NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Asahi.1487


WoW this thief killing these tanking commanders like its nothing. I think anet needs to nerf thieves again.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Rod.6581


Macro used?

/15 bloody chars

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


(being serious)
Thief working as intended.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


It’s perfectly fine especially when compared to 15-20K CoR and FlameGun rifle warriors all at 1200 distance….

Would like to add that Thief is running pure Glass cannon hence the 12k HP so any class can sneeze on him and he is dead. His whole build is meant on that one Backstab that is the most easily negated skill in game due to all the block/invulns/dodges/sidestepping 2 ft in game.

(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Asahi.1487


No… the point is that he is hitting these numbers on full tank commanders with HEAVY ARMOR. All the clips of CoR and Gunflamme are mostly on light to medium armor classes.
I think anet needs to look and nerf thieves

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


No… the point is that he is hitting these numbers on full tank commanders with HEAVY ARMOR. All the clips of CoR and Gunflamme are mostly on light to medium armor classes.
I think anet needs to look and nerf thieves

I have played on Revenant and been hit for 18k CoR, guess what In Heavy Armor with over 3k armor!!!

His highest was an 18K he is running pure glass any hit from anyone will kill that Thief.

It is built solely for burst damage using Assassins Signet for the 15% damage Modifier signets for might using DA/Tri/CS for the build, using pure Berserker equipment. If you are complaining about an build that legitimately gets only one chance to land its burst that is the most easily negateable attack, the issue isn’t the Thief.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

That’s how thieves should be played. Glass ones, anyway.

He’s running full glass, and D/D. He’s specced specifically to lay into one target in a second, then retreat. He cannot secure stomp, he cant retaliate against people who catch on to him because he has to swap to SB immediately to secure exit, and his utilities all burn with burst, so if he whiffs he’s a sitting duck.

He downed driver, but that’s all he can do. That amounts to harassment.

Before suggesting nerfs, you need to understand why that happened. The squad was not aware enough to scout him before he got within port range.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: kash.9213


That’s how thieves should be played. Glass ones, anyway.

He’s running full glass, and D/D. He’s specced specifically to lay into one target in a second, then retreat. He cannot secure stomp, he cant retaliate against people who catch on to him because he has to swap to SB immediately to secure exit, and his utilities all burn with burst, so if he whiffs he’s a sitting duck.

He downed driver, but that’s all he can do. That amounts to harassment.

Before suggesting nerfs, you need to understand why that happened. The squad was not aware enough to scout him before he got within port range.

Even if he wasn’t a glass cannon he’s still ripping boons and stopping the drive. Even on my mostly Marauder/dd runes If my opener doesn’t put them into down state they’re going to be forced to peel back around and load up again. I’m sure the OP is being sarcastic but you’re right, that guy is making good use of their time.


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: reddie.5861


wait wait!
let me use every single skill i have before i attack to 1 shot 1 guy in a zerg that will get ressed by 10/20 people around him within a flash.

yes that sure does need a nerf! it takes 10 people to press 1 once and hes down he doesnt have anything in his deffence left after he ported in beside a port back.

top of that who kitten wants to kill the commander anyway?
this is what i dont understand from many servers, u do not kill the commander man sometimes we just storm into enemy to die in order to keep them on the map to farm more bags. in any case do not focus commander.

so build is pointless for me cus i cba to wait 40 seconds or w/e CD’s are to kill 1 person everytime.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


What the video doesn’t show is the 50+ times the thief got breathed on a died for trying that. It is easy to put a montage together of attacks where EVERYTHING goes right.

Then there is every other enemy thief cracking his skull since he is an easy target. I think a strong power warrior would accidentally down him just activating Whirling Blades for movement.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Coming from a signet player.

Was mostly straggler targets or unorganized groups not actually ready to engage. Most of the clips here were of people who were blatantly slow to react, and most of the commander-bombing came from the work of other players, such as DH pulls, mass corruption, CD burning, etc. None of these engages really showed anything meaningful about the build, the profession itself, nor of the player.

