My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Tom Chesterson.6905

Tom Chesterson.6905

Hi, I can’t evade a short range jump and attack. Plz nerf it, thief too stronk.

Meme? Check.
Poor grammar? Check.
Sarcastically attempting to satirically defend his broken class without contributing anything to the conversation? Check.

What compelled you to actually press “Post” after writing that abomination?

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Rika.7249


Hi, I can’t evade a short range jump and attack. Plz nerf it, thief too stronk.

Meme? Check.
Poor grammar? Check.
Sarcastically attempting to satirically defend his broken class without contributing anything to the conversation? Check.

What compelled you to actually press “Post” after writing that abomination?

Well, you’re claiming heartseeker is overpowered, when the thief is essentially kittening his team in Spvp. What compels you to post anything here?
Switch the thief with a mesmer, an engineer, or a warrior, and the thief is so terrible, it’s hilarious.

I see where ArenaNet are coming from with the initiative system.
But it’s a restriction, not an advantage. To deal any proper damage, one might need to spam Heartseeker. Damage, that is free, and doesn’t affect other cooldowns on ANY other profession. And these professions just so happen to have powerful weapon abilities.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sin.8174


Hi, I can’t evade a short range jump and attack. Plz nerf it, thief too stronk.

Meme? Check.
Poor grammar? Check.
Sarcastically attempting to satirically defend his broken class without contributing anything to the conversation? Check.

What compelled you to actually press “Post” after writing that abomination?

You’re bad at pvp. Just admit it.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Kurow.6973


Solution for the baddies STILL qqing about HS:

1: Learn to dodge.
2: Learn better mobility.
3: Learn not to stack damage only with no survivability.
4: Read # 3, don’t be an idiot and stack only damage with no defense and about 10~12k HP. You deserve to die if you do that.
5: HS spamming baddie thieves that can kill you by simply spamming HS are squishy and easy to kill, get better and kill them.
6: There’s conditions like Chill, Cripple, Immobilize, Daze, Blind, Weakness. Use them!
7: Get better at the game, seriously…just stop! Get better!

EDIT: On another note, can thieves get a buff to Backstab please. The skill takes a ton of skill to use and doesn’t reward you nearly enough for getting it off properly.

(edited by Kurow.6973)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: LexBlackshtein.3572


Very interesting discussion, make me feel that most of the “critics” here never played a MMO and GW2 is their first project.
Thief is an Assassin class, as one he has a minimum HP pool, medium armor (leather classics) and HUGE amount of birst damage. All of those are ABSOLYTELY normal for a Dagger classes in ANY MMO, from Tibia Online to Lineage 2.
Assassins called “assassins” because of their ability to ASSASSINATE a single target, in any situation, such a “dagger” type warrior is capable of taking away ONE target and die – its an acsiome.
Same with Thief – he can kill one target with 100% chance, run out of resourse and die, its absolutely normal for this class, specially against a “robe” wearing characters, “daggers” always were a “mage killers”.
If this class is nerfed – no one will play with it, u guys will ruin a whole segment – a “dagger” nishe in this project.
I think, that it must stay as is – its almost perfectly tuned, maybe they need to enhance the “cloak” abilities a little – make them longer.
Thanks for reading.

Thief for life:)))

Worship power, forget the false gods.

(edited by LexBlackshtein.3572)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


People are always mad when something kills them faster than something else.

Heart seeker only does it damage if the target is below 33% life. if the target is above 66% life, the auto attack combo actully does more damage and has effects. Cloak n dagger and Backstab combo does more damage than 2 HS (same int less if traited)

HS its ment to be a finisher, thats its purpose…… the thief is suppose to be able to dump his intitive for burst damage thats its purpose.

The problem isnt the damage HS does at low health, its the fact you let yourself lose that much life to make it effective.
If a thief spams HS on you at full life, your still gunna have 70% life and the thief has no attack left.

One more thing people probably dont think about is the executor trait skill, 20% more damage on a target under 50% life. its is a masterskill with 30 points spent in critical /crit damage line

(edited by Pirhana.8935)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sidian.5370


I primarily use D/D Precision/Power in PvP. Personally, only use HS as an execute and a gap closer if I’m being kited. This is how I assume it was intended to be used… it never really occured to me to just spam it over and over (because that isn’t fun). So I’ve been making full use of C&D into backstabs, well timed LDB to evade and put extra damage on, and sticking on the target for autoattacks to get my kills. So far it’s worked out pretty well, depending on the target.

