Most OP skills on Thief
This thread is crap and is now about waffles.
What isn’t overpowered about the thief?
Those are traits not skills.
Practiced tolerance and initial strike are actually pretty solid
Twisted Fangs, most OP skill in the game.
Twisted Fangs, most OP skill in the game.
Hey. In the tutorial instance it is pretty OP spamming it on the bosses
Practiced tolerance and initial strike are actually pretty solid
i agree with that, but in the scheme of things you have to admit, they could use a little tweaking.
Those are traits not skills.
yes you are correct, my mistake there, but on a grand scale and if this was a traditional rpg they would be considered skills. pity its not :P
Thieves have no OP skills or traits.
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!
One single trait is what I find most broken, and that’s bewildering ambush.
Concealed Defeat
Create a Smoke Screen when downed
don’t touch this trait I love it. Makes so easy to dps a stealthed thief that just got downed.
Concealed Defeat
Create a Smoke Screen when downeddon’t touch this trait
I love it. Makes so easy to dps a stealthed thief that just got downed.
I don get why this trait is even a freaking thing and it makes me mad. I’ve never used it but fought a thief who did use it. It literally says “hey so you downed me and I’m right here so keep swinging”
What isn’t overpowered about the thief?
Ice drake venom, improvisation, hard to catch, last refuge, ambush trap, p/p, etc. Oh I mean, yeah really what isn’t thief good at?
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I forgot to include this one.
Merciful Ambush
Stealth yourself and your target when reviving an ally – Stealth: 2s, 10s cooldown
OPLEETSAUCEMUCH! anetz? I mean common. You down someone and go for stompz and ze teef has soooo much timez to rez their teamz. This soundz like a Shadow Arts skill, but you put it in Trixiez. Omg! I guess getting 3s of stealth would be leik even more OP yes?