Basically, he played signets purely glassy in a way that’s not even remotely viable in any amount of small-scale or outnumbered/non-zerg play which can’t afford such a huge frontline/backline protection, nor a way which can take any amount of focus-fire, and only recorded the parts where he didn’t crash-land into passive CC reflects/DH pulls/etc., and didn’t secure any stomps, either. While it’s great to see D/D play and a thief being used properly as it can be done in WvW (for target sniping) where stats are higher which lets stacked multipliers work together properly, there was really next to no substance in this gameplay that screams OP or even… any real substance at all in general in the format. Most of those targets would have died anyways from a plethora of other sources or builds (a power shatter mesmer would have done more damage to these targets while running a strictly better build overall), and said targets probably would have died more consistently as well.

Rev CoR still hits harder in most cases and cleaves from range with a shorter cooldown than backstab.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Asahi, all your whining here about the thief is not the problem of the thief itself.

Its the problem of this games combat system being total garbage and outdated since several years, because Anet is ignoring to take all aspects of the combat system into consideration of being changed.

When Anet just doctors around only permanently on skill and trait numbers and completely ignores to take an important look at all aspects of the combat system, then you get what you sow – an unbalanced game, which can’t handle all the added powercreep of the last year, because anet forgot completely to adapt first the general game mechanics to the added powercreep.

This game still uses game mechanics, that are still unchanged from how they were back in freaking 2012 when the game just got released and didn’t had all that powercreep the game has now – where the game wasn’t designed around all that stuff that we have now.

Its this ignorance, which is the reason why you experienced this, not the thief class being unbalanced (especially not in freaking WvW in a game mode, where just player mass decides, who wins… unless you fight agaisnt a smaller much better organized group that is able to wreck the larger group by good usage of strategetic maneuvers and the environment of the map/siege weapons ect to have the advtange on their side somehow to compensate for the difference of the player amount on their side somehow

If things like Toughness and Vitality would be more meaningful in this game, then wouldn’t it even be possible at all also to nearly 1hit kill somebody with a kind of “tank” build.
The problem with GW2s outdated combat system is – attributes like Toughness/vitality were never from begin on effective – or worked the way how they should, because anet seems to fear, that if they woudl fix that, that the defensive/supportive attrobites woudl become equal in efficiency with the offensive ones, that this could mean the return of the classic “trinity” .

However, when you look at it, that we have by now also full healers (Druids), I can’t understand it why in this game get still the defnesive play styles so heavily suppressed by Anet.

The game would be so much more balanced, if it would have Dual Effect Attributes, that are designed for it to equalize the defensive and supportive attributes to make them equal in efficiency with the offensive ones by receiving as well synergies between attributes, which currently only the offensive attributes have, because ANet basically wants to force all players to play this game in PvP/WvW offensively, because playing it defensively brings you in GW2 nothing, as long Toughness is useless and you receive pretty much same as much damage in this game with full toughness as like when playing a low defense build.
Because if you die now in like felt 1 second with low def, or in felt like 2 seconds with high def makes absolutely no difference for you as a player in such a fast paced combat like in GW2, due to various reasons, like latencies, lag, player reaction speed differences/handicaps that come from eventually illness,es, different hand/eye coordination speeds of people and so on as also peopel using different camera settings.

Another problem why the game feels so unbalanced is, because the boon/condition system is totally out of control since 23rd june of 2015.
And on top of that, there are still alot of gameplay mechanics in the combat system, that have sadly until today no counterplay!!
Banners that can’t be countered for example.
Condition Damage can be countered, but theres no effective counter aside of Weakness against being critically hit or to reduce received critical damage.
Weakness needs to get changed, the counter agaisnt critical damage should come via the Attributes, not via a removable condition that lasts only for a brief time and is for that time too powerful by completely negating all criticals.
its far better balanced to give players a permanently reduction in the chance of beign criticall hit, but that reduction being bonded to an attribute, that needs to be raised to increase that chance. Weakness should become better a direct counter to Might by reducing Power/Condition Damage per Stack, because that would make actually more sense.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Silverbolt.2301


No… the point is that he is hitting these numbers on full tank commanders with HEAVY ARMOR. All the clips of CoR and Gunflamme are mostly on light to medium armor classes.
I think anet needs to look and nerf thieves

Shhh; armor type means nothing – it’s toughness you’re trying to argue about…and let me reply to that with this:

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Dangus.6572


Which year video is from? 2013?

I can tell its no macros involved.


