickness rather) was the problem and not Pistol Whip. This needs to be reverted.
7.) Richochet – This received a substantial buff a while back, but it’s still pretty bad. The piercing trait gives the potential for full damage vs. multiple targets. Ricochet should give at least a 40% to bounce. Possibly a 50/25 split for 1-2 extra targets.
8.) Caltrops – I actually think Caltrops are still a little too good even after the recent nerf. It’s practically a necessity in PvE, which is bad design, and being as good as it is masks some of the deeper problems the class has such as inadequate bleed stacking from condition weapon skills, etc. I think the change that needs to be made here is each tick should only give 1 bleed stack, not 2. Is this even intended? It could be a bug.
9.) Last Refuge – Never mind that the trait isn’t very good anyway due to Stealth’s lack of defensive utility, but in many situations it actually screws up theThief’s tempo by uncontrollably triggering the Revealed debuff at an inopportune time. In essense, it’s often more of a curse than a boon and there’s no way to avoid having it if you want to spec into Shadow Arts.
(edited by Einlanzer.1627)