Most common build for tPvP
Current Thief Metas that I know of (in order, D/d then S/d then P/d)
Thank you so much SeriousThought. I been camping this thread but no reply ty
Current Thief Metas that I know of (in order, D/d then S/d then P/d)
Neither the d/d nor the p/d build you listed is meta in any game mode, much less tPvP. Runes of Wurm? Shadow Arts? No way.
To my knowledge, the meta in tPvP is either 26006 or 20066, using strength runes, zerk amulet, sb and either d/p or s/d.
There are your two popular meta builds.
Here is a personal favorite of mine.
Turbo Seksophonic – Ele / Guitar Wolfe – Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
do you guys know know of any videos youtuber twitch streamer that plays thief similar to these builds?
Top EU thief, Sizer, runs S/D acro:
Top NA thief, Caed, runs D/P trickery:
There are other good thief streamers, but those two are the most watched and most active. Unfortunately Sizer doesn’t save his past broadcasts so you’ll have to catch him live. Caed does save his, however, so you can start there.
Turbo Seksophonic – Ele / Guitar Wolfe – Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
I like the S/D build, but it’s slightly common and has decent survival. I’ve only seen a couple running it. Same with P/P (Condi). I see mostly D/D or D/P.
You’ve got two S/D vairents (26006 and 20066) and a D/P build, all zerkers