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Dangus.6572


Double checked video. Well this build is a death sentence to player thief. He can be killed in 1 hit while he can down 1 player in 30-40 seconds… and you are willing to nerf thief? 1 kamikaze can do massive damage, but risk he takes is vital. In this AOE cc and AOE spike meta thief is most interesting character. Thief not Daredevil.


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: MidoriMarch.8067


WoW this thief killing these tanking commanders like its nothing. I think anet needs to nerf thieves again.

You realize that warrior or rev can do way more damage than this from 1200 range

with way higher toughness and hp right lol

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: mulzi.8273


WoW this thief killing these tanking commanders like its nothing. I think anet needs to nerf thieves again.

You realize that warrior or rev can do way more damage than this from 1200 range

with way higher toughness and hp right lol

lets not exaggerate please. First off, a warrior needs ramp up time, and can be countered but all classes in some manner. A Rev to put out this kind of damage (which will not one shot anyone anyway) would have to be very glassy. In which case they melt quickly when focused.

Having a thief be able to virtually one shot someone with no counter, is beyond cheesy. And no, the counter isnt letting other people beat on him having he one shot his target.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


WoW this thief killing these tanking commanders like its nothing. I think anet needs to nerf thieves again.

You realize that warrior or rev can do way more damage than this from 1200 range

with way higher toughness and hp right lol

lets not exaggerate please. First off, a warrior needs ramp up time, and can be countered but all classes in some manner. A Rev to put out this kind of damage (which will not one shot anyone anyway) would have to be very glassy. In which case they melt quickly when focused.

Having a thief be able to virtually one shot someone with no counter, is beyond cheesy. And no, the counter isnt letting other people beat on him having he one shot his target.

Ramp up time and has counters? You mean reflects and blocks? Oh it would be a shame if Warrior had a Signet that makes their attacks unblockable look at the above image.

Thieves have no counter really? I guess passive aegis applications, active blocks, active invulns and having to be pure glass and be in Melee range don’t count. Let’s not forget every Trait, Food, and blowing all utilities for this one hit that is the most easily negateable, needs to be from behind while also in stealth which lasts only 3 seconds…..

And tell us again how 18k+ CoR can’t One shot players? The Thief had to use multiple attacks to down those Commander.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Dangus.6572


I do not get why people whining. there are different classes with different skillsets, mechanics and even roles. That what makes game interesting. So many different builds can be made to achieve tasks. Do you want everyone to be same? with same power, toughness and healing abilities? No classes? No diversity? I do not think so.

Again about this thief. he can be killed with 1 shot. Guy used same skill sequence which refreshes every 40 seconds. Basically he can use it on rare occasions. Otherwise he would have to jump in zerg and die there. They nerfed thief so much – no thieves play in WvW only daredevils. So… you have 1 or few unique cases and you want to nerf whole class. Common, make his build and down commanders. You wont like it because you will die more often than you kill someone. Or you will be hiding in stealth until your skills are out of CD.

So can anyone explain where is issue here?


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


People take issue with it because their FoTM build that’s capable of doing everything well is outdone in one areas by one hyper-focused build that’s designed and played to do literally one thing in that area in only one type of circumstance.

Basically, they’re upset because any minimal amount of diversity is even possible, and then proceed to complain about how it’s unfair for something so incredibly niche to do what it was designed to do.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: MidoriMarch.8067


WoW this thief killing these tanking commanders like its nothing. I think anet needs to nerf thieves again.

You realize that warrior or rev can do way more damage than this from 1200 range

with way higher toughness and hp right lol

lets not exaggerate please. First off, a warrior needs ramp up time, and can be countered but all classes in some manner. A Rev to put out this kind of damage (which will not one shot anyone anyway) would have to be very glassy. In which case they melt quickly when focused.

Having a thief be able to virtually one shot someone with no counter, is beyond cheesy. And no, the counter isnt letting other people beat on him having he one shot his target.

1 shot thief also can be countered and seems like u havent seen a full zerker hammer rev that can 1 shot even a warrior before trait endure pain pops up and do u even know what glassy means? thief has like 11k hp with 1 shot build and warrior revs have at least 19k~20k hp with at least 2.4k+ armor which is “GLASSY” right

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Pretty sad to see people defending such brainless easy kills builds. No wonder why ANET can’t ever come close to balance when the feedback is full of biased "facts"and double standards.

