Grindhouse Gaming
My new roaming thief video
Grindhouse Gaming
Slow motion stomp scene, fast forward fight scenes. Opponents barely fights back. Can I have my 2 mins back pls?
All the video consisted of was you fast forwarding through everything and then slow mo’ing the stomps….we didn’t even get to see fights from start to finish
whoa, sorry, I know ur in my guild and all but idk what im watching ;/
its just fast forwarding every fight until the stomp, and u didn’t even show the finisher after
also, its going waaaaay to fast to even try to pick out what’s happening
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]
Best part at 1:20.
You two even get downed from 2 guys, one of which was UPLEVELED.
Did you watch the video before uploading?
0 clutch plays btw.
There is too much speed up. If a part is slow or boring, cut it out. Unless you need it to ‘explain’ what is following, then you show it, at normal speed.
Making video is telling stories, think about your ‘story’ and what you need to show your audience to tell it.