That said, I would love if they significantly lowered the damage of HS on targets above both 60% health (it would be used as soley a gap closer in that case), moderately lowered above 33% health, and in turn increased the <33% damage (or add increased crit chance/power so you don’t have to itemize glass cannon). To me that’s a better solution than increasing the initiative cost, because it keeps HS situationally useful throughout the fight. If the <33% damage is significant enough, then you’re still going to be potent 1v1, you just have to use other abilities to get their health within that range. That’s certainly more engaging.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: DirtyHoudini.2917


They could just reduce the damage by a lot when the target is above 40% health, they should also increase the initiative cost to 4.

I’m a thief and I really don’t like how broken heart-seeker is, it definitely needs fixing.

Broken, are you crazy? Than there is no damage to get them down to past 40%. Because you spam a skill doesn’t mean it’s broken. Wow.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Kurow.6973


Solution for the baddies STILL qqing about HS:

1: Learn to dodge.
2: Learn better mobility.
3: Learn not to stack damage only with no survivability.
4: Read # 3, don’t be an idiot and stack only damage with no defense and about 10~12k HP. You deserve to die if you do that.
5: HS spamming baddie thieves that can kill you by simply spamming HS are squishy and easy to kill, get better and kill them.
6: There’s conditions like Chill, Cripple, Immobilize, Daze, Blind, Weakness. Use them!
7: Get better at the game, seriously…just stop! Get better!

EDIT: On another note, can thieves get a buff to Backstab please. The skill takes a ton of skill to use and doesn’t reward you nearly enough for getting it off properly.

Heres a video of 12 HS in a row

" Dodge this "

That hurt my eye to watch. I can kill faster than that without ever touching HS as a thief, especially on an AFK target.

There’s a pretty decent delay in his HS “spam” anyway, which he uses to try regenerate his initiative.

Was he ever under the influence of ANY of the conditions I mentioned? NOPE!
Are there skills that cause AoE Blind? YES!
Could he have been forced to miss on a number of his HS hits? YES!
Is this video irrelevant to what I was saying? YES!

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


Lol there is alot people who could kill that thief before he killed them with those heartseekers. he is also using cooldown abilities for intitive. the thief in this video will lose most 1v1 fights and always lose against a skilled player. watch the video and notice how the targets health bar barely moves from 100% to 66%

(edited by Pirhana.8935)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Bazeleel.8219


Just want to point this out. ANY build that uses the super gimiky build of HS spams or full on crt has zero dodge and maybe 15k HP, not to mention less then 910 armor.

If you seriously cant kill that…then GW2 might be too hard for you.

Same with warrior Blades spec, if you cant dodge their when you see it coming, you have almost 3 seconds to get out of the way, then again GW2 might be too hard for you.

Screaming “please nerf the class cannon build” is so pointless.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Mug.9403


You can heartseeker 3 times with 10 initiative, or 4 times with 13. If you have 13, your damage is not as high as it could be.

So, premise is flawed… but we can still discuss I’m sure. With what you’re mentioning, I think a thief auto attack may give you alot of problems.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Mug.9403


Just want to point this out. ANY build that uses the super gimiky build of HS spams or full on crt has zero dodge and maybe 15k HP, not to mention less then 910 armor.

If you seriously cant kill that…then GW2 might be too hard for you.

Same with warrior Blades spec, if you cant dodge their when you see it coming, you have almost 3 seconds to get out of the way, then again GW2 might be too hard for you.

Screaming “please nerf the class cannon build” is so pointless.

Actually, you will have even less than that as a thief… with no orbs and crit / precision gear, you will not even have 11k hp. (I think it is around 10.6k)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Bazeleel.8219


Just want to point this out. ANY build that uses the super gimiky build of HS spams or full on crt has zero dodge and maybe 15k HP, not to mention less then 910 armor.

If you seriously cant kill that…then GW2 might be too hard for you.

Same with warrior Blades spec, if you cant dodge their when you see it coming, you have almost 3 seconds to get out of the way, then again GW2 might be too hard for you.

Screaming “please nerf the class cannon build” is so pointless.

Actually, you will have even less than that as a thief… with no orbs and crit / precision gear, you will not even have 11k hp. (I think it is around 10.6k)

Well yeah if you go the “super lawls build” yeah lol

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


You can heartseeker 3 times with 10 initiative, or 4 times with 13. If you have 13, your damage is not as high as it could be.