And speaking of biased bs, lol with people saying that Warrior and Rev can hit for 15k-20k on Heavy Armor with 3k+ armor, what I kittening lie Jesus Christ. Or is this while having 6k+ power?

Stella Truth Seeker

(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Leolas.6273


This dude use macros. F1 & 7+8 is activated everytime in this vid at the same time. There is no gleam on the Skillbar and that means it was activated with 1 press.

(edited by Leolas.6273)

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

This dude use macros. F1 & 7+8 is activated everytime in this vid at the same time. There is no gleam on the Skillbar and that means it was activated with 1 press.

Mouse Keypad bindings. >_> You cant be serious.

Have you honestly never tried an actual gaming mouse?

Do you reach over and Press 7 when you want to activate your utilities? :y
That’s so cute you must be adorable standing there while you press your utility hotkeys and try to move the camera at the same time.

You really learn a thing or two from the playerbase with comments like these I tell you.

Pretty sad to see people defending such brainless easy kills builds. No wonder why ANET can’t ever come close to balance when the feedback is full of biased "facts"and double standards.

As someone who plays every heavy and Thief, there’s nothing a oneshot thief does that is more “brainless” than the other classes. You can list any class in this game and I can give you at least three dumb mechanics they have that make them cheesy. That doesn’t make them worth nerfing though, otherwise they wont be able to deal with the similarly-ridiculous gambits the other classes have.

For instance, what class do you play? :y

Instead of thinking that the people who have given up every ounce of damage mitigation in order to do pure, raw damage are silly for thinking you’re being silly for asking for a nerf, I’d encourage you to go play thief and see just how fragile they are.

It’s not the thief’s fault nobody saw him at 1200 range, he’s not running stealth. He cant even get the kill because he’s too squishy to even sit around and risk being hit by a stray AOE. At best, he’s a nuisance. Watch the video again and look at how much health he loses from just getting clipped by some stray cleave for a second.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: kash.9213


This dude use macros. F1 & 7+8 is activated everytime in this vid at the same time. There is no gleam on the Skillbar and that means it was activated with 1 press.

I’ve mapped my keyboard so I don’t have much lift off at all. I can press two or three hotkeys at a time depending on where slice down with my thumb or lean to the side with part of my palm.


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Grebcol.5984


Question: Wouldn’t be a keybind on mousepad named “M1,M2,M3 so on” ?

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Jugglemonkey.8741


Question: Wouldn’t be a keybind on mousepad named “M1,M2,M3 so on” ?

The guild wars client allows the same hotkey ti be bound to multiple buttons, I have my F2 bound to both a mouse thumb button and the c key as depending on the class I play and whether I have my mmo mouse handy I use different keys etc.

In this case, my F2 shows up as c in game as that’s the key in the first bind slot. My mouse allows my thumb button to he bound to keys such as / ( and : and it just looks prettier to have a letter than a random piece of punctuation on the toolbar.

Critical Kit, Thief.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Anvil.9230


As I have written somewhere else, I do not think it’s a good solution to call for a modification of the rules of the game (nerf and so on) each time someone meet a ingame difficulty to manage an opponent…

A thief can be a very good glass canon…a sort of assassin. That’s their role…but they are very “glassy”: a mistake in their stealth or dodge management and they are dead.

People have to chose their fight: If I play a guardian builded for a zerg, it’s obvious I will avoid them…as an exemple in WvW I will not travel alone in a an area where they are…
If I take such a risk and if they catch me…well…Nothing anormal if I die.

With a roaming character…well it depends…I choose my fight and sometime I win, sometime not…Nothing anormal

(edited by Anvil.9230)

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Just a signet burst thief using signets to, well, erm….burst. This sort of thing has existed since forever and is so far down the list of horrible things in WvW.

And yes in general, damage in WvW is hilariously broken now. But Anet are making no attempt to fix it so it’s obviously intended…


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


some thing i noticed a lot players do not seem to know is pre cast moves in to moves. like take CnD once it around 80% you can hit auto attack it directly chain in to backstab with no input lag.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


We do it, but cloak and dagger is hard to land without steal, so when you see us use cloak and dagger it’s often only along with steal. Which has a long (too long actually) cooldown.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


i disagree CnD is 3/4 cast dodge 3/4 cast means if you start CnD at .3th of dodge animation it free.

if you cast CnD late let say they start there 3/4 dodge you start 1/4 behind them you just weapon stow at 1/4 remaining restart CnD because they double dodge they cant eva it second time an weapon stow refund all your initiative.

thief is about punishing people who rely on dodging.

