Meld With Shadows and Stealth Combo Finishers

Meld With Shadows and Stealth Combo Finishers

in Thief

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


It makes no sense that Meld With Shadows extends the stealth duration of all stealth except stealth from combo finishers. Shadow Refuge will be getting a fix so that it works with MWS (which it should have from the start), so why does MWS not work with stealth finishers? This will be especially important after the Dec 10 patch as D/P thieves will no longer be able to continuously chain stealth finishers inside black powder. This puts D/P stealth uptime much lower than that of D/D because D/P uses 7 ini to get into stealth whereas D/D only uses 4.

TL;DR – Meld With Shadows needs to work with stealth combo finishers more urgently now than ever before.