So, premise is flawed… but we can still discuss I’m sure. With what you’re mentioning, I think a thief auto attack may give you alot of problems.

I don’t think that the heartseeker is OP, but your math isn’t actually correct. Initiative regnerates even while you’re using it, plus these are various ways (+2/10sec trait, +1/10sec signet, traits like give initiative on stealth, roll for initiative, etc.). In addition, a thief has 12 initiative at base and can further increase it to 15 with a trait. You could easilly get 5-6 heartseekers out before having to retreat as a thief.

Actually, you will have even less than that as a thief… with no orbs and crit / precision gear, you will not even have 11k hp. (I think it is around 10.6k)

A thief has 10k HP at level 80 by default. Due to the +2init/10sec trait, most invest 20 points into vitality, increasing the healthpool by 2k HP. Personally, my thief has 14,5k HP.

(edited by VakarisJ.5619)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Lol you are posting this thread in the Thief Forum. This is where all the thieves go. Everyone here is of course going to try as hard as they can to not be OP anymore.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Ruggy.7819


I think the skill could use some minor tuning, but really.. if you eat 4 heartseekers in a row.. you deserve it

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


What compelled you to actually press “Post” after writing that abomination?

The same thing that compels you to make broad prescriptive claims while making a semi public fool of yourself in the process, I’d imagine.

The bottom line is that the skill needs minor changes at best and if you’re really taking it that badly from HS spam, the issue is probably less with the power of the skill but rather rests in your skill as a player.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: saurus.8290


Notice how everyone who thinks it’s OP come up with the following situations:
I was fighting this guy and I was doing okay, and I was dodging all his skills and then

No seriously, dodge heartseeker, slow the thief, blind the thief, daze the thief, immobilize the thief, run away. Heartseeker is countered by EVERYTHING.

and you think how many of cc every class have?
sure you can dodge 2 times and use 2 times cc at most

you still got hit 3 times

but if you play defensive you cant kill that thief he just stealth run away and come back at you with full 7x heartseekers

and if you start running you are dead becouse of backstabs

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Tom Chesterson.6905

Tom Chesterson.6905

What compelled you to actually press “Post” after writing that abomination?

The same thing that compels you to make broad prescriptive claims while making a semi public fool of yourself in the process, I’d imagine.

The bottom line is that the skill needs minor changes at best and if you’re really taking it that badly from HS spam, the issue is probably less with the power of the skill but rather rests in your skill as a player.

That’s why it was the first ability to be nerfed.

GG Thieves.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


That’s why it was the first ability to be nerfed.

GG Thieves.

They didn’t nerf it that much. Some people were screaming bloody murder about it, yet all that happened was a minor change in when it deals increased damage. In the long run – you’ll still start crying over it being OP, there’s no doubt in that.

There was once something said about things like this: good players adapt to the ever-changing balance of the situation, bad players don’t even try to adapt and instead turn to the forums to express inability.

(edited by VakarisJ.5619)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: ZLE.8293


Yesterday i wrote quite a few posts in this tread with my oppinion,that HS should be fixed.I was sure that this will happen,but to be honest i didn’t expect to happen until atleast few weeks.Now that’s a fact and altough it’s not what i expected,i am amazed how elegantly ANet,fixed it without damaging it’s contribution to all D/D gameplay.
It will be amazing finisher and close gapper,and at the same time it will be no longer profitable to spam it mindlessly.Now the thief will actually WORK to take 75% of your HP,and then profit from HS.I like that.

Ss Ninja- Rank 50 Asura Condition Thief (The Bulgarians [BG])
My Ringtones on Zedge >>>C l i c k <<<

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: deriver.5381


Yesterday i wrote quite a few posts in this tread with my oppinion,that HS should be fixed.I was sure that this will happen,but to be honest i didn’t expect to happen until atleast few weeks.Now that’s a fact and altough it’s not what i expected,i am amazed how elegantly ANet,fixed it without damaging it’s contribution to all D/D gameplay.
It will be amazing finisher and close gapper,and at the same time it will be no longer profitable to spam it mindlessly.Now the thief will actually WORK to take 75% of your HP,and then profit from HS.I like that.

Perfectly said. Let the baddies rage, the good ones will be unaffected.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


That’s why it was the first ability to be nerfed.