Real big tip i can say use Fractal weapons. there white particle effect allow you to visually see your hit box range.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Cloak and dagger is hard to land because of it’s long wind up, short range, and initiative cost. you can’t spam the skill so you have to make sure you use it wisely. the easiest way to ensure it hits is to use it with steal, but it’s also unreliable now with all of the blocks that are going around. If a thief has a way to get around all these blocks it would not be such a problem, but they don’t. they have unblockables on long cooldowns but they need stealth access to reset and try again. Hence why D/P is so much better than DD. D/P gives us everything we need without relying on an unreliable skill which requires too much work to make…well, work.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Menyus.4610


thief op sure happened today 19k hp 2.3k armour


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Amante.8109


A Rev to put out this kind of damage (which will not one shot anyone anyway) would have to be very glassy. In which case they melt quickly when focused.

Having a thief be able to virtually one shot someone with no counter, is beyond cheesy. And no, the counter isnt letting other people beat on him having he one shot his target.

So let me get this straight: it’s okay for a Rev to do the same/higher burst as a Thief from 1200 range, but when a Thief does it from melee with 8k+ less HP (and lower toughness to boot), it’s “uncounterable” and “beyond cheesy”?

People’s ridiculous double standards with Thief in a nutshell. Just admit you hate the profession thematically and move on already.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Lol. I think the point is that it’s okay for both of them. Also the same image was posted on the rev forums…we all did the math and for the to do that much they needed lots of help from a necro.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Lol. I think the point is that it’s okay for both of them. Also the same image was posted on the rev forums…we all did the math and for the to do that much they needed lots of help from a necro.

They don’t need that much help from Necros, in my Marauder/Cav build I can achieve up to 16k-17k on CoR Crit Solo now imagine what a pure glass Revenant could do.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: MidoriMarch.8067


A Rev to put out this kind of damage (which will not one shot anyone anyway) would have to be very glassy. In which case they melt quickly when focused.

Having a thief be able to virtually one shot someone with no counter, is beyond cheesy. And no, the counter isnt letting other people beat on him having he one shot his target.

So let me get this straight: it’s okay for a Rev to do the same/higher burst as a Thief from 1200 range, but when a Thief does it from melee with 8k+ less HP (and lower toughness to boot), it’s “uncounterable” and “beyond cheesy”?

People’s ridiculous double standards with Thief in a nutshell. Just admit you hate the profession thematically and move on already.

^ totally agrred.

and btw rev can hit 10k~19k as well as u can see 21k above in the picture.

with boon duration foods u can easily reach full might stack in combat and CoR is also an AOE with 1200 range with super short cd while thief can only do this with full signet (30~ sec burn) on a single target with way lower hp and toughness

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: KrHome.1920


This teef can do that every 50 seconds (Shadowstep cooldown) in a teamfight or else he is as good as dead after the attack.

A power shatter mes deals the same amount of damage every 8 (!) seconds (Mirror Blade cooldown) and has plenty of defense.

A power rev can do it (ONLY!) in 1200 range every 5 seconds.

The thing is: The mes and rev attacks are telegraphed – the teef attack is not. You are as good as dead in a 50 second interval without any chance of fighting back (Remember: Basilisk is unblockable now!).

If you can’t dodge one single telegraphed CoR @ 1200 range and then close the gap (even a reaper can do that) and kill a full glass hammer rev. you deserve to die.

The fight vs. a power shatter might be somewhat tricky as the burst intervall is really short and you eventually run out of defenses even if you avoid/dodge his first few attempts.

(edited by KrHome.1920)

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Dude…give it up. I don’t know what your main is but if you played thief for even a week you’d know that a thief’s ability to kill one target quickly is their only saving grace right now. Get the hell out of their forum with this nerf BS

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


This player is using a macro. You can download the video via sites such as and watch it frame by frame on video editing software. In every single case in the entire video both signets are activated on the exact same frame, with steal coming 7 frames after, with cloak and dagger being pressed 10 frames before the signets. On his youtube channel he says he is sliding his thumb across for the combo. If so there would be delays between the signet activations (since they are not the start of the combo, cloak and dagger is) and variations on the frames in which steal is activated afterwords. Even if he was pressing both signets at the same time there would be at least one example of them not coming on the exact same frame.

