My take on staff vs. Rifle

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: meeflak.9714


This is literally a copy and paste from my post in the heart of thorns forum page thread that already existed. Thought it was more suited here so here it is

Staff sounds pretty amazing thematically I agree with this point. Pretty true. I’d love to have it for the overall feel. However!!! I’d much prefer thief to get rifle, we need it! Remember elite specializations, are meant to bring the weak areas of the class forward. To add an additional playstyle to those we already have for each profession.
Base thief is amazing in melee combat… Perfect almost. I’m a horrible thief, but there’s still very few classes I find even close as fun/rewarding to thief in melee range. Even the warrior. Or my personal favorite other then thief, ranger..Lol..(srs melee ranger so much fun)
Thief doesn’t have any good Ranged damage/support/cc/Condi/aoe. Nothing really.

Adding a rifle to this class would do exactly what specializations set out to do, bring a new play style to the class. Not improve the base class, no. But to bring a new play style to it.
Like what stof said. We’d (possibly) have to gut our melee damage Or survive ability to spec for Ranged. And what’s wrong with that? Anet said there will be benefits to using the elite spec. In some areas, and using the base class in others.
Like I said thematically melee staff sounds amazing… It sounds like so much fun … But to me most of that will come from the animations, the feel. The theme. What most people have been saying will make it good, but this doesn’t mean it’s the better option .
Rifle can be amazing too! And with the base thief we have now, adding a rifle will be more then just a ’re skinned melee thief with Pretty animations. It will be a new thief with pretty (hopefully) animations, themes, and mechanics and functionality that the thief is currently lacking..
That’s my take on why I want rifle. Even though staff sounds amazing…
P.s. I’m bad at owning my statements. I’m speaking for myself and myself alone not on behalf of all of tyria. Please don’t yell at me

Edit: I’m not finished with you yet!!!! (I have more to say)
Lets take a look at all existing professions for a sec

Ele: amazing Ranged /amazing melee
Warrior: amazing melee/pretty good ranged(shoutbowhambowect)
Mesmer: Pretty awesome melee/ pretty awesome ranged
Ranger: amazing ranged/ pretty good melee
Engineer: idk what to say here. Amazing ranged/ amazing In melee range Anyway? Idk. They good alright
Guardian: amazing melee/poor ranged. (Dragonhunter fixed this)
Necromancers: lol.
Thief: best melee imo imo/ not to good ranged.
Every class has a pretty good balance here. Thief does not. Thief needs rifle. Thief wants staff. Thief can have staff next time. I’d rather take what we need now

All professions lvl 80. x2 elementalist
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]

(edited by meeflak.9714)

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Just a quick typo aid for you, have a few grammar police on these forums. Line 1- thrones.

Also, I agree Rifle would be amazing. I WOULD LOVE IT IF RIFLE PLAYED LIKE NOVA IN HEROES OF THE STORM!!!!! I mean, I would just auto delete everyone on my account and just…play Nova. I’d buy a rename, I’d look for the armor, I’d PAY ANET SO MUCH! TAKE MY MONEY ANET! LEMME BE NOVA! Sorry…ahem. You didn’t see that.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: meeflak.9714


Just a quick typo aid for you, have a few grammar police on these forums. Line 1- thrones.

Also, I agree Rifle would be amazing. I WOULD LOVE IT IF RIFLE PLAYED LIKE NOVA IN HEROES OF THE STORM!!!!! I mean, I would just auto delete everyone on my account and just…play Nova. I’d buy a rename, I’d look for the armor, I’d PAY ANET SO MUCH! TAKE MY MONEY ANET! LEMME BE NOVA! Sorry…ahem. You didn’t see that.

Fixed, thank you!!!

All professions lvl 80. x2 elementalist
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: Seabreeze.8437


I WOULD LOVE IT IF RIFLE PLAYED LIKE NOVA IN HEROES OF THE STORM!!!!! I mean, I would just auto delete everyone on my account and just…play Nova. I’d buy a rename, I’d look for the armor, I’d PAY ANET SO MUCH! TAKE MY MONEY ANET! LEMME BE NOVA! Sorry…ahem. You didn’t see that.

Nova’s in a weird place in HotS right now though, and a playstyle like that sounds like it would be absolutely broken as hell in this game. I mean, with all the disengage options the thief has access to (shadowsteps, stealth, among others), thieves would be literally impossible to catch at 1200 range.

Speaking of Heroes… I’ve seen people suggesting a bard-type elite spec suggesting the use of an axe guitar (not for thieves obviously), and I can’t help but think of E.T.C. and how much I would love that (yeah, E.T.C. is my fav).

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: meeflak.9714


I WOULD LOVE IT IF RIFLE PLAYED LIKE NOVA IN HEROES OF THE STORM!!!!! I mean, I would just auto delete everyone on my account and just…play Nova. I’d buy a rename, I’d look for the armor, I’d PAY ANET SO MUCH! TAKE MY MONEY ANET! LEMME BE NOVA! Sorry…ahem. You didn’t see that.

Nova’s in a weird place in HotS right now though, and a playstyle like that sounds like it would be absolutely broken as hell in this game. I mean, with all the disengage options the thief has access to (shadowsteps, stealth, among others), thieves would be literally impossible to catch at 1200 range.

Speaking of Heroes… I’ve seen people suggesting a bard-type elite spec suggesting the use of an axe guitar (not for thieves obviously), and I can’t help but think of E.T.C. and how much I would love that (yeah, E.T.C. is my fav).

We can count on a net to balance it!!! Right? Am I right ?=)

All professions lvl 80. x2 elementalist
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: Kicker.8203


If you want to shoot ppl go ranger.

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


I have a feeling it’s going to end up with both sides being left in the dust.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

My take on staff vs. Rifle

in Thief

Posted by: meeflak.9714


If you want to shoot ppl go ranger.

As you can see I’m main ranger.

I hope you read my full post my friend

All professions lvl 80. x2 elementalist
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]