A change that, incidentally, was a minor one. As I suggested the skill needed. Who are you trying to impress with your comments and boasts? Because it seems to me that the only one impressed with you is you. And because you don’t bother to read what people say to you but just make up things as you go. I said the skill needed minor changes. It got just that.

Am I supposed to be upset when you point out that what I said should happen is what happened?

(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Zplus.4217


HS isn’t even viable now as a finisher since it deals less damage than my auto attack crits.

All I have to say about the nerf is that Anet got trolled and paid with their reputation. I know I will think twice from now on to recommend this game to my friends.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Quindim.3980


HS isn’t even viable now as a finisher since it deals less damage than my auto attack crits.

All I have to say about the nerf is that Anet got trolled and paid with their reputation. I know I will think twice from now on to recommend this game to my friends.

I can’t understand what you are trying to say… HS was always intended as a finisher. Ppl (D/D) who used to spam it at full hp enemies were losing dps before the nerf and now, are losing more.

It nearly did not change the values where it matters, when less than 50% oponent health.

The funny thing is, now we prob will have more deadly Dagger thieves since people start to play it in better ways.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: metaphorm.6904


HS isn’t even viable now as a finisher since it deals less damage than my auto attack crits.

All I have to say about the nerf is that Anet got trolled and paid with their reputation. I know I will think twice from now on to recommend this game to my friends.

do you have reading comprehension issues? the patch notes were pretty clear that HS does the same amount of damage to low health enemies as it used to. how does that affect its viability as a finisher? it doesn’t., it affects its viability as an OPENER. they nerfed its OPENING damage not its finishing damage.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Tom Chesterson.6905

Tom Chesterson.6905

That’s why it was the first ability to be nerfed.

A change that, incidentally, was a minor one. As I suggested the skill needed. Who are you trying to impress with your comments and boasts? Because it seems to me that the only one impressed with you is you. And because you don’t bother to read what people say to you but just make up things as you go. I said the skill needed minor changes. It got just that.

Am I supposed to be upset when you point out that what I said should happen is what happened?

Don’t be upset you can’t ez-mode 1 button HS anymore bro. You’ll find another ability to spam, because that’s the basis of the Thief. A no cooldown spammy class.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: HiDrangeA.2487


How about adding a 1 or 2 second cool down and 0 initiative cost?
Although that would go against thief’s no CD policy but it’s an idea

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


That’s why it was the first ability to be nerfed.

A change that, incidentally, was a minor one. As I suggested the skill needed. Who are you trying to impress with your comments and boasts? Because it seems to me that the only one impressed with you is you. And because you don’t bother to read what people say to you but just make up things as you go. I said the skill needed minor changes. It got just that.

Am I supposed to be upset when you point out that what I said should happen is what happened?

Don’t be upset you can’t ez-mode 1 button HS anymore bro. You’ll find another ability to spam, because that’s the basis of the Thief. A no cooldown spammy class.

Lacking a better term: it surprises me how far you’ve your head stuck up a kitten’s behind.

A thief is meant to dish out massive damage very quickly, it’s meant to burst down other classes, especially squishier classes, before retreating. Initiative allows you to spam one skill, but usually, it’s better to manage it in a way that allows you to survive at the same time.

If the thought hasn’t yet crossed you mind – a thief takes more skill to play with at base level then any other class. You have to manage your initiative, while at the same doing everything other classes have to do. Other classes (again, at base level) just spam skills that aren’t on cooldown, hoping for a quick victory.

Even at an advanced level, the thief sits high-up in the difficulty department, only classes that are more difficult are the elementalist (effectively using 4 separate skillbars) and the engineer (the grenade kit and effective use of the mortar).

The change to the heartseeker was minor, insignificant. A thief can still just as easily disintegrate you – he just needs to fire off a few unloads, or maybe a backstab, before going into heartseeker-mode. With a change so minor, you’re surprisingly full of yourself, yelling your point into everyone’s faces that you were right and everyone else were wrong, while, in fact, you were wrong by wanting the whole skill nerfed to oblivion.

Your previous post, was nothing short of a pathetic attempt at trolling, causing me to wonder, if my wall of text was even worth the bother – the report button would’ve sufficed.

How about adding a 1 or 2 second cool down and 0 initiative cost?
Although that would go against thief’s no CD policy but it’s an idea

That isn’t necessary anymore – no one’s had a problem with the skill since it was adjusted.