To anyone that thinks what is happening in the video can be done by human hands I’ll give you a chance to prove me wrong. Produce a video where you hit cloak and dagger, 10 frames later hitting both signets frame perfectly, and 7 frames later hitting steal. Do it five times in a row on a target dummy in the pvp training area while moving. In your video show your real time button presses as they happen. In the same uncut video open up your gaming mouse software and convince me that you don’t have any macros programmed. I am quite familiar with the logitech software so I know what to look for. You probably also want to show the “details” tab in your task manager to show you aren’t using a separate third party macro. To the first person that can do this I’ll send you a greatsaw chainsaw skin. I have a couple laying around.

To be clear, I am not arguing that this playstyle cannot be done without macros. I am saying this particular player in this case is using one and it is obvious.

We’ll put a one month time limit on this offer, and I reserve the right to increase the reward.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Dangus.6572


About macros…

Try using mouse with 11 keys + effective keyboard binding and you will see no macros needed to activate multiple skills simultaneously.


NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Also, anyone can press two buttons at once. I do it all th time

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


The macro thing is a non-starter IMO. Sure he could be using one but even if he isn’t the effect is pretty much the same. Goes in, alpha strikes, cuts it into video when it works and leaves out the part where he dies the other few hundred times it doesn’t.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Asahi.1487


LOL ok since no1 believes this. I went and tried it out.
This build is so easy, a monkey can play it. I hit more than 22k on a guardian on my first couple tries. Removed rage pm from victim, but WOW the hardest thing on this build is to hit 2 buttons at once!

Nerf plz!

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


LOL ok since no1 believes this. I went and tried it out.
This build is so easy, a monkey can play it. I hit more than 22k on a guardian on my first couple tries. Removed rage pm from victim, but WOW the hardest thing on this build is to hit 2 buttons at once!

Nerf plz!

Yep and it still dies to anything that even looks its direction and has to be in melee rane and is easily countered by almost anything in game, can’t stack stealth so the player has ample time to see the Thief coming and has to dedicate the whole build to that one hit wasting Utilities for those numbers wow!!!!…. unlike other classes that can put up similar numbers from 1200 range.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


if you do not have answer for backstab after CnD you deserve to die.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


LOL ok since no1 believes this. I went and tried it out.
This build is so easy, a monkey can play it. I hit more than 22k on a guardian on my first couple tries. Removed rage pm from victim, but WOW the hardest thing on this build is to hit 2 buttons at once!

Nerf plz!

Now play it when the opponent catches you off-guard.

Not so easy now, eh?

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


LOL ok since no1 believes this. I went and tried it out.
This build is so easy, a monkey can play it. I hit more than 22k on a guardian on my first couple tries. Removed rage pm from victim, but WOW the hardest thing on this build is to hit 2 buttons at once!

Nerf plz!

Now play it when the opponent catches you off-guard.

Not so easy now, eh?

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Dangus.6572


LOL ok since no1 believes this. I went and tried it out.
This build is so easy, a monkey can play it. I hit more than 22k on a guardian on my first couple tries. Removed rage pm from victim, but WOW the hardest thing on this build is to hit 2 buttons at once!

Nerf plz!

Stop spreading this kitten… Tired of people who do not know thief at all asking things which completely destroy attacker class. first of all read comments above. And GG if you won against defender class. well done. now try against another thief, try revenant or even DH, warr or any condi build with aoe cc. When you kill someone who is experienced and knows his build when you can talk in this manner.

Macros… it does not matter if all signets were activated in 1sec or in 3sec window. They stack might for how long, 8 seconds?

Read what Deceiver wrote. thief is attacker and its normal that his damage is higher. also if you fighting against zergling he has no chance. if you fight against roamer it’s different story. The outcome of every fight is unknown so do not rely only on number of your backstab or rotation.

And again read comments – other classes have same ability to land such amount of damage if conditions are right. Now thread can be locked and bye bye.
