Might stacking condition build help

Might stacking condition build help

in Thief

Posted by: Jester.1236


‘Ive been enjoying my condition thief for some time. And I do reasonably well with him. But I thought I would come here for some build advice or any tips. Right now I’m running.


Right now I’m using might on dodge, might on stealth, and uncatchable, with feline grace. I really love the acrobatic feel of this fighting style. I’ve been using perplexity runes and a torment sigil. Today I swapped out two perplexity runes for altruism runes for even more might stacking. I just don’t think I was interrupting enough to make the 6th bonus worth it. But I kept the runes, in case it doesn’t work out.

Any ideas or thoughts on how I can improve on this? I would love the might on crit sigil, but I cannot with the torment sigil. I’m going to experiment with poppers for might on crit food.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Might stacking condition build help

in Thief

Posted by: Pollypo.2879


Try Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew. Gives one stack of might every time you dodge roll so with that and your traits you get two might stacks on each dodge roll. Also the food increases endurance refill rate by 40% so you can roll more in a given time.

Might stacking condition build help

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

I was playing a might stacking build a while ago, it’s possible to stack up to 25 by urself and maintain them thru the fight. I was using the following:

- Double Set (S/D+S/D or D/P+D/P for example) with Sigil of Battle (3 might on swap)
- Might on Dodge in the Acro Line
- Might on Dodge (Food)
- 2 Might on Stealth on the SA line
- Runes for +60% might dura (dont remember the names but easy to find out)

If you want to stack 20+ and maintain them you have to use the might duration runes aswell as the might on swap sigils, otherwise you wont be able to get that much might.

Going deep into acro helps a lot aswell (Boon duration). I was playing 0 15 25 30 0 S/D + S/D. Lots of fun. Very high damage (larc hitting up to 8k with 4,2k power)

Just found that old video of mine where i test the damage of it

(edited by Sizzle Hint.1820)

Might stacking condition build help

in Thief

Posted by: makiface.3286


Is the might you get from the longer duration worth the loss of condition dmg/utility from the runes? Particularly perplexity, which gives you a whole new condition to apply.

Might stacking condition build help

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Is the might you get from the longer duration worth the loss of condition dmg/utility from the runes? Particularly perplexity, which gives you a whole new condition to apply.

If you play condition i would definetly go for perplex instead of might dura. Mainly because Perplex is still very OP.

Might stacking condition build help

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Runes of the Noble. Hard to get but ideal for might stacking in a Condition build.

Now in response to perplexity runes rather then stacking might. The point is a good one BUT consider the fact that might also adds to ones attack. Your regular damage from your weapon set in a condition build goes way up while at the same time keeping your condition damage way up.

The conditions can be used to knock down the health followed by a quick heartseeker when it low enough and that heartseeker will hit a lot harder then a condition build with no might.

Confusion, while being another condition does not do this.

This creates a dynamic wherein even if conditions cleansed , the thief with might stacks can still inflict significant direct damage which helps with builds that use diamond skin and the like.

Another runeset to consider in the Condition line for might is Anti-toxin which adds might stacks when one is at the receiving end of torment or poison.

(edited by babazhook.6805)