My personal objective look at thieves.
HS is a finisher and should do high damage on low health targets… It really doesnt do that much damage to high health targets, and any smart thief wont spam it because your auto attack combo actually does more damage and adds conditions ( on a target with 66% +life).
Steal…… Ive traited it so its always my fight opener. 900 range shadowstep that poisons and weakens the target, gives me 2 int, and lets be start the fight with a backstab. the stolen item is just a bonus but sometimes can be very good. to me thats an awsome ability
Backstab… while i would like to see a half sec stun attached to stop the target from moving away i still think its good, if you use your dancing dagger or a chill poison it helps to land it more
Also signet of shadows lets you move 25% faster this really helps in always landing backstab
(edited by Pirhana.8935)
The biggest problem I have with SoS is that when you take damage you SLOW down a lot. I cant keep up with people even with cripple sometimes.
Well in combat your speed is basically cut by 40%. SoS is still giving you the bonus speed while in combat. Sometimes your target isnt in combat or is but has switness up.
I hate having to use a utility slot just for speed, but aslong as my target is in combat and doesnt have 33% switness speed i will catch him.
Another major ability i like is 30 points in deadly arts for Panic Strike, target under 50% life is locked in place for 4 seconds, they cant even turn so this is a free backstab and slaughter. been using it the last 2 days and only 1 lucky guardian has been able to survive it.