(edited by VakarisJ.5619)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Reynfall.1547


It’s even more broken now that it’s missing a lot

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: VakarisJ.5619


It’s even more broken now that it’s missing a lot

What do you mean missing a lot? It’s accuracy and range weren’t changed. You just now do low damage at 100%-50% HP, mid damage at 50%-25% and maximum at 25%-0%. That was the only change, from 100%-66%, 66%-33%, 33%-0%

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Don’t be upset you can’t ez-mode 1 button HS anymore bro.

I’ve never used HS as my main damage dealer nor does my S/P build rely entirely on PW. Do you want to keep publicly grasping for straws in order to defend how incorrect you are in your assumption or wouldn’t you rather do the gracious thing and accept the fact that you know nothing about what you’re discussing?

One of the two options would certainly be more appealing to me, if I were you. That’s for sure. Honestly, you should count yourself lucky that people are even giving you the courtesy of responses, given the depth of your assumption and utterly appalling lack of respect.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Tom Chesterson.6905

Tom Chesterson.6905

Don’t be upset you can’t ez-mode 1 button HS anymore bro.

I’ve never used HS as my main damage dealer nor does my S/P build rely entirely on PW. Do you want to keep publicly grasping for straws in order to defend how incorrect you are in your assumption or wouldn’t you rather do the gracious thing and accept the fact that you know nothing about what you’re discussing?

One of the two options would certainly be more appealing to me, if I were you. That’s for sure. Honestly, you should count yourself lucky that people are even giving you the courtesy of responses, given the depth of your assumption and utterly appalling lack of respect.

Your class is just easy bro. You can bring personal insults into it all you want, it just justifies that you feel the same way with your aggressive defending.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: SaberSword.6452


It got nerf aleady

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Landsavage.6153


This is a definite bump. I play thief main too and its true. It’s broken like hell. It’s cheap, its the most mobile AND strongest attack out of stealth… above 50%. The fact that it gets stronger the lower the targets hp gets is ridiculous.
For those saying “stop being a noob and dodge”. You get what (and this is assuming your endurance is maxed) 2 dodges? And without talents, towards vigor or endurance regen, it takes what, 10 seconds to restore a bar? You can heartseeker until your face falls off, and if the target doesn’t die, stealth.
I agree, it needs to be less effective on targets over 50%. Much less.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


Ok news flash for all the “skillseekers”. There is no such thing as 33 % hp marker in “skillseeker” description. That about sums up this fail QQ. Oh and I have never ever been killed by a HS spam, Im probablly doing smth wrong then

PvP hero Valentin in action!

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Dear necromancer wannabes, this thread is 5 months old.
HS isn’t half of what it was 5 months ago.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


The goal is to catch the thief once. After that, you get to dictate how the fight happens, and that’s a disaster for a glass cannon.

This. Look, I can’t really see how HS is a problem when used on someone at full health. He won’t do enough damage with the fist 3/4 HS unless you run a glass canon build yourself. I don’t see how you can complain considering other skills from other classes can make you wither in your glass canon pants in about the same amount of time. I agree that if the thief in question runs a glasscanon build, those initial 3/4 HS will hit some more too but you won’t get killed by those. Remember, HS does not give evade, why aren’t you attacking him? Keep you CCs/rolls in case you went down to 50% or below 35% HP

They already nerfed the damage once, and everyone stopped QQing for quite a while. How is it that everyone that stopped then didn’t say anything anymore, and new people continue with this stuff?

There’s nothing more funnier than HBing a HS spammer, really. “Oh I’m so bored I think I’ll just use a Hundred Blades while you start your leap. Oh did you just jump into my flurry? Oh my, how reckless of you, silly!”

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Dear necromancer wannabes, this thread is 5 months old.
HS isn’t half of what it was 5 months ago.

LOL! I didn’t notice it was that old!

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: oZii.2864


We must give props for at least posting in a relevant thread unlike some (wont say any names Mr Hater) that make new threads go wayyyy off topic just to express their hate for the thief.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Jerks.3172


Dodge 2 HS by rolls, if he continues to HS Blink/Invuln the rest GG. Thief has no more initiative and now a easy kill.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sifu.6527


This skill does need an adjustment.

HS: Low cost, leap finisher, mid-high damage. I don’t mind the distance on it because thief are suppose to be mobile. But the cost is too low for what it gives in return.

They should increase the initiative cost by 1 or 2 and increase damage (not sure by how much but if they increease the cost to use it, it should do more damage).

