Hello! So I’ve been really tired of hearing that SA is the only way you can be a good thief. I gave up that idea a LONG time ago, along with the glass cannon set up. I prefer to go more into the dazing, boon stealing, constantly dodging and porting around. While most people will swear by x/30/30/x/x as the best/only way to go I and few others have chosen to play outside these boundaries.
The Build
This build is all about dazing, dodging, and kiting your enemy while being able to keep consistent dps with high initiative regain. Timing is key when it comes to this build. You have to be consistently anticipating your enemies every move to get the max effect of your evasive ability.
Deadly Arts
Serpents Touch – Stealing inflicts poison
Mug -Deal damage and steal life when stealing
This build has the lowest possible recharge on steal, and your stealing is buffed out like crazy. Why not do some damage and heal while doing it.
Expeditious Dodger – Gain swiftness on dodge
Feline Grace – Regain some endurance on dodge
Fluid Strikes – 10% increased damage when endurance isn’t full
Vigorous Recovery – Gain Vigor on heal skill
I can’t explain how much this build revolves around being able to consistently evade damage, and this definitively does it’s purpose. 6 1/2 seconds of vigor on a 15 sec heal that is a dodge in itself.
Hard to Catch – Shadow step away and gaze swiftness when disabled
While most people consider this to be a trash trait, it has saved me from certain death 70+ times. It seems to help with the glass cannon by throwing them off guard just enough to over come being jumped. This is a personal preference however, and can be switch out for what ever fits your play style.
Quick Pockets – Gain 3 initiative on weapon swap
Well its kind of a funny story. I really DO NOT like any other weapon set outside of s/d so I tried to find I way I could only use s/d. It turns out this trait was the key. This makes initiative a joke in 90% of my encounters. Constantly switching s/d to regain 3 initiative, and 50% endurance from the sigil of energy is just amazing.
Kleptomaniac – Gain 3 initiative on steal
Preparedness – Increased 3 max initiative
Lead Attacks – + 1% damage per Initiative
Thrill of the Crime – You and allies gain fury, might, and swiftness on steal
This is how I keep up perma-swiftness to get places at a decent speed. I do not run signet of shadows, as I find it to be a waist of a utility slot. Not only is a great tool for swiftness, it synergizes great with your high stealing capabilities and also allows you to bring a little to the table for group play.
Bountiful Theft – Rip 2 boon + vigor when stealing, and grant them to nearby allies
Pretty much the same concept of buffing out steal, but instead of just buffing you, and your party. You debuff your enemy and apply them to you and your friends. This trait also grants vigor which I’ve already explained above
Sleight of Hand – Stealing dazes and has -20% cool down
This to me is what I consider to be a go to trait now. Every time I try a build that doesn’t incorporate this, I just feel like something is missing. The daze on a 21 second cooldown is just awesome. Interrupting heals, stomps, rezzing, what ever. It does it’s job well.
Worst Ele NA
Maguuma – XOXO