Movment Speed Segil

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Cempa.3645


The movement speed increase Segil, is that only out of combat or also in combat?

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


It is both.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: gomfedj.7465


you sure?? it has always felt like out of combat only to me..

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


There are two base speeds in the game. Out of combat and in combat. It gives you 25% increase to both.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Signet? Thats out of combat only.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


I go back and forth on this one. I’m told you’re still faster in combat, but I can never really tell.

I just know the ranged blind is handy so I still slot it.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

There is an in combat and out of combat speed, it does modify both.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Let me put this simple. I use the signet all the time.

Being hit by mob=I slowdown to base speed. After combat ends or I run far enougha way from mob=speed goes back up.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


It’s said that our base speed is still quicker with it on. Again, I can hardly tell when I take it out, and when I do notice the difference on my other characters, I’m not entirely sure.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Increases both out and in combat, but doesn’t give flat value (for example, +1 meter per second), but a percentage. So, this bonus is way less noticeable when you are in combat and while being crippled., because base speed value is lesser.

Signed, level 1 alt

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Ok this is getting plain silly for pure myths. My GF got her PC next to mine. Using 2 characters I can tell you in combat with the signet, they move EQUALLY as fast/slow. And only OUTSIDE combat will the thief run faster and gain the 25% bonus.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Leriff.8362


It is in combat, it is just hardly noticeable.

When you get put into combat, you take a 30% move speed reduction, so you go from moving 300 units a second to 210 units a second.

With the 25% signet, you run at 375 units while out of combat, but only 262 while in combat. It is indeed faster, but it is still much slower than out of combat move speed, and seems like you are not gaining the bonus at all.

Edit: Keep in mind that move speed bonuses do not stack. Swiftness overwrites your Signet. Only the highest move speed bonus is applied.

(edited by Leriff.8362)

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Vexus.5423


My tests have shown that with the 25% Signet, my warrior friend and I both hit a mob at the same time, putting us in combat, and ran in a straight direction away. I was noticeably faster. Unless there has been some change since then, this is the case now, and you can easily test it yourself with any friends.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


It’s easy to tell, just have the signet up, go into combat (here you feel slower due to combat speed).. run in a straight line then use the blind ability. You can feel the char slow down yet again.

Movment Speed Segil

in Thief

Posted by: Raitoken.6792


Just find a thief without it on and test your run speed next to his with it on. You will see a difference.

While you are both in combat that is.

(edited by Raitoken.6792)