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


HS is fine rofl

I dont like clones exploding on me, can we nerf that too?

I hate getting BS and HB b warriors, lets nerf that too..


Just another noob thief…

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sifu.6527


HS is fine rofl

I dont like clones exploding on me, can we nerf that too?

I hate getting BS and HB b warriors, lets nerf that too..


You have no idea how unbalance it is do you? Think outside the box a bit…

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


HS is fine rofl

I dont like clones exploding on me, can we nerf that too?

I hate getting BS and HB b warriors, lets nerf that too..


You have no idea how unbalance it is do you? Think outside the box a bit…

Yea it’s so OP I can get any HS spam thief to blow their entire init pool using by using 1 evade and 1 utility. They start heart-seeker spam, evade once, shadow-step away, they come flying at you, shadow return, they come flying back and land somewhere near you with zero init. So OP man, so OP.

Other profs have other tools that can accomplish the same exact thing. L2P.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


Anyone that isn’t built as a glass canon themselves should have no problem fighting a HS spam thief. The first few should barely scratch you since that’s the way it’s designed. Instead of trying to avoid the first few use that time to target the thief with CC or AoE damage. That should help put pressure on the thief (since he’s built as a GC and any damage is non trivial to him). Heal at 66% and you’ve just invalidated the next few HeartSeekers. Save your dodges for when your health gets lower (when HS actually starts to matter). If you do all of this the thief should either be dead or out of initiative and running away. Either way he’s useless and should be laughed at.

This is all assuming that you aren’t built as a GC yourself though. If you are, then that’s the first thing that needs fixing.

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Anyone that isn’t built as a glass canon themselves should have no problem fighting a HS spam thief. The first few should barely scratch you since that’s the way it’s designed. Instead of trying to avoid the first few use that time to target the thief with CC or AoE damage. That should help put pressure on the thief (since he’s built as a GC and any damage is non trivial to him). Heal at 66% and you’ve just invalidated the next few HeartSeekers. Save your dodges for when your health gets lower (when HS actually starts to matter). If you do all of this the thief should either be dead or out of initiative and running away. Either way he’s useless and should be laughed at.

This is all assuming that you aren’t built as a GC yourself though. If you are, then that’s the first thing that needs fixing.

How to beat a Heartseeker thief.
1 Watch your HP.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Sifu.6527


HS is fine rofl

I dont like clones exploding on me, can we nerf that too?

I hate getting BS and HB b warriors, lets nerf that too..


You have no idea how unbalance it is do you? Think outside the box a bit…

Yea it’s so OP I can get any HS spam thief to blow their entire init pool using by using 1 evade and 1 utility. They start heart-seeker spam, evade once, shadow-step away, they come flying at you, shadow return, they come flying back and land somewhere near you with zero init. So OP man, so OP.

Other profs have other tools that can accomplish the same exact thing. L2P.

The issue isn’t about fighting HS spamming thieves. The issue is that HS is a spammable gap closer with lower intiative cost and a leap finisher while doing med-high damage.

Think about how HS is used in D/P build then come back and talk or how other classes would love to have so many leap finishers.

(edited by Sifu.6527)

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


HS is fine rofl

I dont like clones exploding on me, can we nerf that too?

I hate getting BS and HB b warriors, lets nerf that too..


You have no idea how unbalance it is do you? Think outside the box a bit…

Yea it’s so OP I can get any HS spam thief to blow their entire init pool using by using 1 evade and 1 utility. They start heart-seeker spam, evade once, shadow-step away, they come flying at you, shadow return, they come flying back and land somewhere near you with zero init. So OP man, so OP.

Other profs have other tools that can accomplish the same exact thing. L2P.

The issue isn’t about fighting HS spamming thieves. The issue is that HS is a spammable gap closer with lower intiative cost and a leap finisher while doing med-high damage.

Think about how HS is used in D/P build then come back and talk or how other classes would love to have so many leap finishers.

Yea just thought about it. It’s D/P’s access to stealth. So what? They can stack it up making build sacrifices. I still don’t see the problem.

It’s also not very often HS is all those thing you mention (Someone spam HS and on it’s third one it hits through a combo field on someone at <50% health). Yea it’s one or two when you use it but that’s the nature of a game that allows for flexibility in it’s abilities. Most abilities serve at least two purposes depending on the situation.

Initiative is part of the Thieves design and what makes the profession unique. They are meant to be able spam while at the same time dealing with resource management.