My first roaming vid!

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: Kokurai.7258


Please be nice~
I’m hoping for criticism and things I can work on to make better vids in the future! I had fun with this one

Running an S/D D/P Might stacking build that I came up with to suit my two favorite weapon sets.

I do admit forever dodge and forever stealth isn’t cool, but thats how I build my might and it fits my aggressive playstyle. Im not immortal. C:

Nöír Noír Drägneil | NSP DH HoD Mag
[FNCY], [TG], [DRV], [FURY]

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


This video is kittening awesome. That first outnumbered fight was pretty epic. Love the music choice too. I’m also new at making roaming vids so I’m not sure if my opinions will mean much but the only things I would change are cut down on footage of running around maybe (you can just put in a quick text slide to explain what happened if it’s necessary), and to give us more of those awesome outnumbered fights. Pretty interesting build, I dig it. Would you mind giving my video some tips/pointers as well? :o

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: Vepo.4208


Let’s have a look

Nothing to do at work, so may as well slack :P

Music was a bit too mellow for my liking, but you did well in the fights you recorded. The only down side I have to say is the overall the framerate of the video. I would say to find out more with uploading videos in 60fps and make your 720p versions as clear as the 1080p quality version of the video.

But keep it up though. Practice makes perfect and we all start and work our way up

Character: Doowie – Ranger / Dow Dow – Thief / Unknown – Revenant
Guild: Rebellious New Generation [RNG] / Server: Aurora Glade – EN

(edited by Vepo.4208)

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: Elitist.8701


Nice video, not many good players in there though. Then again… good players in WvW are rare. Still very nice gameplay.

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: Kokurai.7258


Thank you for the replies guys, been away fron the comp and havent been checking lately. Your tips definitely gave me some pointers in what i gope to be the right direction.

Some have been asking for my build, so Ill throw another thread on that later

Nöír Noír Drägneil | NSP DH HoD Mag
[FNCY], [TG], [DRV], [FURY]

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


Except for Vepo’s pointer on the Framerate I have absolutely nothing to say besides awesome about this video.

This kind of videos makes me close youtube and log ingame.

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: Shiyo.3578


Why do you have 18k hp?

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: Kokurai.7258


Why do you have 18k hp?

After guard stacks, and Im running soldiers/Zerk armor

Nöír Noír Drägneil | NSP DH HoD Mag
[FNCY], [TG], [DRV], [FURY]

My first roaming vid!

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


I have only one thing to say, pls pls pls go full zerk. So little damaje. Although I don’t agree with the trait spread it was overall a good first video.

Also, you have acro and SA.. no need for soldiers.