Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329




Short thread… do the Runes of the Mesmer and Sigil of Paralyzation still stack to increase Daze duration? If so, to what time? I know that they used to stack to make Daze last 3 seconds and this was pretty freak’n OP, so they nerfed it, but I’ve gone back to using my S/D build after using P/D for a while and I want to know if there’s any point to using them or if I should swap out for something else.


all is vain

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Eduardo.4675



It does not work. Tactic strike is not affected by either sigil of paralyze or mesmer rune. Either in WWW or SPVP. I dont know about PVE, but i doubt it. It was tested by me and 2 other ppl a looong time ago, after the 15th Nov patch. I used ingame mechanics: the sword autoattack chain is 2.4 secs long, with the first 2 hits totalling 1.5 secs to land, and the last strike 0.9 secs to land (it also is the one that cripples and weakens, besides doing the most dmg, so its natural it works this way), so, if i land tactical strike and follow up with autoattacks, the daze should end exactly as the second hit lands, however the daze ends a fraction of a second BEFORE the 3rd hit lands; its easy to test, turn on autoattack and use it on mobs in WWW, or test in dummies in the mists or 8vs8 hotjoin, if you do, you’ll see the daze ending right before the cripple icon appears, and clearly after the second sword hit lands. In fact, the daze lasts 2 seconds, not 1.5, but is unaffected by sigil/rune, so you can bring your best rune into the game and have 2secs daze from tactical strike. The other 2 ppl that tested it used fraps, one of them slowed down the footage to only 10% speed, so it was easier to see and measure, the other person used fraps and counted frames, they both came out with 1.9/2.0 secs time for daze, with or without sigil/rune.
@Scizzor: no it doesnt work, and tactical strike its not a stun; those results were before the 15th Nov patch, where they used to work, now they dont.
Also, instead of asking, with an almost demading tone, why dont you guys go out and test yourselves? This facts were posted ages ago, for the best interest of forum goers/players, and at the time noone seemed interested, they were even disputed, now people are asking?

PS: After reading my post, i couldnt believe. The game is riddled with bugs and hackers, and now its the forums. I swear i didnt write that nonsense that was first posted, after i first get the 502 error. Fix this, plz. But first fix the game.

Adapt or die. I never die.

(edited by Eduardo.4675)

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Isn’t there absolutely anyone who knows whether or not this is true? I know that there are a few people who post on this forum who use S/D, I’m not the only one. Surely at least someone knows something.

all is vain

(edited by Moderator)

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Xscyt.5463



I just know, that in sPvP the sigil doesn’t increase the daze duration anymore.
I don’t PvE/WvW so I guess someone else has to answer your question for them.

Hope it helps

Xscyt | Thief | Desolation [EU]

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Gungnir Grimm.7123

Gungnir Grimm.7123

as far as I know they still stack to three seconds outside of sPvP. the nerf was PvP only, so WvW and PvE it shouldn’t have changed unless the paralyzation sigil was a bug.

Gungnir Grimm – 80 Thief
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Thank you both for the information. Assuming that Sigil of Paralyzation no longer works in sPvP, do the mesmer runes actually increase the duration by 33% or is the rounding funny like with bleed duration?

It would be great if we could actually know the exact facts about these kind of things.

all is vain

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Sifu.6527


as far as I know they still stack to three seconds outside of sPvP. the nerf was PvP only, so WvW and PvE it shouldn’t have changed unless the paralyzation sigil was a bug.

Tested in pve. Doesn’t stack and doesn’t work; one or the other.

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Scizzor.8137


They work in PvE/WvW, I would use the Sigil of Para. I think the way it works is that it rounds up, so if you add 25% increase stun duration to a 2 sec duration it will be 3 seconds. (I use it already in WvW, confirmed to worked.) I don’t think they stack together though.

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


Eduardo does not know what he is talking about.

I am confident that outside of sPvP, one Paralyzation Sigil is sufficient to boost Tactical Strike’s daze to 3 seconds.

Anyone who doubts this can easily test for themselves. Superior Sigil of Paralyzation is dirt cheap; in fact you can even test it with the Minor Sigil since it’ll round up to 3 seconds anyway. If the Daze ends at the same time as your Revealed, its duration is 3 seconds.

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Eduardo.4675


Eduardo does not know what he is talking about.

I am confident that outside of sPvP, one Paralyzation Sigil is sufficient to boost Tactical Strike’s daze to 3 seconds.

Anyone who doubts this can easily test for themselves. Superior Sigil of Paralyzation is dirt cheap; in fact you can even test it with the Minor Sigil since it’ll round up to 3 seconds anyway. If the Daze ends at the same time as your Revealed, its duration is 3 seconds.

Actually, you’re right. It was reverted in www. When i tested it, after the 15th Nov, it was equal. I bought a sigil again and tested it, it does gives you 3 secs in www, so i guess its the same for pve. As for PVP, it stays the same, 2 seconds only. I apologize to having induce ppl in error, i thought it was still the same. The thread where this was tested in this link:

Adapt or die. I never die.

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Also, instead of asking, with an almost demading tone, why dont you guys go out and test yourselves? This facts were posted ages ago, for the best interest of forum goers/players, and at the time noone seemed interested, they were even disputed, now people are asking?

Firstly, “people” aren’t asking, I’m asking because I used to play S/D and swapped to P/D for the first time as a change when it was nerfed. I read that thread, but only the first page or two, not the part where you broke down the math.

Furthermore, unlike you and others, I severely lack mathematical ability and it’s a lot easier for me to ask a whole forum for a simple answer then to attempt to do it myself when it has already been done.

Thank you very much for your answers and help, it’s much appreciated.

all is vain

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


It’s ok to ask, but some test don’t require maths, 3 seconds is the duration of the revealed debuff, or untraited stealth. Sometimes you can use these kinds of ‘timers’, in this case, when you hit them from stealth with the #1 sword skill and the daze lasts about as long as the revealed debuff, then you know the effect of sigil.

Mes Runes/Sig of Para?

in Thief

Posted by: Eduardo.4675


^ This
Its ok to ask, but in this case you only need ingame mechanics, like i use all the time when possible. When I refer to " ppl" instead of you, Incurafy, i mean that this happens a lot with other ppl as well, some stuff its just easy to test as this one. For me its just being lazy, dont get offended by this, but thats what it is in most cases.
I dont know if you read my reply to lolhana, but i assume you did, as you can see i was wrong about WWW; about a month ago, way after the Nov patch and the testing that i linked, someone brought a thread saying that the sigil/rune was working in pvp again, so i went to test it, and unfortunately it was not true, so i assumed things were still the same, but after too many responses here saying that outside PvP the sigil/rune was working, i decided to try again last night, just to clarify, so i went to www and bought a sigil; as it turned out, after i tested it in the first mob i saw, it was clear that the daze was being affected by the sigil, so testing it and not being lazy worked out in explendid news to me and therefore i made a post apoligizing for my mistake. If it wasnt for this i would still be thinking daze was lasting 2 secs, now with just a puny sigil (costed me 8 silver last night) i get 50% extra daze on tactical, its time to dress me in beserker gear in www and use my favourite weapon set again, P/D was being extremely boring.

Adapt or die. I never die.